fix articles 112690, stanley cohen
Stanley L. Cohen: Guilty of Doing His Job Honorably (tags)
police state
Iraqi archivist demands US return seized documents (tags)
Millions of historical documents seized by US occupation forces from Iraqi archives remain held in the United States by the CIA and the Pentagon and must, under international law, be returned to Iraq, Dr. Saad Eskander, the director of the Iraqi National Library and Archive in Baghdad, told an audience at Columbia University in New York City on November 12.
The Intolerable Conviction of Lynne Stewart (tags)
"I see myself as being a symbol of what the people rail against when they say our civil liberties are eroded. This case could be, I hope it will be, a wakeup call to all of the citizens of this country and all of the people who live here that you can’t lock up the lawyers. You can’t tell the lawyers how to do their job. You’ve got to let them operate. And I will fight on. I am not giving up. I know I commited no crime. I know what I did was right."
Attorney Lynne Stewart, after her Feb. 10 conviction on felony charges
In April 2002, then U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft personally announced to the news media that the government had indicted radical civil rights attorney Lynne Stewart on serious charges of "conspiracy, providing material support to terrorists and defrauding the U.S. government."
The Document Sean Hannity Doesn't Want You To Read (tags)
Fox News' Sean Hannity challenged American Progress CEO John Podesta to "defend and explain one example where I -- where I said something that was so false." -- here are fifteen examples:
Perhaps if the world's Muslims could invest more in normal education and less in blaming The Jews for all their problems, we could all live in a better world.