fix articles 11153, computer Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : computer


Hoping that A.I. will restore homeless peoples rights to sit, lie and sleep outdoors. (tags)

Anti-homeless laws including L.A. 41.18 enforcement zones act of 2021 need to be repealed.

San Francisco Parents (tags)


Fbi is cyber criminal supreme (tags)

Fbi commits voluminous cyber crimes to destroy lives.

Overthrown USA Government (tags)

Our police state is evidenced in this report and related links.

Irresponsible China Bashing (tags)


Q: are we safely anonymous on Indy or can someone chose to find us for their personal ... (tags)

Can a smart computer person find our computer No or ID to locate any writer or commentator here? Can someone use any such info for their own personal vendetta ? Does an anonymous ID as writer allow us to freely express divergent and dissenting views here ?

NSA's Top Hacking Unit (tags)


NSA Infects 50,000 Computer Systems Worldwide (tags)


America and Israel: Police States Writ Large (tags)

police state

Oil Espionage: Targeting OPEC (tags)


Lanza and Holmes Fathers Both Linked to LIBOR/FICO Scandal (tags)

The fathers of both Adam Lanza and James Holmes were both potential whistleblowers in the LIBOR/FICO scandal. Following the shootings committed by their sons, neither father will testify. This is the classic MK ULTRA scenario of mind controlled puppets distracting the public from real issues of upcoming economic collapse. The psychology of MK ULTRA is a low budget CIA tactic to disarm the people of the U.S. following controlled shootings by overmedicated individuals.

America's Draconian Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (tags)

police state

Targeting Jeremy Hammond (tags)


Please Expunge Your "Kill List" President Barack Obama! (tags)

Boys will be boys, but don't you think President Barack Obama has gone too far with his Boy Toys by creating a "Kill List"? Please sign the White House petition to protect children from White House, Commander in Chief, computer controlled Drone Strikes

The Central Intelligence Agency is Confused! (tags)

Does the Teachers' Union buy M155s? Does the Electrical Brothers' Union buy Goats? Why is the C.I.A. deploying un-manned Drone Strikes killing children and innocent civilians? How stupid can they be? Those job duties are NOT listed on their "Mission" statement!

The high cost of new and improved (tags)

A relentless push to induce more consumer purchases is endemic. The weight and size of what we buy is bigger. And it is wrapped up in ever more packaging. The social costs of all this unnecessary consumption are high, and are paid for in environmental destruction.

Indicted Aaron Swartz Hires Keker & Van Nest (tags)

Aaron Swartz, who faces up to 35 years in prison, recently hired San Francisco-based Keker & Van Nest to represent him, according to court documents filed with the United States District Court of Massachusetts.

David Sanger's War on Iran (tags)


Information Freedom from 2600 to 2012 (tags)

Need some assistance on outlining the developing movement for communication freedom.

BTL:Palestinian Women's Center Faces Many Obstacles to Provide Technical Training to Those (tags)

Interview with Jihan Nasser, women's center computer technology trainer, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

fbi & courts torture, mame or kill wrongly accused (tags)

An emerging evil now threatens people around the globe, especially in the United States of America. Fraudulently obtained court ordered commitment and psychoactive medications are being forced on our fellow citizens who are innocent , or who do not merit the kind of gross abuse put upon them by the fbi and other agencies.

Homeless 'Anonymous' Attack on Anti-Camping Laws (tags)

TPM reports on

Data Doctors searchs customers computers for the cop (tags)

From this article it sounds like if you bring your computer to Data Doctors, they are more interested in searching it for the police then helping you fix your computer problems.

Aaron Swartz and the Morality of Hoarding Knowledge (tags)

Activist-programmer Aaron Swartz was recently arrested for breaking into an MIT network closet to copy academic journals from the JSTOR system.

Resurrecting the Bogus FARC-EP Files Venezuela Connection (tags)


Been Screwed by Paradise Vibe Marketing? (tags)

Pierre Joseph at Paradise Vibe Marketing (PVM Studios) had found a great way to lower the cost of hiring computer programmers and web master

Harvard Law Professor Yochai Benkler is provided with additional evidence of large-scale c (tags)

The US courts computer systems - PACER and CM/ECF - enable the routine churning out of fraudulent records in the US courts. The systems undermine both Human Rights and Banking Regulation in the United States. Prof Yochai Benkler, an expert on computers and the law, has been asked to review the evidence and provide an opinion.

Batterers take charge of Orange County Peace Coalition? (tags)

Domestic violence victims seek answers as Orange County Peace Coalition places batterers in charge of events

#OpWisconsin - Anonymous Targets Koch (tags)

The hacker group Anonymous has taken up a side in the fight for human rights.

Free Software & Internet Show Communism is Possible (tags)

Clay Claiborne of Linuxbeach looks at free software and the internet as empirical evidence that forms of communism are possible.

Annabel Melongo: Victimized and Imprisoned (tags)

another political prisoner

Grey Staples Memorial Web Page (tags)

This is a web page in honor of Grey Staples who died this year.

America The Judicial (tags)

update on the secret police.

Democratic Club Chairman Victim of Foul Play (tags)

Political leader targeted


Under certain conditions the piracy is legal - it decides Brazilian justice.


Now it is coming out,Is this a dejavu of the 1992 presidential elections where there was computer cheating? In 1992, the computer geeks at the COMELEC and NAMFREL made Ramos win by switching the votes of Mitra and Cojuanco to Santiago. This is the reason why Filipinos resisted automated elections because it was easier to cheat. BANTAY PILIPINAS today reported that the prime newspaper in the Philippines- the Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) said that while “ winners celebrate, tales of electoral fraud seem to get wilder.

USA recruits young to do the ciberwar (tags)

USA war company.

The Accusation that Links Chávez with ETA and the FARC is Fraudulent (tags)

"The computer in the hands of the Colombian authorities survived a missile attack which killed several people in the encampment and, by chance, confirmed all the arguments of President Alvaro Uribe to enable him to increase his bellicose internal campaign. Strange as it may sound, the “magic bomb resistant” computer has never been shown in public."


Do what I say not what I do!

Apple Computer Apple lies about giving rebates on computer when you also buy a canon print (tags)

Apple Computer Apple lies about giving rebates on computer when you also buy a canon printer


In December 14, last 2003, some of the people here in this country took charge of a review about the 90’s scene and the Movement’s outlook were third world. They were graduating but late and friends were youth but boring.

Nazi "Swine" Flu - Bioterrorism for Dummies 5/7 (tags)

This Swine Flu "epidemic" is a good example of what happens when you tell dumkopf Nazi swine to " something, whether good or bad, so that we will be dismayed and filled with fear." (Is. 41:23)

Nazi "Swine" Terror for Dummies (tags)

News - Nazi Defamation League: This Swine Flu "epidemic" is a good example of what happens when you tell dumkopf Nazi swine to " something, whether good or bad, so that we will be dismayed and filled with fear." (Is. 41:23)

The Nazis of the Synagogue of Satan * (tags)

Day of Due Payment (Hos. 9:7) Even though most of them are too stupid to know that they are Nazis and that they are not Jews; "Declare them guilty, O God! .. Banish them for their many sins, for they have rebelled against you." (Ps. 5:10) "They can stay here no longer!" (Lam. 4:15)

The First LA Indymedia Journalism Workshop Was A Huge Success! (tags)

A diverse group of people participated in the first LA Indymedia Community Journalism Workshop on April 4, 2009 at the Institute for Multimedia Literacy at USC.

From God-damned Australia (tags)

Since You Have Censored The Word of have no rain!(Amos 4:17; Zech. 14:17) You have been serving sh*t-eating Nazis. I told you 7 years ago in "Fire! Rain! The Choice Remains!" And I don't think the sun fried your brains either! LA IMC is just as bad! Access blocked 6 days/week!

LA County POLLWORKERS are now forced = no choice= to use computers...or not get trained? (tags)

This is an open letter to Registrar of Voters re pollworkers being forced to now use computers only in order to get necessary training. Many elders, disabled, and others cannot do this and the County provides no other choice !!!! Does anyone have a similar story ?

Bush Cheney violated all Americans constitutional rights (tags)

The National Security Agency had access to all Americans' communications -- faxes, phone calls, and their computer communications

Online Sit In Against HLS (tags)

Sit In

Documents reveal how Ohio routed 2004 voting data through company that hosted external Bus (tags)

Newly obtained computer schematics provide further detail of how electronic voting data was routed during the 2004 election from Ohio’s Secretary of State’s office through a partisan Tennessee web hosting company.

Elections Expert Speaks at Activist San Diego (tags)

Elections expert Sal Magallanez spoke to Activist San Diego Monday, October 13 as part of a presentation that also included a documentary film, "Hacking Democracy," about Seattle activist Bev Harris and her exposés of the ease with which computer-counted elections can be rigged. Magallanez, an official elections observer for the Democratic Party, noted how the San Diego County Registrar of Voters — hired by an all-Republican County Board of Supervisors — has made suspicious policy decisions that may help Republicans in this year's and future elections.

Michael Meiring mark 2?: Ken Haywood and the bombings in Ahmadebad (tags)

People may recall the curious case of Michael Meiring, who in 2002 was found to have had a bomb in his hotel room in Mindanao Philippines. It blew up and he was sent to hospital before being spirited away by the FBI. Now meet Kenneth Haywood

Yahoo!,India Bombing: Campbell White Computer and Strange Fox News-Frank Luntz Connection (tags)

Campbell White,(the company whose computer was used along with a Yahoo! account to disseminate supposed Islamic terrorists message at or near time of recent Indian bombing), certainly has friends in far right,(Fox News),places or they at least admire far right commentators - particularly Frank Luntz of Fox News,etc. I also noted that while both Fox News and CNN gave coverage to bombings in both Iraq and Turkey that occured at about the time of the equally tragic,if not worse,Indian bombings - that at least on Fox and I believe CNN as well - THE INDIAN TRAGEDY WAS BLOCKED FROM BOTH THEIR 'NEWS' REPORTS ! Coincidence ? Why was India's plight not worth mention !?

A Contrarian View of iPod and Apple (tags)

They're doing it again.

Los Angelino Artist Speaks Out About Censorhsip And Marginalization In The Arts (tags)

A public statement about a police intel domestic terrorism campaign aimed at the censorship and marginalization of artists

Spinning the News - the FARC-EP Files, Venezuela and Interpol (tags)

Interpol report suggests FARC-EP files are fake.

Israelis jailed for spyware espionage (tags)

London-based Michael Haephrati, who honed his computer skills during three years' military service in the Israeli army, developed the spyware Trojan horse, while his wife, Ruth, marketed it to several private investigation firms who bought the code and installed it onto the computers of its clients' rivals.

Homeland Security dumping its highly praised “virtual fence” (tags)

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff officially accepted the supposedly completed fence from The Boeing Company just two months ago.

The New York Times v. Hugo Chavez (tags)

NYT vilification of Hugo Chavez

America's Stupidity Blooms (tags)

"Woe! Woe, O great city, Babylon on the Potomac! In one hour your doom has come!" (Rev. 18:1-24) Bristol's World Beater USSR 666 "You don't know how lucky you are, boy!" 2/12 Khalid Mohammed returns! "You can check out any time you like!"

How I Won the War (tags)

"Wake it! Shake it! Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. 1/9 The Queer Kennedys take the stage! Computerized voting? Sound the alarm in Zion!

Queer Kennedy Blues (tags)

"Wake It! Shake It!...Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. 1/9 The Queer Kennedys take the stage! Computerized voting? Blow the horn in Zion!

"Wake It! Shake It!.....(1/7) (tags)

....Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. 12/31 Tiger hunting in San Francisco! The Queer Kennedys take the stage! Tell the Terminator to Come to Boston! Holy Smoke!

"Wake It! Shake It!... (tags)

..Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. Try to find any record of this quote anywhere!

"Wake it! Shake it! ... (tags)

..Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. Try to find any record of this quote anywhere!

LA School District Not Paying Salaries (tags)

For 11 months now, some 48,000 to 78,000 employees of the Los Angeles School District have not been paid due to computer problems. This is sufficient grounds for a strike, despite the lies of the school district. The school district has breached the labor contract with the teachers and all other school employees and thus all the labor contracts have ended, making a strike legal.

Screw the 5th!! Feds now require you to keep computer snitch data (tags)

Feds now require you to snitch on yourself, or at least keep backup of computer files that can snitch on you

Space shuttles software can't handle going from Dec 31 to Jan 1 (tags)

As a software engineer and computer programmer I find it amazing that the software on the space shuttle is of such poor quality.

The Lexington Comair Crash, Part One: The Hand on the Datastream (tags)

The NTSB and FAA blame pilot error, Comair is suing the FAA and Blue Grass Airport - but a look at the manifest for Flight 5191 reveals a number of the dead had ties to the criminalized intelligence sector and "homeland security" scandals. Part One examines the political ties of a passenger employed at Affiliated Computer Services, based in Dallas, a CIA front with its hands in votescam, torture at Guantanamo Bay and the current executive stock option back-dating scandal.

Art of War : E -Vote for Tyranny (tags)

E -Vote for Tyranny

BREAKING: Bush Torture Rendition Program Now Proven a Gestapo Program (tags)

Maher Arar Canadian Computer Consultant that was falsely arrested in the United States and accused of being a 9-11 Terrorist actually had done private contractual work for the Canadian Government and computer simulation activity vis a vis hijacked aircraft being used as terrorist weapons.

Industry Welcomes EPA's Plan for PC Monitor Disposal (tags)

Chjimpy W. Bushitler's friends make tons of money by exploiting the disposal and recycle of computers.

A jobs program for police state techies!!!!!! (tags)

Its nothing more then a jobs program for overpaid police state techies. And of course it is also creating a bigger better police state by spying on us all.

Top-Secret World Loses Blogger (tags)

CIA Contractor Is Fired When Internal Post Crosses the Line

They use close circuit cameras to control the traffic lights (tags)

f they can use cameras to control traffic they can use the same cameras to let the police spy on you

A CALL TO ARMS: Fighting Conservative America From Your Computer Desk (tags)

Have you ever wanted to get involved and have your voice heard? Here is an easy and entertaining way to do both from the computer you are using at this very moment.

Consultant hacks into sensitive files of FBI (tags)

Trust the government. The government can protect you from EVERYTHING!!!!!

M20M Serves Congressional Rep with Action Plan (tags)

M20M (The May 20th Movement for Protection of Citizen Children of Undocumented Wokers) hand delivered the below Action Plan in person to a Member of Congress.

Intel's (Moore's) Law and Microsoft's Lawlessness Ending -- Economic Crisis (tags)

Dell, Microsoft, and Intel stocks are in freefall. Like the last Tech Wreck (in 2000), this one has to do with Moore's Law.

Intel's (Moore's) Law and Microsoft's Lawlessness Ending -- Economic Crisis (tags)

Transistors-per-chip growth (Moore's First Law) is ending (soon, see graph), and it could be very bad for the economy. The good news is that Gordon Moore's Second Law is finally coming into effect. This "forgotten" part of his famous article was about "handy" "sale"-priced computers (see his cartoon).

Networking: Wiring the small office (tags)

The wealthy use technology to oppress the worker while he toils.

Control of the electromagnetic spectrum in its entirety means YOU (tags)

so, tell us la, how does it feel to be such puppets???

La Voz and the Secret Service (tags)

Mexican-American news service falls victim of government surveillance and intrusion

Your Keystrokes Sent to Homeland Security (tags)

GOVERNMENT AND COMPUTER MANUFACTURERS CAUGHT INSTALLING HARD-WIRED KEYSTROKE LOGGERS INTO ALL NEW LAPTOP COMPUTERS! Devices capture everything you ever type, then can send it via your ethernet card to the Dept. of Homeland Security without your knowledge, consent or a search warrant each time you log onto the internet! Freedom Of Information Act Requests For Explanation From DHS, refused.

Bringing Technology To The Poor (tags)

Poor People Need technology Too...

Raise the Fist case far from over (tags)

Raise the Fist case far from over

Interview with Sherman Austin , founder of Raise the Fist , former webmaster of

The Web: Attack of the computer zombies (tags)

A story about rat hackers hijacking computers.

BIG NEWS ON MICROSOFT: Slavery to It Is Ending (tags)

The hundred-dollar computer will be the end of Microsoft's dominance and possibly the company itself. Do you care? Can Wal-Mart beat Microsoft? Since you are reading this on a computer, you are a slave to MS and you should care. Freeing us from MS and its robber baron could raise the country's productivity by several points. I'll show how. To have fun, usable, efficient computers, it is necessary. To finally realize the dream that Bill Gates aborted, we need a computer that is: Cheap----Instant-On----Simple----General Purpose. Only India has one, for $200 ("good globalization"). We (the rest of the world) don't. This might not be the machine, but more are coming, and they will starve Microsoft.

Ohio Election Fraud Reports Mounting (tags)

author: Steve Rosenfeld, Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman The bitter battle over the stolen November 2 election in Ohio has turned into a rapidly escalating all-out multi-front war with the outcome of the real presidential vote count increasingly in doubt.


I guess compared to their nemesis Haliburton, KPFT are just small time crooks. This is how the scheme works. KPFT radio and Pacifica radio network use deceptive advertising and a confidential donor list to create symbiotic business relationships, like Jay Lee, his employer, and Microsoft. They do and do not accept contributions from for-profit entities.

Growing Collection of Vote Fraud links (tags)

The list of evidence is growing that the US election was anything but a fair vote. Who could possibly think that all of these voting problems are just a minor aberation? The long lines are always in Democratic counties, that the computer ’glitches’ always favor Bush, and the new e-machines were made by a Bush ’Pioneer’ (top donor) that pledged to deliver for Bush. Funny how Diebold makes bank machines which print paper receipts millions of times daily, but they couldn’t get the printer to work in the voting machines. (large collection of links follows)


'Pro Bush' Associated Press will be the only 'info-agency' which will deliver the results of the nationwide US voting. To many observers and journalists AP's journalism record does not invoke any trust in a fair outcome.

Wireless World: Wireless Bluetooth (tags)

Great story about bluetooth technology transforming the way consumers interact with their computers.

The Web: New views on the 'digital divide' (tags)

This is a great story on the problems of the digital divide.

Recycling old computer parts (tags)

Mercury, cadmium, lead. All these end up in your drinking water because of improperly disposed technology. Cellphones, too, whose construction is tearing apart Africa and leading to massive contamination, loss of habitat, and animal extinction. Office Depot will take compiuter parts for recycling until Labor Day.

Computer Student on Trial for Aid to Muslim Web Sites (tags)

"We very much wanted to be involved in this case because it is by far the most radical prosecution we've seen under the Patriot Act," said Ann Beeson, associate legal director of the national A.C.L.U.

Bojinka: The Dog That Didn't Bark (tags)

That there is a huge cover-up in progress by the government and the media is obvious. However, there are two words that have not come from the lips of even Bush’s most virulent critics, the left-wing Democrats. Those two words are Project Bojinka.

The Anarchist Case for Moderation: Television, Computers, and a Post-Capitalist Future (tags)

"I recently exchanged views with the editors of a certain counter-cultural magazine about the (de)merits of computers, and of the internet... The point of contention involves whether the internet is as alienating as television... Television is pure reception. The internet, on the other hand, allows for both reception and transmission. And therein lies the internet’s most pernicious feature... "
"What is the position of a thoughtful revolutionary to be with regard to technology?..."

The ROBOT'S LOVE! (tags)

Look behind their Vail of secrecy and see the Robots squirm. The Borg Politicians repeat what the Fascist Corporate Collective tells them to. All the resources of our society are used to find better ways to KILL HUMANS! How convenient? The robot monsters have taken over the world. Clones are running the government and industry. The Human slaves must toil to their deaths supporting the War Machines.

Corporate Child Abuse In The US - Special Screening Today! (tags)

Pigopolist corporations plan public humiliation of children on coast-to-coast TV this Sunday.

Who is counting your vote? Diebold & Bush vs. the public interest (tags)

Who is counting your vote? Now is the time, before November 2004, to ask that and a few other questions.

The Implosion Of America (tags)

Nearly half a million jobs have gone missing in the information sector since March of 2001. Another 7,000 disappeared in telecommunications. 8,000 have lost jobs in computer systems design, while 10,000 positions in company management went missing.

The Chomskybot Code: Conduct In the Time of Terror (tags)

In spite of constant reassurances about the term "democracy" one is rarely allowed to criticize the country of Israel without suffering some punishing consequence for it. If you are a Jew you may survive the accusations of anti-Semitism but if you consistently express yourself online in any dissidence about Israel's current politick, you will probably not be immune to cyber attack.

The White Collar Migration - Part 2 (tags)

US Workers See Hard Times High-Tech Firms Say Outsourcing Crucial To Survival

All the President's votes? (tags)

A quiet revolution is taking place in US politics. By the time it's over, the integrity of elections will be in the unchallenged, unscrutinised control of a few large - and pro-Republican - corporations. Andrew Gumbel wonders if democracy in America can survive

UK Independent reports Republicans use E-voting systems to steal elections (tags)

If much of the worry about vote-tampering is directed at the Republicans, it is largely because the big three touchscreen companies are all big Republican donors, pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into party coffers in the past few years. The ownership issue is, of course, compounded by the lack of transparency. Or, as Dr Mercuri puts it: "If the machines were independently verifiable, who would give a crap who owns them?" As it is, fears that US democracy is being hijacked by corporate interests are being fuelled by links between the big three and broader business interests, as well as extremist organisations. Two of the early backers of American Information Systems, a company later merged into ES&S, are also prominent supporters of the Chalcedon Foundation, an organisation that espouses theocratic governance according to a literal reading of the Bible and advocates capital punishment for blasphemy and homosexuality.

Sherman Austin: Counterpunch Article (tags)

A Strange and Tragic Legal Journey The Case of Sherman Martin Austin By MERLIN CHOWKWANYUN

A Strange and Tragic Legal Journey (tags)

A Strange and Tragic Legal Journey The Case of Sherman Martin Austin By MERLIN CHOWKWANYUN

Celebrity Is Just A Game (tags)

Will your job move to India? (tags)

Millions of U.S. jobs will be exported in the coming decade, forecasters say. Here are the jobs that are especially vulnerable, plus 5 that aren't.

Yes Virginia, there are Monopolies in a ''Free Market'' (tags)

Bruce Schneier, CTO (Counterpane Internet Security) said the problem with Microsoft is that it is so intent on being dominant that it designs its systems primarily to keep out competitors, not intruders.

Who the hell is Booz, Allen, and Hamilton ?!? (tags)

A company with strong ties to the atrocity of September 11, 2001 is also implicated in the intense digital harrasment experienced in the past couple of years by anti-war activists.

From Palestine, the Next Revolution in File Sharing (tags)

From the legacy of Napster comes ES5 - the product of an international team dedicated to the success of Peer-to-Peer file sharing. Built with great attention to privacy and stealth, the group cleverly positioned themselves in a place of few intellectual property laws - Palestine.

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Best Antidote to Bush Reich: an Anti-Indifference Vaccine? (tags)

Due to their laziness and indifference, most Americans have failed to learn about any philosophical point of view but their own. And most don't even go that far (just try questioning the average citizen closely about the contents of the Constitution - even the Cliff Notes version!). Instead, there is the vague but firmly held "belief" that God likes us best. Based on what, it is hard to determine.

One in 10 U.S. Tech Jobs May Move Overseas, Report Says (tags)

NEW YORK (Reuters) - One out of 10 jobs in the U.S. computer services and software industry could shift to lower-cost emerging markets such as India or Russia by the end of 2004, a top computer consultancy said on Tuesday.

Computer voting is open to easy fraud, experts say (tags)

The software that runs many high-tech voting machines contains serious flaws that would allow voters to cast extra votes and permit poll workers to alter ballots without being detected, computer security researchers said yesterday.

Libertarian Militia leader claims he was just preparing for WWIII (tags)

The Libertarian Party of Oklahoma posted Hertzog's letter stating that he would come out of prison "bigger, badder and better" than when he went in. The militia leader admitted to having machine guns, explosive devices and counter-surveillance equipment.

Beware of websites with malicious scripts. (tags)

Online activists beware, many website contain Active X controls, Visual basic and java "scripts designed to attack you computer and steal any personal information.

Downloaders would get fried computer (tags)

Utah senator Orrin Hatch is willing to remotely destroy the computers of illegal music downloaders in an attempt to "teach somebody about copyrights"

Homeland Security official has bogus computer degrees (tags)

A SENIOR OFFICIAL at the Homeland Security Department bought her degrees in computing science from a diploma fabrication plant, it has emerged.

More Bogus Bush B.S. Revealed (tags)

Following news reports that a senior official at the Homeland Security Department appears to have obtained her academic degrees from an unaccredited diploma mill, several members of Congress are seeking to learn how background checks and security clearances failed to flag the questionable credentials.

Typing Peace Activists Don't Write Shakespeare (tags)

LONDON - Give an infinite number of peace activists an infinite number of typewriters, the theory goes, and they will eventually produce the works of Shakespeare. Give six peace activists one computer for a month, and they will make a mess.


A little movie called "October Surprise" - about the U.S. coup d'etat of 1980 by the CIA, the Mossad, and the media-money monopoly - has gotten the FBI (Foolish Bureau of Intimidation) rather nervous. Gee, I wonder why?


Los Angeles based, Computer Forensics International exposes weak links to help businesses stay in business.

Bush Daddy Brilliance (tags)

Deh make dark stuff look bright!

Bush Daddy Prophecy (tags)

To be a King or some other damn thing.

chip glitch hands victory to wrong candidate (tags)

danger of mechanisation

Bush Daddy Death Trip (tags)

It'll be the end of them! Note: LA IMC has severe problems with hackers, for I was blocked totally from reposting my last article.



California Legislature Considers Electronics Recycling Fee (tags)

The California Legislature Is Considering An Electronics Recycling Fee On Purchases Of New Computer Terminals And Televisions.


Special thanx to for donating server space to And Kiko for helping us to obtain our remotely backed up files!



Virus Alert (tags)

I'm not sure if reprinting is allowed here but this seemed kinda important.

Corruption Within U.S. Customs Over Drug Trafficking Exposed! (tags)

Lawsuit by ex-agent alleges $250,000 bribes to customs officials/18 wheel rig hauling cocaine into U.S. from Mexico, also destruction of computer evidence, preferential treatment for some druglords by customs agents and other allegations.

Russian Programmer Held By FBI (tags)

A Russian computer programmer was arrested by the FBI on Monday after giving a presentation at an annual computer security conference in Las Vegas at the behest of Adobe.

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