fix articles 108628, blockbuster video
Mainstream U.S. Media Controlled by Conservatives (tags)
A legion of conservative talk show hosts, pundits and media-watch groups pound away at the idea that the media exhibit an inherently "liberal" tilt
Who owns CNN? or MSNBC? ABC? (tags)
So ya think we have a "free press" eh? Check out who owns who, and who owns what you think.......
How has the American media conned its subjects into supporting war on Iraq? (tags)
How the U.S. media has systematically propagandized its American subjects to be pro-Israel and anti-Arab, and have programmed the American mind into accepting 300,000 American troops being sent to fight and die for the fascist government of Israel and greed-obsessed oil company executives. This story will list the seven biggest monolithic media conglomerates that dominate American political news & commentary. Copyright Richard Lee (2003)