fix articles 110047, louise Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : louise


Glendale Film Forum: BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE tomorrow, Nov 14th (tags)

The Glendale Peace Vigil presents a screening of Michael Moore's Oscar award-winning documentary, "Bowling for Columbine," tomorrow night at the Glendale Central Library.

Dineh (Navajo) youth imprisoned for documenting desecration (tags)

A sacred Sundance arbor on the homesite of a Dineh resistor was bulldozed by Hopi officials Friday with the support of BIA, and Navajo County police. A young Dineh was arrested for attempting to document the desecration of his church. This follows the recent attempt by officials to shut down a Sundance ceremony happening at camp Anna Mae, by setting up roadblocks, cutting off the nearest water source and turning away food, water medicine and doctors

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