fix articles 112068, earthquakes
Most of us associate earthquakes with California. But what happens when there's a shaker on the East Coast?
California Has Its Faults (tags)
Two big earthquakes in California shook up the nuclear power infrastructure as well.
Animals Birds Burning Alive In Alberta Largest Evacuation In Canadian History (tags)
41 fires, 10 of them out of control, are burning in Alberta. Ft McMurray, the fracking boomtown, is gone.
Oklahoma Earthquakes; The Wages of Fracking (tags)
A recent report published in Britan indicates a possible correlation between hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and an earthquake swarm in Oklahoma last January '11. Fracking involves injection of fluids into shale cracks with the intent to cause fractures and release trapped deposits of natural gas.
Earthquake Quartet #1 is a concept piece that describes the earthquake cycle. It will be performed by USGS Geophysicists Dr. Andy Michael (Trombone), Dr. Stephanie Ross (Vocals), and Dr. Lucy Jones (Viola de gamba). Dr. Jones will also speak about how the art community can engage people in creating greater earthquake awareness and preparedness. In addition artist-engineer D.V. Rogers (NZ/AUS) will present the concept of "LAMoves" in planning for 2011
Metamaterial cloak could render buildings 'invisible' to earthquakes (tags)
PORTLAND, Ore. — Earthquakes can be made to bypass buildings surrounded by seismic invisibility cloaks, claim researchers at the University of Liverpool.
Yes this is a conspiracy theory about how scientists would be wasting money if the observation is not made that a new oil well which was reported by several news sources to have just started producing in the Gulf of Mexico might have something to do with a somewhat rare earthquake on top of the same geologic plate that the new deep water well was drilled in. They intentionally drilled into the edge of the plate.
SOS blame Earthquakes on Undocs (tags)
SOS blame undocumented persons in the USA for everything - including earthquakes.
Synthetic Earthquakes, or diplomacy by other means
Manchester, England: Epicenter of Social Change (tags)
‘Earthquakes are very often associated with periods of great social change or unrest, and from such locations the fault lines originate and are projected outward.’
Santa Monica cracks down on the homeless (tags)
One million job cuts this year, millions permanently unemployed (what the 'official unemployment rate' really means, decade after decade), and welfare now slashed and limited...Nothing like finding a solution to those pressing social problems...