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Retenes del Fin de Semana 5 de Mayo / Cinco de Mayo Checkpoints 2012 (tags)
Despues de la aprobacion de la ley AB353, la cual que limita el periodo de decomiso para conductores sin licencia detenidos en retenes, el estado ha cambiado su tactica para usar mas la "patrulla de saturacion" para seguir quitandonos los carros. Por eso vienen varias patrullas de saturacion tambien en la lista.
Ever since the passage of AB 353, which limits the impound period for cars driven by unlicensed drivers caught in checkpoints, the state has changed tactics, using "saturation patrols" in order to continue taking our cars. That's why this list includes several saturation patrols.
Sheriff's Dept. releases holiday DUI enforcement schedule (tags)
Police and sheriff's agencies around the Inland Empire will be conducting sobriety checkpoints and patrols focusing on motorists driving while under the influence through New Year's Day.
An open dialogue supporting the exhibition: "Invisible... From Angel Island To The Underground Economy" Saturday, January 26, 2002, from 7 pm to 9 pm, at The Avenue 50 Studio.