fix articles 11151, search Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : search


Nord Stream 1 and 2 (tags)

As is well known, in war the truth is the first casualty, and so it is in the Ukraine war. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, politics and the mainstream in the press, radio and TV have been conducting an unprecedented game of confusion, combined with disinformation and agitation.

The thought matrix expands (tags)

Who has followed the change of the Internet over the last 10 years carefully, will agree with me that the at the beginning very wide spectrum of knowledge, which was available to one in the www, became thinner and thinner.

Google Abuses: Worldwide Spying, Censorship, War Promotion, Spying On Children, Etc (tags)

There is growing opposition to Google, the world's biggest censor.

Search China Strike and CNN for map of thousands of strikes in China (tags)

Chinese workers are covered by the union that beongs to the Communist Party. This does not protect them from labor abuses

Google, World's Biggest Censor, Was Founded By The CIA (tags)

Google censors by totally erasing some search links, hiding others in the back pages, designing algorithms to generate more negative than positive links, placing old data first,

Section 702 - FBI can search evidence without a search warrant (tags)

FBI can search evidence without a search warrant

Maximizing Your Indymedia Post's Effectiveness (tags)

Tips on how to use this website to publish stories that will help boost your web visibility.


We disparately need more volunteers UNITED STATES CIVIL DEFENSE ASSOC ON RED ALERT HARVEY DISASTERS USCDA needs volunteers Call 949 697-5676 or E-mail to:

Is KPFK up for sale? already? really? (tags)

A Google search produced amazing results, with a few ads showing KPFK as [if] for sale ! See Google search for full descriptions given on each of these ad sources. Who knew ? Discovery comes to those who search for realities, of any kind.

Fbi murderous corruption, per validated " fbi whistleblower " (tags)

Former fbi agent survives 30 years of fbi assaults and presents this synthesis of his studies.

Fbi murderous corruption, per validated " fbi whistleblower " (tags)

The fbi controls Google and other search engines at will. For example, only the fbi decides who is shown on Internet search engines under the category of "fbi whistle-blower."

MANILA – ‘Morong 43’ arrest, detention illegal — CHR (tags)

Five years since the arrest, detention and release of the 43 health workers dubbed as the “Morong 43,” the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has finally issued a resolution stating that state forces violated the rights of the health workers.

Partially Examined Life - Kierkegaard on the Self, 32 min (tags)

A highly skilled rhetorician, Kierkegaard preferred the indirect approach, deploying irony, ridicule, parody and satire in a paradoxical search for individual authenticity within a European culture he saw as beset by self-important puffery and unthinking mass movements.

Ways out of Capitalism (tags)

This introduction to Tomasz Konicz' "On the Search for Alternatives to the Permanent Capitalist Crisis" (2014) is translated from the German. Empire could be replaced by republic as excess could be replaced by access and more by enough Capitalist contradictions/dislocations are signs.

Myriad Google Crimes (tags)

Some Categories Of Google Crimes: Promoting Illegal Wars, Worldwide Sleuthing, Censorship, Spying on Chidlren

Why is KPFK still failing to thrive ? (tags)

KPFK is more than intimately tied to it's umbrella leader Pacifica, whose latest Executive Director has been 'fired' by some of questionable authority and who refuses to accept the factionalization that predominates these radio stations operations. But no actual factual information is ever available, not locally from KPFK or most other sites on line. Mostly the usual malicious attacking anyone else blurbs are found online. Why do we who pay dearly to subscribe, to be members, to sponsor KPFK programs [tho we may not chose to pay for all pgrms presented there, if given any free choices ] . We, outside the sacred halls of radio station know NOTHING from our local sources of KPFK or Pacifica 'news' and information Finally 1 site just went up, see below. Just recently a new site went up that allows no comments but is intended to take a side in the national malicious arguments on line about who runs the Pacifica PNB [nat’l board] and petitions are included therein. see and also maybe tour thru facebook to learn a bit more about what is dramatically occurring in Pacifica’s Berkley offices. To search out what may be factual or actual from what are marketing-promotional or negative-attack-ads blurbs takes hours of time and reading and is uncompensated ‘work’ just to know where even our KPFK dollars are being spent or set up to be wasted. And other than a midnight interview that was not heard by the great majority of KPFK listeners gave a hint of what is happening to Pacific, about it’s Executive Director, and the future of the whole set of radio stations affiliated and dependent on some structure that is stable and honest…if possible.

Bedouin As Well As Palestinians Suffer Under Netanyahu's Rule (tags)

thousands deported, homes bulldozed, villages 'disappeared', Israeli creation of homelessness

Joining Forces for Education's statement on Aquino resignation (tags)

Joining Forces for Education's statement on using Broad's Jaime Aquino's resignation to push for authentic reforms

Why the Search Feature is Off (tags)

We were getting hammered.

How to stop sex scandal, women activists suggest ways (tags)

Manila, Philippines: Gabriela Women's Party Representatives Luzviminda Ilagan and Emmi De Jesus are now sisters, having Scandal as their new surnames.

Indybay Journalist Wins Payment and UCB Agreement to Change Policies, Train Officers (tags)

Independent Journalist David Morse Settles Lawsuit with University of California Regents
Over 2009 Improper Arrest, Imprisonment, and Seizure of Photographs

University of California Agrees to Substantial Payment and to Change Its Policies and Procedures and Train Its Police

BTL:Civil Liberties Advocates: Supreme Court Strip Search Ruling Could Lead to Systematic (tags)

Interview with Baher Azmy, legal director of the Center for Constitutional Rights, conducted by Scott Harris

Obama's Defense of Strip Searching for Traffic Violations (tags)

The US Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling that guards can strip search and visually inspect the body cavities of people arrested for minor offenses who are admitted into a jail’s general population is based largely on arguments contained in the amicus curiae “friend of the court” brief filed in the case on behalf of the Obama administration.

Trio of Performing Artists Follow Lead of America’s Greats - (tags)

Three musical groups produce songs to help in the funding of the search for a missing college student, Lauren Spierer.

The Patriot Act is just a camouflaged version of the "War on Drugs" (tags)

The Patriot Act is just a war on the Bill of Rights and a war on the Constitution! It doesn't have anything to do with "terrorism" other then "terrorism" was the lame excuse used to create the Patriot Act.

Occupy WS/LA On KPFK (tags)

How to find coverage on KPFK

PATRICK McMAHON: Gay Adoptee Recalls His Search for His Birth Parents (tags)

Who am I? Who are my parents? Where did I come from? When, where and how was I born? Most of us take the answers to these questions for granted. But it?s not so easy if you were adopted. Then, as Patrick McMahon n? Shields found out in 1990, the authentic record of his birth was treated as if it were a state secret whose revelation would jeopardize national security. He details the story of his two-year search for his true origins in his new self-published book "Becoming Patrick," an extraordinarily well-written combination of self-discovery memoir, suspense thriller, soap opera and wrenching reunion story.

“Know Your Rights,” Progressive Attorneys Tell Activist San Diego (tags)

Though guest of honor Ted Burke, one of 11 Midwest peace and social justice activists recently detained and harassed by the FBI, wasn't able to make Activist San Diego's November 15 meeting on law enforcement and political activism, the discussion was still compelling. Local attorneys and activists Kate Yavenditti, Frank Gormlie and Alex Landon reviewed the history of anti-Left and anti-progressive repression in San Diego and discussed what rights you have when you're stopped by law enforcement or when police officers come to your home.

Obama's Justice Dept Attacks Peace Groups as "Terrorist" (tags)

Under Democrat Harry Truman, it was the Communist bogeyman that was used to destroy the Left that had built the labor movement; today Democrat Barack Obama uses the terrorist bogeyman to try to destroy the peace movement, both actions for the same goals: To maximize the profits of the capitalist class. Here is the news from Twin Cities and Chicago Indymedia of FBI terrorism across the country.

Court Quashes Search Warrant, Orders UCPD To Return Indybay Journalist’s News Photographs (tags)

For Immediate Release June 21, 2010 Contact: David Greene, Geoffrey King, First Amendment Project 510.208.7744

Fontana PD impound 100 cars at checkpoint/Policía de Fontana confiscan 97 carros en retén (tags)

Once again, the scourge of militarization of our streets and our communities has resulted in nearly 100 cars impounded.

Otra vez, el azote de la militarización de nuestras calles y comunidades ha terminado con la encautación de casi 100 carros.



BBZ Resource Management screws people with fraudlent gas vouchers (tags)

Troy Warren moves from Search Big Daddy to BBZ Resource Management and is using that company to screw people selling fraudlent gas vouchers

Ecofriendly search (tags)

Search engine that makes use of a black background for a lower energy consumption

Gaza: Search for Exit Strategy (tags)

"While Palestinians and Israelis continued their attacks, the search began for a way out.. As in Lebanon after the war, an international protective troop could be deployed in the Gaza strip as a buffer between Israelis and Palestinians."


God is inside of us. I didn’t know at that time the full meaning of it, but I grew up very confident that surely nothing could happen to me since God is inside of me

Welcome to Minnesota: Out of town activists pulled over by police at gunpoint (tags)

Civil Rights Suspended in the Twin Cites: The crack down on free speech, Free Press, Freedom to assemble peaceful is under way with raids and arrests going on throughout the area. The right to be secure in your own home from unreasonable search and seizure has been violated all day long. And many other civil and human rights have effectively been suspended in the Twin Cities. Independent journalists, activists and all the citizens of Minneapolis-St. Paul, whether they know it or not, are going to be living in a police state for the next week during the RNC

Here Is Why The Mail Is So Messed Up... (tags)

and why it has become so expensive...try to get in touch with thte postal inspector to file a complaint about slow or missing mail though....these cops are all tax enforcers and this is a good example of that...the illegal marijuana tax act of 1937 is being enforced by people who are supposed to be serving america, but actually serve zion....b

Yahoo!,India Bombing: Campbell White Computer and Strange Fox News-Frank Luntz Connection (tags)

Campbell White,(the company whose computer was used along with a Yahoo! account to disseminate supposed Islamic terrorists message at or near time of recent Indian bombing), certainly has friends in far right,(Fox News),places or they at least admire far right commentators - particularly Frank Luntz of Fox News,etc. I also noted that while both Fox News and CNN gave coverage to bombings in both Iraq and Turkey that occured at about the time of the equally tragic,if not worse,Indian bombings - that at least on Fox and I believe CNN as well - THE INDIAN TRAGEDY WAS BLOCKED FROM BOTH THEIR 'NEWS' REPORTS ! Coincidence ? Why was India's plight not worth mention !?

Revised: The Best 2008 Activist's People Resource Guide (tags)

Welcome to The Best 2008 Activist's People Search Resource Guide... Seek & Yee Shall Find... As a companion guide, don't miss the Best 2007 Activist's Information Source... See below...

fbi's CJIS Must Be Removed From fbi Control ! (tags)

fbi seeks to intimidate (through CJIS) all who show NO "fbi respect".

KPFK is not openly searching (tags)

KPFK restricts applications to it's Genl Mgr Search Committee - why ?

The Israeli Agenda and the Scorecard of the Zionist Power Configuration for 2008 (tags)

The Israeli Agenda and the Scorecard of the Zionist Power Configuration for 2008

In Search of Green Resolutions: The Ride (tags)

Join C.I.C.L.E. and friends as we explore the Silver Lake and Los Feliz neighborhoods by bicycle in search of green and sustainable living ideas on our Urban Expeditions “Green Resolutions Ride”.

NYC shuts 9/11 remains sifting facility (tags)

NEW YORK (AP) -- The city has closed a facility where debris was sifted for Sept. 11 victims' remains, but the search won't end until after the World Trade Center site is rebuilt, a city official said Tuesday.

Matt Lamont - Former Political Prisoner- Harassed by Feds (tags)

Matt Lamont arrived at his house only to be harassed by FBI.

Brown Lizards Laughter, free mp3 song, 6 years after Being Tortured By Federal Criminals (tags)

wrote a song after being injected and tortured in 2001 by federal criminals. I was a bank examiner. Another honest one was killed and covered up. This free song in mp3 is one of my first, and I am posting it

Surge on this, Bush (tags)

If you can

12 US troops killed so far (tags)

looking for the 3 missing

California Governor In League With Union Criminals (tags)

A Los Angeles union proves to secretly deal with the Governor & other political parties, & they have corrupted our Justice System.

Stewart Alexander Enters Race for President (tags)

Recently the Peace and Freedom Party launched a nationwide presidential search campaign seeking candidates for President of the United States; this week Stewart A. Alexander is the first candidate to formally announce his candidacy as a Peace and Freedom Party candidate for president.

Activist's 2007 Information Source (tags)

Seek & Yee Shall Find!

Teen fights police effort to remove bullet from head (tags)

This is kind of scary. A Texas court issued a search warrent to force doctors to perform an opperation on a man to remove a bullet from his head that the cops want to use as evidence.

Search Warrant (tags)

Search warrent requested by Phoenix Police Officer Kurt Sipmann #7535 and issued by Judge James R. Morrow of the Maricopa County Superior Court.

You get searched differently if you have a pacemaker! (tags)

If you have a pacemaker the guards use a different procedure to search you for weapons.

bush needs a sacrifice (tags)

its the way they are

bush needs a sacrifice (tags)

its just the way they really are...

A bit of Fun (tags)

This is great. The kleptrocracy now in control of our nation ( world ) has managed to, through criminal actions ( what else ) insider deals and beckoning greed, has given researchers opportunities for blackmail. Evidence abounds for analysis. Enemies of the state?

“Warrantless Search Law Deskbook” (tags)

This is an interesting book of 601 pages which mostly explains why the 4th Amendment is more or less 99 percent null and void.

Government authorized ways to celebrate your freedoms, this 4th of July (tags)

The Web: Niche search tools proliferating (tags)

Chimpy W. Bushitler's buddies make lots of money with new search engines - gross.

Judge tosses confession in Fla. killing (tags)

Lawyer???? You can't have a stinking lawyer if he prevents you from confessing!!!! At least thats what the cops said!

Attorney General Attacks Free Press and Separation of Powers Doctrine (tags)

On the weekend of May 20, 2006 the Bush regime launched an attack on the separation of powers doctrine and the right of a free press. Significantly, both attacks originated with the actions and words of Attorney General Gonzales, the chief law enforcer (or is that breaker) in the nation. These attacks are part of the continuing effort to expand the imperial presidency or the unitary executive theory under this administration and to eliminate any so-called checks and balances between the branches of government.

Bush Regime Launches Attacks on Congress and Media to Silence Critics (tags)

Attorney General Gonzales is using the Justice Department as a political tool to silence and intimidate Bush regime critics, but his actions may have backfired.

FBI stages unprecedented raid on congressman’s office (tags)

The FBI conducted a search of the office of Louisiana Representative William Jefferson over the weekend in what is the first such intrusion by an agency of the executive branch into the office of a sitting congressman in US history. In a press conference on Monday, Jefferson, a Democrat, denounced the raid as an “outrageous intrusion into the separation of powers.” The raid on Jefferson’s office in the Rayburn House Office Building on Saturday night was a politically motivated breach of constitutional boundaries aimed at asserting the power of the executive branch over the legislative. It is yet another political marker in the government’s moves towards dictatorial forms of rule.

Bush and CIA Director-Designate Hayden Rewrite the 4th Amendment (tags)

The Founding Fathers said government snoops need “probable cause” to spy on us, but Bush and Hayden don’t care.

Bush Censors Internet (tags)

The decision by Google to remove my top position was politically motivated by the Bush regime.

Reliable sources of research (tags)

My goal is the search for truth...let us come together in hopes for finding some reliable sources.....


I have posted an article with the title below on most all U.S. INDYMEDIAS in the last couple of days.Only a half hour ago a google of that title brought up about 8 pages.Now even if I add 'indymedia' to the word search I get 0 hits. I can hardly believe it myself and they may return to google search

Help the Sun Set on the Patriot Act (tags)

Many sections of the Patriot Act are set to expire or "sunset" this year. Let's see that they do.

Minuteman Flap Leads to Home Search (tags)

The search for the flashlight angered Dang's attorney, who called it political retaliation for Dang's open criticism of police tactics during the demonstration. "It's seems bizarre," said attorney B. Kwaku Duren.

The Web: Video search engines come of age (tags)

A story about new video search capabilities.

City of Simi Valley uses police to commit armed robbery (tags)

City of Simi Valley uses police to seize private property without due process.

The Web: Search engine privacy threats (tags)

A story about how Google threatens our privacy.

CRISP-ER: Biodefense Transparency & Open Government Tool (tags)


Are you ready for the Government Domestic Detention Camps? (tags)

This was just recently posted at and it clearly details WHAT our so-called "government" has in store of a select few of we citizens. I've posted it in it's entire length, and while it will take a while to read, it is well worth the effort to become DULY INFORMED. It is so comprehensive that I doubt even serious trolls/debunkers will try to refute it, but nonetheless, let the trolls begin their debunking....

One SOAW Prisoner Of Conscience Dead, Another Missing (tags)

I began investigating this story Saturday night when Sue was known missing but we hadn't heard yet that Nik was dead. This is a very disturbing developing story.

What to Do if the FBI Drops By Your Home or Office (tags)

US Government's COINTELPRO - Still Undead The stinking corpse of the FBI's infamous "Counter-Intelligence Program", or COINTELPRO, which was used from the 1940s through the 1970s against Communists, Anarchists, Civil Rights Activists and sundry other decent working-class militants, and which was "allegedly" discontinued in 1971, is fully risen from the grave once again.

The Continuing Struggle of Afghan Women: A Three Part Film Series (tags)

Part 2 of a film series to help save a refugee High School from closure in Pakistan.


Part one of a film series dedicated to raising awareness of Afghan women, while also raising funds to save a refugee high school from closier in Pakistan.

The End of Suburbia comes to Los Angles (tags)

The beauty of the Pasadena urban farm gave little forewarning of the serious nature of the documentary the guests were about to see. The title of the documentary, "The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream" gives you a good idea of the alarming nature of the subject.

Engineering Google Results to Make a Political Point (tags)

The Liberty Round Table, a libertarian group, started a Google bomb that linked the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nutrition advocacy group, with the term "food Nazis."

Excellent News - More dead scumbags (tags)

U.S. Forces Kill 46 Iraqis Attempting Ambush

Training for the Police State: Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning (tags)

Today I have a black eye and the soreness that comes with severe muscle strain. Mostly, I’m burdened with a serious question, "What are these soldiers training for?" The soldiers conducting that search must have been ordered not to tolerate the slightest dissent. They were practicing intimidation tactics far beyond what would be needed to control an avowedly nonviolent group of protesters who had never, in thirteen years of previous actions, caused any disruption during the process of arrest. Bewildered, most of us in the "tank" inside the Muskogee County jail acknowledged that during the rough processing we wondered, "What country do we live in?" We now live in a country where Homeland Security funds pay for exercises which train military and police units to control and intimidate crowds, detainees, and arrestees using threat and force.

Why we should fear the Matrix (tags)

Backdoor to Totalitarianism - this is nothing more than attempt by Der furher und his minions to do what Congress has forbidden them to do overty. It is nothing more that "Total Information Awareness" by another means. "Your Papers Please!?"

How to Restore the Comments Feature (tags)

In an effort to squelch open publishing and free speech here, the comrades at IMC LA have hiddent the Comments feature. Here is a work around

Liberals That Live In Sin ... Shall Die In Sin (tags)

Democrat Senator Zell Miller on the 9 Democrat Candidates (tags)

Democratic Sen. Miller Backs Bush in 2004

Even Faux News is covering the USS Liberty Story (tags)

When even the rabidly Pro-Zionist Faux News is forced to report on a story that puts Israel in an unfavorable light you know the story has legs.

Will Muslim Bombers Put Bombs Up Womens Vaginas to Evade Airport Security? (tags)

Body Cavities Can Be Used to Smuggle Weapons and Explosives, They Must Be Inspected

More Bush Lies exposed :no smallpox in Iraq (tags)

LOOKS LIKE EVEN MORE LIES HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO THE BRAINWASHED MASSES. Top American scientists assigned to the weapons hunt in Iraq found no evidence Saddam Hussein's regime was making or stockpiling smallpox, The Associated Press has learned from senior military officers involved in the search.

Treated as a terorist for seaching for his daughter in Iraq. UK man captured by USA. Iraq. (tags)

Along with Turkish Special Forces, Michael Todd, a British performance artist and writer was captured in North Iraq on 4th July. After been taken to Kirkuk Air Base the group were flown to Baghdad. The Turks were released on the 8th July but the British man, in Iraq to find his missing half-Iraqi daughter, was held as a prisoner of war / terrorist suspect for 3 weeks at Baghdad Airport under 24 hour armed guard. His crime? Walking down the street, searching for his daughter !




Way to go Indy... "open publishing" allows various jerks to post porno images, racist tirades, and genuine anti-Jewish trash like the "Protocals of the Elders of Zion " (the tract used by the Nazis)... the result?


100 meters past highland blvd on hollywood blvd israelli style checkpoints are set up.


PLEASE READ THIS AND FORWARD TO AS MANY AS POSSIBLE: A simple and quick thing everyone can do to counter CNN, MSN and other war-mongering media, and support IndyMedia via your browser home start page!

Oil coup-strike-lockout is for the rich. Help President Chavez! Search Venezuela news. (tags)

In 1974 80% of oil income went to the state. Today 80% of Venezuelan oil income goes to the rich, and to "operating costs." Only 20% goes to the state. Chavez reforms will help reverse this in January 2003. This is why the coup-plotters, "strike"-promoters, and corporate media are in such a hurry to overthrow the fairly-ELECTED Chavez government. They want to prevent these reforms, and reverse others already-implemented. Reforms that help the poor and lower middle class. Massive corporate-media disinformation, destabilization campaign going on inside Venezuela. Support President Chavez! Please forward widely.

Extreme Retaliation against Citizen Whistleblowers (tags)

We are ordinary citizens whose lives have become swept up into a corruption scandal of historic proportions in San Bernardino County, California. Eighteen public officials and businessmen have been indicted to date by the U. S. Attorney's Office to date, sixteen have pleaded guilty, two criminal cases are pending. We "the citizens" thought we lived in America where we had constitutional rights. We all experienced what we considered to be a violation of our civil rights. We all took proactive steps to legally address our local Government with our concerns and issues.

ALF Press Officer Court Update (tags)

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) - The spokesman for a radical animal rights group asked a judge to throw out a search warrant that allowed Canada's anti-terrorism squad to raid his house on behalf of U.S. authorities. David Barbarash, spokesman for the Animal Liberation Front, claims the July raid on his Vancouver Island home by nine members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police's Integrated National Security Enforcement Team amounted to harassment.

Update on David Barbarash ALFPO (tags)

David is the North American ALF Press Officer. He runs the Black Cat Distro and is a commited animal/eco-warrior who has taken part in ALF liberations. Recently his house was raided and things confiscated by state forces. This has been a common recurrance since David has become an outspoken supporter of underground direct action. This message is an update on his situation with the legal proceedings.

KPFK Town Hall Meeting (tags)

Aug. 4 from 1 to 5:30 pm at Loyola Law School

Acticist arrested in Brazil on May 1st: Accused of being a terrorist (tags)

Activist illegally arrested and in São Paulo, Brazil. This is an exact and full translation of a front article in the Brazilian IMC which has not yet been published in English. Please pass it on...

"U.S. armed forces surrounding Iraq under veil of secrecy" (tags)

( – As Dick Cheney tours the Middle East in search of support for an American offensive against the Iraqi regime, has learned through multiple independent sources that the Pentagon has already begun planning and building new bases in the area.

RTF comment from (tags)

A comment about the RTF arrest.

USA vs. Raise the Fist Search Warrant & Affidavit (tags)

Thanks to Cryptome, you can read the FBI's search warrant and affidavit for the SWAT raid on Follow the link.

Confirmation of Raid (tags)

Details from website raid, from SF Indymedia

Recovering Censored or Disappeared Information (tags)

In times of crisis, information sometimes "dissappears" under pressure from governments, enemies, and even allies. on the web, it's sometimes possible to recover this vanished data. Instructions below.

Chattanooga 3 ReceiveShort Sentences While30 SupportersProtest.89.3 Airs NewsATL (tags)

3 Members of Black Autonomy COPWATCH, received 30, 60 days, community service and court costs instead of 6 months to 18 months in jail. This is an outrage and listeners of WRFG 89.3 FM heard details from the reasearch of Paul Hays and the Messenger: A publication finacialy aided by The AFL-CIO, UNITE and Atlanta Labor Solidarity Network especially. The interview on Radio Free Georgia was on Nightwatchandwas10minutes ThankIfini

FBI definition of "Terrorism." (tags)

The FBI's definition of "terrorism," appears to include civil disobedience. Go to, and go to search, type "Domestic Terrorism" in the search engine space, and hit go, then look through it all, peticularly the first one on the list.

Web Billboards (tags)

Web Billboards to Hit Corporations


At approximately 9:30 AM today, Global Exchange(An anti-globalization/social justice activist group organizing during the week of the DNC) was intimidated by an overwhelming number of police that descended on a handful of activists setting up an art installation.

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