fix articles 110855, alumni
Calling All UC Students & Alumni: Stop Nuclear Development at our University! (tags)
A new online campaign is up that utilizes the strategic power of students and alumni to demand a peaceful and sustainable University. Check it out to learn more about the issue, join up and network with others. Together we can send a powerful message to the University of California that tells them we will not be complicit with the nuclear weapons industry!
Was Tony Blair Folded Over Like Dubya's Shotgun?
John Kerry Skull and Bones Link (tags)
Attend the first annual Campus Earth Festival at UCSC! Independant journalists, video, audio, and photo are strongly encouraged. For more information, please send an email to:
Lynne Cheney's Campus Crusade (tags)
Campus protests against the war on terrorism are bothering the heck out of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA), founded in 1995 by Lynne Cheney and Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman. ACTA wants conservative trustees and alumni to exercise a greater say over the entire university governance process, and it recently published an incendiary report claiming that "colleges and university faculty have been the weak link in America's response to the attack" of September 11.