fix articles 112096, bill allison
NIH AIDS researchers: money under the table (tags) Two top scientists - Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and his deputy, H. Clifford Lane - are among 916 government researchers who have been receiving royalties on experimental drug treatments without disclosing those royalties on their annual ethics forms or on experimental patient consent forms.
News Gathering Illegal Under New Patriot Act ll, Sec. 102 (tags)
SECTION 102 of the new Patriot Act ll states clearly that any information gathering, regardless of whether or not those activities are illegal, can be considered to be clandestine intelligence activities for a foreign power. This makes news gathering illegal.
Total Police State Takeover (tags)
A Brief Analysis of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003, Also Known as Patriot Act II By Alex Jones (Posted Feb 10, 2003)