fix articles 11135, vicente fox Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : vicente fox

vicente fox

New Nafta Interpretation allows Mexican 18 Wheelers into U.S> Markets (tags)

According to "Overdrive" Magazine April 2015 a new interpretation of NAFTA's 1996 agreement between Mexico City's Partido Revolucionario Institutional and PAN party of Vicente Fox will allow the Mexican Trucking Industry to compete for picking up and delivery jobs in U.S. markets 50 stat

Eco Mundial en Solidaridad con Zapatistas y Protesta contra Vicente Fox (tags)

14 - 17 de noviembre, 2012

PASADENA y LOS ÁNGELES - De nuestra parte en Los Ángeles, participamos en el "eco mundial" en apoyo a las comunidades Zapatistas con una protesta contra Vicente Fox y un convivio en MacArthur Park, cerca del consulado mejicano.

A Different Kind of Tea: Some Tea Partiers May Support Pot Legalization (tags)

Proposition 19, which would legalize and tax marijuana in California, may have some unexpected supporters in the conservative tea party movement, reports Leo E. Laurence, associate editor of Zenger’s magazine and a former deputy sheriff who's campaigning for the measure as a member of the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (L.E.A.P.).

Privatization Behind Calderon's Attack on Electricians Union (tags)

"The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) architects had Mexico's energy industry in their sights when they negotiated the treaty. NAFTA's Chapter Six notes that "it is desirable to strengthen the important role that trade in energy and basic petrochemical goods plays in the free trade area and to enhance this role through sustained and gradual liberalization."??As such, in May 1993--just months before NAFTA went into effect--Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gotari modified the federal Electricity Law to allow the importation and exportation of Mexico's electricity, and to allow private and foreign companies to build and operate electrical plants in Mexico. Thanks to Salinas' NAFTA-inspired reform, today dozens of foreign companies operate in Mexico's energy sector. According to former SME Secretary General Manuel Fernandez Flores, private companies currently produce almost 40% of Mexico's electricity. These private companies include Enron (now Tractebel), Bechtel, Applied Energy Services, General Electric, Westinghouse, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Siemens, Iberdrola, and Union Fenosa."

Costa Rica: Popular March for Dignity in the South (tags)

Indigenous people, peasants, agri-industrial workers, and radical environmentalists all struggle in the South... the power of Capital and Government weave a complex and tragic mesh of destruction, but people still hold on to their Dignity and put on a network that articulates their struggles: An expression of this was the Popular March for Dignity in the South

Fuera Fox de UCI! Money for education, not repression! (tags)

Protests against Vicente Fox at UCI on April 8

We don't want Vicente Fox at UCI! ¡No queremos que venga Vicente Fox a UCI! (tags)

Students at UC-Irvine in Orange County, CA, are fighting to keep Vicente Fox from giving "Democracy lectures" at their campus. We are asking for support and endorsements from groups anywhere in the world, to send a strong message that the world has not forgotten Chiapas, Atenco, and Oaxaca, and we will oppose Fox and other oppressors wherever they show their faces.

The Mexican Revolution is starting (tags)

Industriales de la miseria, los nuevos dueños del Paraguay (tags)

Declarar estado de emergencia es para algunos comedores de carroña de Paraguay un gran negocio, que se traduce en millones de dólares.

Demand Grows For bush To Reveal Details of Plan Mexico (tags)

billions to keep the price of illegal drugs up, but not one cent for the fence....

Guns: The bloody US-Mexico market (tags)

With over 2,100 deaths between January and October 2007 related to drug trafficking and the use of weapons purchased in the US, Mexico pins its hopes on the future success of the Merida Initiative to combat drug and gun trafficking.

U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium SWIFT Finance Fraud (tags)

Sam Fox would be an economic,political and social parasite by any other name but to place him as U.S. Ambassador to Belgium after the W Bush Regime's SWIFT financial spying scandal by ex Treasury Secretary John Snow and the U.S. CIA in Belgium is a lot like putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop.

Low Intensity War in Chiapas (tags)

The situation in Chiapas is very tense and everyday it worsens. This letter is an invitation for all of us, in each of our places and in our own way, to do everything possible to stop paramilitary aggressions in Chiapas. Here in Northern California we are organizing ourselves to spread the word as much as possible and pressure the Mexican government through international public opinion. Below you will find an article explaining the situation. Please send it out to as many people as possible. There is also, in Radio Zapatista's webpage (www.radiozapatista) audios from Morelia's Good Government Council and from the autonomous Municipal Council of Vicente Guerrero, as well as recent programs (in English and in Spanish) on the situation.

Manifestación de solidaridad al los pueblos en lucha de México (tags)

Manifestación de solidaridad al los pueblos en lucha de México, organizado por el Comité Chiapas Aude, en el sur de Francia...

audio de antiFox manifa / audio of protest against Fox (tags)

4 entrevistas y varios consignas de la manifestación contra el ex presidente Vicente Fox, frente el Music Center / 4 interviews and various chants from the protest against ex-president of Mexico Vicente Fox, in front of the Music Center.

Against the repression in Oaxaca, Anti-capitalist class struggle! (tags)

For several months the town of Oaxaca, capital of the Mexican State of the same name, has been the center (of a movement) of important struggles which have undergone (or suffered) repeated attacks by the forces of repression (police, army and paramilitary) with many victims: at the end of November the toll was 22 dead and 34 disappeared.

Contra la represión en Oaxaca, ¡lucha proletaria anti-capitalista! (tags)

Desde hace varios meses la ciudad mejicana de Oaxaca, capital del Estado del mismo nombre, es el centro de un importante movimiento de lucha que ya ha sufrido varias veces los ataques de las fuerzas represivas (policía, ejército y fuerzas paramilitares), ocasionando numerosas víctimas: a finales de noviembre se confirmaba la muerte de 22 personas y de 34 desaparecidos.

movilizaciones masivas del EZLN en 5 caracoles, solidaridad con Oaxaca y Atenco (tags)

Exigimos la salida inmediato del autodenominado gobernador de Oaxaca, Ulises Ruiz Ortiz. Y también Policía Federal Preventivas, porque sólo están generando más torturas, represión, maltratos. Son los verdaderos criminales y responsables de lo que está sufriendo el pueblo de Oaxaca.

A marijuana plant that's almost impossible to kill??? (tags)

Si! Pero la pregunta es - wonder where you can get some seeds for this tough marijuana plant called "Colombians"

35th day of the occupation of Oaxaca by federal forces (tags)

December 1st, 2006

The Coup d’Etat in Mexico (tags)

As a New Regime Prepares to Seize Control December 1, Promising a New Wave of Repression, the Antidote Is Being Born from Below

Offensive by the Federal Preventive Police Against the People of Oaxaca (APPO communique) (tags)

Confrontation Continues Between the Police and the APPO in Different Parts of the City after the Federal Police attacked yesterday's peaceful demonstration. By the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO), The Other Oaxaca. Translated by

Marcos: “We Are On the Eve of Either a Great Uprising or a Civil War” (tags)

Mexico. "President" Calderón Will Begin to Fall from the Day He Takes Office, warns the Speaker of the EZLN.

This is What Recuperation Looks Like: the Rebellion in Oaxaca and the APPO (tags)

A look at the events in Oaxaca and a critical look at the APPO and its program of struggle.

Upcoming Events and Worldwide Direct Action in Support of Oaxaca on November 20th (tags)

"On November 20, blockades will be set up to show the Mexican government we mean business. We are calling upon YOU to join in these blockades. That could mean blockading the consulates’ websites, jamming their phone lines with calls about the conflict in Oaxaca, occupying the offices of the consuls, or shutting down the roads around the consulates in whatever way you see fit." - EZLN

please add more events as a comment

Donate in Solidarity with Oaxaca

Oaxaca is calling for US to get Organized

Global Solidarity with Oaxaca

Solidaridad con Oaxaca in LA (tags)

La Otra en el Otro Lado will have a press conference on Wednesday the 15th at 5 pm. in front of the Mexican Consulate in L.A.


Se anexa Carta a Vicente Fox de los presbíteros de OaxacaLIC.

Demonstrations and Vigils at Mexican Consulate (tags)

Join mobilizations and vigils this week at the Mexican consoulate to support the people of Oaxaca and the memory of those killed by the Mexican state, including indymedia journalist Brad Will. 5pm Tuesday and Wednesday, 10am and 5pm on Thursday.

Brad Will: El Jardín de la Esperanza (tags)

Brad R. Will fue despedido por el pueblo de Oaxaca en pleno ataque de las fuerzas federales en contra de los maestros y la Asamblea Popular del Pueblo de Oaxaca.

Los Angeles Mobilizes in Support of People in Oaxaca (tags)

Tension remains high in Oaxaca City as military flights continue, creating a general anxiety among residents over a possible massive crackdown against a popular movement demanding the resignation of the state’s governor. Mexico’s Attorney General’s office said it is looking into the cases of small explosions that shattered windows and glass doors at 3 different banks in Oaxaca City yesterday. A previously unknown guerrilla group claimed responsibility for the blasts, although many suspect the attacks were staged to create a pretext for an intervention by federal forces. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, a group of people is protesting in front of the Mexican Consulate, in an attempt to raise awareness about the volatile situation. (4:44 minutes and includes lede)

México en estado de alerta (tags)

Oaxaca en alerta máxima ante la inminente posibilidad de que Vicente Fox ordene a los Marines mexicanos y al Ejército tomar la capital del estado.

Mexico: Partial Vote Recount Confirms Massive and Systematic Election Fraud (tags)

Calderon as ExxonMobil's welcome mat via NAFTA/PPP (tags)

The historical pattern of ExxonMobil indicates their support for pro-NAFTA/PPP Calderon and possible takeover of Mexican owned Pemex by ExxonMobil corporation (restored monopoly)..

Cocaína,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche,Abril 10:¿CIA,Republicanos Y PAN? (tags)

Mientras que las noticias de México estan discutiendo el escándalo de los 5.5 + toneladas de cocaina capturado por el ejercito mexicano en el aeropuerto de Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Mexico en Abril 10,2006 ninguna de ellos estan escribiendo sobre los origenes del avion DC-9 con matrícula N900SA.

How the Mexican Election was Stolen (tags)

When Lopez Obrador addressed the press at 8:30, he condemned "the spectacle of the dance of numbers" and announced that the PRD and its political allies would impugn the election -- he had proof of anomalies in 40,000 polling places (a third of the total)

Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche,Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN (tags)

Mientras que las noticias de Mexico estan discutiendo el escandalo de los 5.5 + tonelados de cocaina capturado por el ejercito Mexicana en el aeropuerto de Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Mexico en Abril 10 ninguna de ellos estan escribiendo sobre los origenes del avion DC-9 con matricula N900SA.

Joaquin Cienfuegos: Report from the Struggles in Mexico 06/16/06-06/29/06 (tags)

The following is a correspondence from joaquin Cienfuegos, traveling throughout Mexico reporting on the struggles on the streets, the anarchist movement, the Other Campaign, the Zapatista’s, and the over all radical climate that is building. More updates to come. All messages are free for broad distribution and will be sent across the net. Please forward, and let this be an inspiration to a growing movement in North America towards internationalism.

La Otra Eleccion (tags)

la única esperanza de cambio para los migrantes es la que viene construyendo el pueblo organizado y que ahora confluye en La Otra Campaña, por lo que hicieron un llamado a todos los presentes, primero, a mantenerse informados de lo que realmente acontece en México y a organizarse mejor a nivel local, para inegrarse a La Otra Campaña pues esta lucha durará mucho tiempo.

Presentan Informe preliminar de la CCIODH en México por los hechos de Atenco (tags)

Presentación del informe preliminar de la Comisión Civil Internacional de Observación de Derechos Humanos ante La Otra Campaña.

The Ominous Shadow of 1988 this July Mexican Presidential Election elección presidencial (tags)

With 20 Days to Go before the Vote, the Spectre of Electoral Fraud - and Subsequent Repression - Haunts a Nation La sombra siniestra de 1988 libraciones sobre la elección presidencial mexicana de este julio

The Ominous Shadow of 1988 Hovers Over this July’s Mexican Presidential Election (tags)

With 20 Days to Go before the Vote, the Spectre of Electoral Fraud - and Subsequent Repression - Haunts a Nation

Joaquin Cienfuegos: Report from Mexico City 06/18 and Atenco 06/19/06 (tags)


New Perspectives on the Immigration Debate (tags)

At The Onion, Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 7:30 PM The Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society, also known as "The Onion," is located at 9550 Haskell Ave. in North Hills From Los Angeles take the 405 freeway north, exit left (westbound) on Nordhoff, go two blocks and turn right on Haskell. It's on the right side just north of Plummer. Ron Wilkins, a former member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), will be the Tuesday Night Forum guest speaker. He has worked many years toward strengthening relations between Mexican and black people. He has lectured extensively, designed and taught innovative cross-cultural courses at several colleges, displayed his "Journey to Black Mexico" photo exhibit at many venues and taken students to the Annual Meetings of Black Villages in Mexico's Costa Chica. Wilkins is a professor in the Department of Africana Studies at California State University, Dominguez Hills and Western Regional Deputy Chairman of the Patrice Lumumba Coalition. He can be contacted at:

Black Love Brown Pride! (tags)

Black & Brown Hist

video of protest of Vicente Fox visit with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (tags)

A small group of farmers from the SC Farm joined with others to protest Vicente Fox visit with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa today:

Antonio Villaraigosa & Vicente Fox at Persing Square (tags)

Friday 5/26/06 2 PM



What Alex Jones-- Promoter of the 9/11 "Truth" Event in LA-- Said About Mexican (tags)

The scenes you will witness on the streets of America over the next few days do not illustrate a 'new civil rights movement' but an invading army of militant foreigners bankrolled and supported by predominantly white rich Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs who are using the different Mexican race groups as a vice to crush the sleeping American middle class.

Atenco No Está Solo (tags)

Protestors rally near the City of Industry to fight a government-corporate land grab in the small Mexican town of San Salvador Atenco.

Virtual Sit-in against Mexican president Fox for EZLN Red Alert (tags)


Mexico welcomed fugitive slaves and African American job-seekers (tags)

New perspectives on the immigration debate

May 1: Zapatistas/ La Otra 2 March on US Embassy in Solidarity with Migrants (tags)

"It was there that Marcos decided to drop an information bomb on two governmental powers: the Mexican federal government and 'the Yankee Embassy' of Washington and Wall Street:

Bush's Immigration Trap (tags)

Labor: Organize the Unorganized!

Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants! (tags)

Down With Racist U.S. Imperialism! For Socialist Revolution on Both Sides of the Border!


Ciertos asesores políticos extranjeros en México venden los secretos de anteriores campañas electorales al mejor postor: van con quien los contrate más allá de toda ideología o fidelidad partidista.

“López Obrador instaurará una izquierda sin excesos dogmáticos de delirio” (tags)

Ciudad de México.- Uno de los principales estrategas y hombre de confianza del candidato puntero a la presidencia de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, del PRD, es sin duda Ricardo Monreal, ex gobernador del estado de Zacatecas. El hoy relevante constructor del tejido de las redes ciudadanas extendidas por todo el país en apoyo del presidenciable tabasqueño, en la primera etapa de la campaña hacia las elecciones presidenciales del 2 de julio, define ideología política, similitudes y distancias con las izquierdas latinas, y aclara los vínculos o diferencias con las mismas.


Desde hace 40 días los trabajadores del Colegio de Bachilleres (CB) de México estallamos la huelga en una firme y decidida lucha contra la violación al Contrato Colectivo de Trabajo (CCT) y por mejoras concretas laborales,como jubilación digna.

BTL:Mexican Civil Society Rises Up to Protest Ruling Party's Attempt to... (tags)

...Keep Progressive Candidate Off Presidential Ballot~ Interview with John Ross, journalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

American Dream Slipping Away (tags)

The American Dream Slipping Away from the Middle Class

Leftist KPFA Appeasers READ THIS (tags)

childish regression to fantasy about politics

The Targets are Venezuela and Cuba-New Intrigues of US Imperialism (tags)


Activista Universitario asesinado en Mexico (tags)

La "guerra sucia" presente con el autodenominado "gobierno del cambio".

George Bush's Book of Days (tags)

George Bush's Book of Days Documenting his Near-term Future by noted astrologer Mike Jordan of the Harmonic Astrology Project



The Spoils of War: Winners and Losers (tags)

Bill O'Reilly assesses the winners and losers from the Iraq war

Farm Labor Leaders Slam Bush over Mexico Pressures at UN (tags)

Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers of America; Arturo Rodriguez, president of the UFW; and Baldemar Velasquez, president of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, tell Bush to stop pressuring the Mexican government to vote at the UN for a war the Mexican people overwhelmingly oppose.

The Spirit of La Magdalena- Fighting Campesinos (tags)


Globalizing Justice in the Peten Jungle of Guatemala (tags)

Speaker from Peter rainforest comes to LA to speak about Plan Puebla Panama on October 7th.

Open Letter To Committee to Protect Journalists (tags)

I write to inform you of specific acts and immediate threats against journalists in Venezuela, and to ask you 12 questions, as a journalist, about your organization's previous statements regarding press freedom issues in that country. I hope that your organization will take immediate action to defend these journalists at risk, and that you will offer full and honest answers to the 12 questions.

Demonstration in Solidarity with the people of San Salvador Atenco (tags)

Below is the text of the press release from the Comite Zapatista de Los Angeles (CZLA) in advance of today's demonstration in solidarity with the people of San Salvador Atenco held outside the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles. The spanish version follows the english.

Bush Texans, bullies at G8 (tags)

Ottawa says Bush 'Texans' tried to bully G8 host > 'In your face with a boxing glove'

Emergency Protest for Atenco! (tags)

July 16th, Tuesday, from 3 to 5 pm in front of the Mexican Consulate, 2401 W. 6th Street (and Park View) near MacArthur Park.

SOLIDARITY WITH UPRISING IN MEXICO, info, where to get translations (tags)

Information about, where to get translations about, uprising in Mexico by farmers who are protesting the building of an airport on their land. GLOBAL SOLIDARITY!

Report on the March For Zapata from La Opinion (in Spanish) (tags)

A report on the April 7th March for Zapata in East Los Angeles from La Opinion, Los Angeles largest-circulation spanish language daily newspapaer.

Time to Smash Facism Again (tags)

Anti-immigrant morons to skewer Mexicans...let's counter-protest!

Murder of Mexican Human Rights Attorney Raises Questions about President Fox's.. (tags)

Roberto Rodriguez is a columnist and activist based in Texas. He spoke with Between The Lines' Denise Manzari about Digna Ochoa's murder and the anticipated response of the Vicente Fox government.

La Voz de Aztlan Should Join Up with white Neo-NAZIs (tags)

La Voz de Aztlan doesn't represent the views of Mexicans-- only the views of Hitler lovers

Pres. Vicente Fox at UCLA tomorrow (tags)

Greet Mexican President Vicente Fox and California Governor Davis at their invite-only "town hall" at UCLA tomorrow.

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