fix articles 108762, auto industry
Good Paragaph from Socialists re Auto Crisis (tags)
The socialists had one of the most incisive single paragraphs I have read about the auto crisis.
Rumblings in the depths of the UAW (tags)
They still prevail but the contract rejections at Chrysler shook the UAW bureaucracy and the employers and are a glimpse of what is to come. And many of the new hires will likely be in the forefront of it.
Activists Call Out Auto Industry’s Empty Promises at LA Auto Show (tags)
*Watch this video of RAN and Global Exchange activists asking GM CEO Rick Wagoner to sign a pledge to make his company the most fuel efficient by 2010.
BTL:Bush Administration, Working with Auto Industry... (tags)
...Attacks California's Clean Air Standards.Interview with Daniel Becker, of the Sierra Club conducted by Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus.