fix articles 109779, barrack obama
The Populist Makers and Dangerous Optimism (tags)
The people vote and capital decides. Another capitalism appears that is marked by an anti-liberal and intolerant culture. The goal of the new capitalists is the same as the old capitalists: to make the rich even richer. The governing elites gamble away the future of coming generations.
USA: Human Rights Activist Ordered to Six Months of Jail (tags)
The case of Ed Frey is reminiscent of an earlier Santa Cruz case where Sandy Loranger did time in jail for feeding the homeless soup. When the judge offered her counseling instead of jail Sandy Loranger replied, "If feeding my fellow man is a crime, I am beyond rehabilitation."
Censorship On The Network (tags)
The message that came up on the D.C. IMC today when I went to publish an article
Here Is Your Free Libya, Obama! (tags)
Mr. President, you're a war criminal
Nato Is Murdering Civilian Men, Women and Children In Libya. (tags)
Clearly Nato is pushing the old American doctrine of unconditional surrender in Libya
Obama Says: Fuck Your Lungs! (tags)
Anyone that continues to support Barrack Obama is a fucking asshole.
Response to 'Leaked Zionist strategy Paper to counter BDS' By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)
A ruling state cannot be dictated to by other nations, but it can and does dictate to other nations, including to the world's sole superpower! Does the Jewsonly State of Israel fit that bill? When Zionistan can bomb and kill and burn men women and children with impunity in front of the entire world's powerless spectating eyes, when every Western statesman from the Queen to the President pays homage to them, especially their visit on Israel's 60th birthday bash while their own Bibles were being burnt downtown, and when their sugar-daddy owns/controls all the Western world's central banks thus controlling their national/supra-national laws, someone expects me to believe that Israel is afraid of the BDS movement?
Dick Cheney Was Right! Torture Works. (tags)
That's if you are torturing for the explicit purpose of having torture victims confess to crimes they didn't commit.
Oil Is Not The Worst Part of British Petroleum's Gulf Gusher! (tags)
It is bad enough that British Petroleum (BP) doesn't want to attempt to use high explosives drilled deep down into the bed rock beside the pipe to bend it closed.
Fuck The American Dead! What About the Iraqi and Afghan Dead? (tags)
What about the 1.5 million dead Iraq civilians, men, women, and children
President Obama's State of the Union address suggested an erosion of his will to resist Republican pressures and keep his campaign promises.
Today, October 2001, the Bush regime’s armed forces launched “Operation Enduring Freedom” by carpet bombing Afghanistan and then invading and occupied the whole country after a minimal resistance from the existing Taliban regime. Like when Bush proclaimed “mission accomplished “ in Iraq, Afghanistan was an easy victory to their delight in 2001 but later it became their worst nightmare several years later.
How to Legally Quit the US Military! (tags)
...all you have to do is to say that you "Do not believe that Barrack Obama is the legal president of the USA and he is also not the Commander in Chief of the US Military... ..................................................................................
Is Obama a Real "Manchurian Candidate"??? (tags)
The U.S.,British and Israeli Govts have made a lot of progress in sinister "mind control" since the days of the Lawrnce Harvey,Frank Sinatra Manchurian Candidate movie!
If They Knew the Truth, They'd Hate Us Even More (tags)
Obama doesn't want us to see what are darling soldiers have been up to.
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) reiterates its stand on the long-standing battle of Filipino- American veterans to claim what is due them in the name of justice and equity. We would like to emphasize that this movement, waged valiantly for 63 years by veterans who are in the twilight of their lives, is beyond personal and family interests. It has to be viewed as an issue of national interest and dignity. Sadly, there are a few Filipinos who see this struggle in an unsympathetic and twisted sense. The JFAV would like to correct this sentiment and ask them to instead look at the veterans’ issue on the light of respecting the rights of our war veterans and honoring our dignity as a country. Filipino- American veterans all over America have unanimously agreed to accept what the recently signed Stimulus Package of Pres. Barrack Obama has given them. But will continue with the struggle for equity as they did for so many years now.
Obama Caves to the Oil Companies. (tags)
Today on NBC's meet The Press, retained Secretary of Defense William Gates grabbed president Barrack Obama by the neck and pulled Barrack Obama's face to secretaries crotch.
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) reiterates its stand on the long-standing battle of Filipino American Veterans to claim what is due them in the name of justice and equity. We would like to emphasize that this movement, waged valiantly for 63 years by veterans who are in the twilight of their lives, is beyond personal and family interests. It has to be viewed as an issue of national interest and dignity. Sadly, there are a few Filipinos who see this struggle in an unsympathetic and twisted sense. The JFAV would like to correct this sentiment and ask them to instead look at the veterans’ issue on the light of respecting the rights of our war veterans and honoring our dignity as a country. Fil-am veterans all over America have unanimously agreed to accept what the recently signed Stimulus Package of Pres. Barrack Obama has given them. But will continue with the struggle for equity as they did for so many years now.
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) reiterates its stand on the long-standing battle of Filipino- American veterans to claim what is due them in the name of justice and equity. We would like to emphasize that this movement, waged valiantly for 63 years by veterans who are in the twilight of their lives, is beyond personal and family interests. It has to be viewed as an issue of national interest and dignity. Sadly, there are a few Filipinos who see this struggle in an unsympathetic and twisted sense. The JFAV would like to correct this sentiment and ask them to instead look at the veterans’ issue on the light of respecting the rights of our war veterans and honoring our dignity as a country. Filipino- American veterans all over America have unanimously agreed to accept what the recently signed Stimulus Package of Pres. Barrack Obama has given them. But will continue with the struggle for equity as they did for so many years now. JFAV believes that the veterans, and widows or legal heirs of the deceased ones, deserve the full rights of naturalization and welfare benefits, including health and pension which the Rescission Act of 1946 has denied and the Stimulus Package has only partially fulfilled.
Obama George W. Bush Wacks Helen Thomas! (tags)
In the debut of president Barrack Obama's first press conference da Prez in an attempt to honor the grand dame of the white house press corp. gave a slightly more dramatic calling on Helen's turn to ask her "question"
Can we rebuild the labor movement with the Employee Free Choice Act? (tags)
Much has been said in the United States labor movement around the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a bill many mainstream leaders tout as the solution to the decline of unions. With the recent election of Barrack Obama and the Democratic Party holding the majority of seats in both houses of the US Congress, these same leaders have their hearts set that their millions of dollars in campaign contributions will pay off with the passage of the bill.
Bob Herbert the African-American New York Times columnist has just published a column in the New York Times called "Zimbabwe" in which he claims that Zimbabwe it is in a total mess and that it's all the president of Zimbabwe's fault.
The Battle Of The River (tags)
A Fiction
The Shortwave Report 7/18 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
Obama's Accuser and the Surreal Scene at the NPC (tags)
The fur was flying fast and furiously at the National Press Club on June 18, 2008. Larry Sinclair was in town--the bete noire of U.S. Sen. Barrack Obama (D-IL). After making an opening statement, the media ripped into Sinclair, challenging just about every aspect of his anti-Obama yarn. It wasn’t a good day for the accuser. He was also arrested after his spiel by the DC cops and turned over to two Federal Marshals on an outstanding Delaware warrant.
The Ron Paul “Revolution”, an Extreme Rightwing Threat (tags)
"Paul is a white nationalist of the Stormfront type who has always kept his racial views and his views about world Judaism quiet because of his political position." American Nazi Party Commander, Bill White
Why does Obama hate Iran, support Israel?? (tags)
Both Democrats/Republicans appear eager for a U.S. military conflict with Iran, citing Iran's imaginary nuclear program as prime reason, while land in North America (Newe Sogobia, NV, NTS) remains a nuclear weapons testing site & nuclear waste dump under U.S. military occupation. Hypocrisy anyone??
US Senate unanimously passes threatening measure against Iran (tags)
A little publicised amendment to the defence spending bill denouncing Iran for the “murder” of US soldiers in Iraq was proposed by Independent Democrat Joseph Lieberman and passed unanimously in the US Senate on Wednesday. Republicans and Democrats all lined up to support the White House’s unsubstantiated accusations that Tehran is funding, training and arming Iraqi militias, “who are contributing to the destabilisation of Iraq and are responsible for the murder of members of the United States Armed Forces”. For all their antiwar posturing, not a single Democrat, including the leading presidential contenders Hilary Clinton, Barrack Obama and Joseph Biden, opposed the amendment. Having supported the Bush administration’s crimes in Iraq, the Democrats are lending credibility to another campaign of lies, half-truths and disinformation aimed at justifying a new military adventure.
Is Barack Obama an Alternative for U.S. Workers? (tags)
After years of Bush’s open-ended war on working people at home and abroad, many on the “left” are desperate for an alternative. For many, that alternative is Barack Obama, a Democratic Senator from Illinois. Obama, who is very careful with his words and actions, has done a good job so far of portraying himself as a “sensible progressive”. However, far from being a “progressive” alternative, Obama is at his core a typical representative of the bosses’ political parties. Despite presenting himself as a candidate of “change”, Obama is a defender of capitalism and imperialism, and hence of exploitation and oppression. On all fundamentals, he is far closer to Bush than he is to being a genuine alternative for working people.