fix articles 109566, go away
Go Away, Barky, I've Work to Do (tags)
"Obama and Netanyahu initially conferred for about 90 minutes in the Oval Office — a half-hour longer than scheduled. After that meeting, Obama retired to the residence while Netanyahu stayed behind in the White House to consult with his staff in the Roosevelt Room, a White House official said late Tuesday."
More preventive measures needed to control TB infections, health officials say (tags)
A young woman, aged 18, presents to a physician with a cough that will not go away, malaise, and a fever.
CIA Expelled from UCSB Campus (tags)
Antiwar activists from the University of California, Santa Barbara and the surrounding community kicked CIA recruiters off of their campus today in a nonviolent direct action.
Petition:No more Stonewalling from the BBC re WTC 7 (tags)
People, here is a petition on the recent BBC WTC7 scandal. Lets get as many to sign it as possible
Human Evolution and Religion—A Global Truce through Anthropology (tags)
Every religion in the world was created to serve the needs of humans who are evolutionarily equal, and therefore, have asked the same questions about life. Anthropologists have identified a number of universal constants of religion, and have discovered that different religions aren’t so different from each other after all.
EXPLOSIVE: Tampa Bay News has Conspiratorial Emails in 2000 Election Fraud Coup d'État (tags)
Tampa Bay News now in possession of Douglas Alexander (former U.K. E-Commerce Minister) election emails. Emails deal with direct communications between Alexander, Karen Hughes (chief aide to Bush) Mel Sembler aka Bay Point Schools and Democratic traitor Al Rodgers of Fort Lauderdale, Florida along with current Florida A.G. Charlie (gay-in-the-closet) Crist.
Back Breaking News Exposes Chris Matthews of MSNBC (tags)
He condones Congressman Foley’s sexual activity with a Page of 21 years old because he was of age at the time. Matthews ignores the solicitation of the Page by the pedophile Foley before the Page turned 21 years old. Then it gets worse. Matthews compares the activities of homosexual-in-the-closet Foley to what Matthews considers scandalous which is President John F. Kennedy’s marriage to Jacqueline Kennedy when she was 22 years old and he was 34 years old. Is he insane or what?
CBS News ready to report that North Korea Nuclear Test was not a nuclear test at all in fact the explosion in North Korea was an accidental detonation of dynamite linked to three regiments in the North Korean army who patrol the area. Bush, Putin and the Chinese President created this façade to disguise a massive fund transfer out of the Northern Trust Bank in Chicago linked to funds that were designated for the payment of the Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols; funds that were due to Ambassador Leo Wanta. The funds of course belong to the US and French Treasuries not to the Chinese Box Gang. It can now be reported that that leader of North Korea, received 55 million dollars to go along with this ruse...
Back Breaking News: Further Update on N. Korea fraud, a hoax (tags)
None other than Fox News is reporting that the French Defense Minister has announced that the alleged North Korean Nuclear Test was a failure.
WOW! Pedophile Cover Up (tags)
Republican leadership will announce today that they will try to undercut Congressional authority to investigate Pedophile Gate by appointing Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate puppet Louis Freeh, former FBI Director, as the independent investigator. Recommending Freeh’s appointment was none other than extortion-friendly Lannie Davis who was former President Clinton’s Communications Director... MORE
HOT HOT HOT Backbreaking News: Mark Foley+Karl Rove+Jeb Bush+Hassert+Frist+Baynard+... (tags)
Justice Dept. sources are now confirming that the FBI Inquiry of alleged pedophile Mark Foley reports that email and phone records have now been discovered linking White House political hack Karl Rove to direct communication with Republican Congressman Reynolds (R. NY.), Hassert (R. Illinois), Baynard (R. Ohio) and Frist (R. Tenn.) in the closet... MORE
UPDATE ON BREAKING INTEL: 9/11 Now Exposed (tags)
It can now be reported that the reason why Rumsfeld and Rice ignored the July 10, 2001 warnings of George Tenet, then CIA Director and the U.S. State Dept. is that Bin Laden was not only in the UAE for dialysis treatment in June/July 2001; but was there on a secret mission on behalf of the U.S. NSA to sell Promis Software to the Emir of the UAE in Dubai. That’s right folks, Rumsfeld and Rice ignored these warnings because Bin Laden (never caught now dead) was still a CIA Agent (aka Tim Osman). We now understand why Bush ordered an NSA spy dragnet against his own State Dept. on the day of 9/11 itself.
HOT INTEL: 9/11 Now Exposed (tags)
It can now be reported this morning that a U.S. Justice Dept. warrant and an Interpol Red Notice has been issued for Israeli Mossad agent Jacob Coby Alexander. Alexander linked to the noted Urban Moving Systems/Odigo Mossad Group which operated in the New Jersey, New York area pre-9/11. Fact Not Fiction: An SEC case issued against Alexander (Docket 19796 Aug.9/06) has accused Alexander of backdating Put Options on United Airlines and American...
BREAKING INTEL: Pedophile, 9/11 Update (tags)
Marc Grossman, former Undersecretary of State under Colin Powell, has been indicted (sealed), in the Valerie Plame outing case. Grossman now tied directly to Israeli espionage against the U.S. Grossman linked directly to the attempt to plant WMD in Iraq thru Turkey and to the 9/11 Cover-up of the July 2001 warning to America in which Donald Rumsfeld and Con Rice knowingly ignored the warnings of George Tenet, former CIA Director... MORE
Electrical shock to testicles NOT torture so says Congress (tags)
To use electrical shock on testicles is NOT torture so says our self-proclaimed 'Family Values', sold-out, extortion-friendly, NON-representative Congress!!! Presumably okay for female labia as well???
Israeli Espionage Nest with Bushfraud as the Stooge (tags)
The Washington Post will report tomorrow that Bush had Colin Powell fired on November 10, 2004. Question: Who was Undersecretary of State under Colin Powell? Answer – 9-11, Iraq-Gate, WMD, Mossad asset Marc Grossman. The dots now have been fully connected. The Israeli espionage nest directed against the entire U.S. Government with closet queen Bushfraud as the stooge.
Is it time for Bush to press the panic button (tags)
Bill Oreilly >> The Bush Haters Are Hurting America...,2933,212499,00.html TIME >> Why The 9/11 Conspiracies Won't Go Away.,9171,1531304,00.html
Evolutionary Science as an Implement of Personal Empowerment (tags)
Scientists who study human evolution have made great discoveries into the origins of human emotions and how they affect people and interpersonal relationships. People can put these discoveries to use in their everyday lives—if they learn about them.
Googling for Fun Can Be Depressing (tags)
Pick an important story and google it. You’ll find plenty of hits, but f it’s critical of the current administration, odds are you won’t find many hits on corporate media sites—just on alternative and oversease media sites. No wonder the American public is turning away from mainstream purveyors of “news.”
As the June 5th peace march approaches, will you be prepared for the "Brownshirts in White"--the pro-war, pro-Bush "Protest Warriors" who tagged along in the March 20 peace marches? On March 20, they carried signs reading "Leave Saddam alone; he only kills his own people" and "Give communism another chance; it's only killed 100 million people so far." What will you do on June 5? Will you talk with these guys? Will you ignore them? (And have you read Thom Hartmann's excellent article about Hitler's reign, entitled "When Democracy Failed"? If not, check out the Common Dreams web page listed at the bottom of this article.) Let's make June 5 a day for peace and a day of peace.
The True Face of War Just Won't Go Away (tags)
"Perhaps if we saw more of the true face of war in all its disgusting horror we'd be a little less quick to accept its necessity from politicians.. Already it begins to look like President george W. Bush's political Waterloo.."
'They Just Wanted it to Go Away' (tags)
'The Stupidest Thing the Army Could Have Done is Charge These Reservists...Any Defense Lawyer is Going to Push to Find Out Who Was Really Calling the Shots at Abu Ghurayb,' Says Defendant's Lawyer
Secrets, Spies and Cover-ups (tags)
Irag War