fix articles 10832, based Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : based


Ukraine war: the business with death (tags)

State-sponsored arms shipments cause corporate profits to skyrocket. That warlike conflicts boost the business of arms corporations is a well-known fact, but never in recent history have Western arms firms and corporations been able to enrich themselves so shamelessly from human suffering as in the Ukraine conflict.

Unhoused and Mentally Ill in Venice (tags)

The way City of Los Angeles deals with unhoused people suffering with mental illness should be dismantled and defunded.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.

When Wealth Destroys Wealth: Inverse Capitalism and its Limits (tags)

Ever-increasing real estate prices was an illusion. The boom that the US stock markets have experienced in recent years deserves the name fracking boom. Fictitious capital put the US economy back on the growth track.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.

Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science (tags)

We are a group of internationally known scientists, from a variety of scientific fields (biology, neuroscience, psychology, medicine, psychiatry), who participated in an international summit The summit was co-organized by Gary E. Schwartz, PhD and Mario Beauregard, PhD,


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.

How fbi corrupts cjs (tags)

This report shows fbi control over all in CJS.


A Sci-Fi Thriller from Filmmaker Jane Spencer Currently Lensing in Zurich

San Diego based "strike force" Still Heading to Korea (tags)

Tthe US "strike group" led by the the San Diego based aircraft carrier Carl Vinson is indeed heading for the Korean Peninsula.

San Diego warships leading charge against North Korea (tags)

US Navy warships based in San Diego are moving towards North Korean waters as tensions rise across the region.

Take a Step Back – Robert Tronge (tags)

I’m sure we’ve all heard the statement “walk a mile in his shoes”, but how many people are actually willing to step outside of their comfort zone and do this for a real. Most people are unwilling to see the other person’s point of view, especially when it violates their concept of right and wrong, whether that view of right or wrong is based on past experiences, ethnic, cultural, religious believes or outright bigotry.

Landmark UAW International Ruling Rejects Local BDS Resolution (tags)

BDS resolution defeated by bUAW international Union

Iran Nuclear Deal: The Real Battle Begins (tags)


Bernie Sanders: Populist or Opportunist? (tags)


Venezuelan/Palestinian Relations: Based on Brotherhood, Solidarity and Mutual Support (tags)


Kangaroo Court Justice for Hassan Diab (tags)

police state

Hidden neoliberal absolutism more evident in rise of repressive regimes. (tags)

Effects of the UN's neoliberal absolutism on 10 Dec 2008 has been hidden from the public by the UN and leadership of major human rights organizations but seen in GFC 2008/9 and now the rise of repressive regimes at UN.

An Unfinished and Incoherent Fact Based Essay Collection 'Finland Unrevealed' (tags)

An Unfinished and Incoherent Fact Based Essay Collection about the problems one finds in Finland (needs logging in FB). Read more on journalists practising self-censorship, mass media usage, security police history and it turning to red, systematic procedures practised to shape the Finland more Russia (and Soviet) friendly, The Agreement of Friendship Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, abuse formulas used by the police and government officials etc. Link is an essential reading for those who plan to move, work or live in Finland. Sort of a Finnish 'Stasi' -file...

Philippines: 'Forward, Bayanihang Sosyalismo!' Popularising a socialism 'with local colour (tags)

The following is the English-language translation of a document on bayanihan socialism that was presented at the convention of the Philippines socialist party Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Labouring Masses, PLM) in December, 2013.

The State as a Human Cage (tags)

"Personal performance" always depends on the work of past generations and state interventions. The 1% stylize inequality as a motor to innovation, growth and development. Exploding inequality is the end to public spirit and interdependence.

Free Internet Book: The Common Good (tags)

Rethinking the reproduction of life and the continuity of life on our planet from the perspective of the paradigm of the Common Good of Humanity is an urgent necessity in the current situation.

Consensus 9/11: New Truths Dispelling Old Lies (tags)


Anti-Syrian Media Bias (tags)


Lies, Damn Lies and John Kerry Lies (tags)


Indigenous Support, deCol and Territorialism in the Movement, an activist open letter (tags)

Forwarded to imc via email, and posted here.

Integra Revolucio. Towards an international ideological and political space (tags)

This is a call for all individuals, collectives and people around the world who are working towards the construction of another society from below to come together for an international meeting. The aim is to establish the Bloc for the Integral Revolution.

US brands Haqqani network as terrorist organization (tags)

Months long heated debate on notorious Haqqani network has almost come to an end with announcement by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham ClintonHillary Rodham Clinton as she said in a statement on Friday that Haqqani network – that is allegedly based in Pakistan – has been branded as a foreign terrorist outfit.

Chavez Riding High in Polls (tags)


NGOs Promote Wars for Profit (tags)


Considering Your Religion (tags)

In a humanity with the reason to reflect, to confirm oneself with the truth and decide for the good.

Muslim Charity Principals Denied Justice (tags)


Illusions of Democracy (tags)

A series copied from a content bucket about politics.

Israel's Proposed Counterterrorism Law (tags)

police state


The EPCC NEWS based in Los Angeles reported today that the NDF-Mindanao thru its spokesperson Jorge Madlos reaffirmed the rebel alliance with the MILF in the island of Mindanao. Madlos said that: ? The breaking of diplomatic protocol by the respective principals of the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), for the sake of achieving a final peace settlement is admirable if only the outcome of their talks truly serve the best interest of the Moro and non-Moro peoples alike.? The NDF also said; ? Such an agreement must be based on the Moro people?s genuine right to self-determination, sovereignty, patrimony, and basic economic and political reforms that shall mainly benefit the long-suffering Bangsamoro.


?the EPCC NEWS based in Los Angeles reported today that at least a dozen New People?s Army (NPA) rebels and an Army soldier were killed Sunday following fierce clashes between government forces and the rebels in Loreto, Agusan del Sur, a military official said Monday. But Colonel Rodrigo Diapana, commander of the Army?s 402nd Infantry Brigade based in Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur, admitted that out of the 12 rebels reported killed by soldiers, only four bodies had been recovered so far. Diapana said Sunday?s loss was a major setback for the NPA. On the other some analyst says the NPA also intensified its tactical offensives in response to intesfied AFP/PNP operations in Mindanao despite the NDF-GPH peace talks.

Upcoming Holy Land Foundation Appeal for Justice (tags)


Magon Event on the 9th, and Comment on Anarchism (tags)

There's an interesting event at the Echo on the 9th - a film about Magon, but there was one bit of info that was incorrect.

Explained: Why the Wal-Mart Decision Matters (tags)

A short explanation of why the Wal Mart decision matters, what a class action lawsuit is, and potentially new standards applied to decisions about discrimination.

Video: Thousands Across US Rally in Support of Workers' Rights (tags)

In hundreds of cities, thousands rally to show support for public sector workers.

Updating Mohamed Harkat's Persecution (tags)

a judicial lynching

Night with Jose Rizal, October 16 in LA (tags)

"Isang Gabi ni Rizal". Bantay Pilipinas- USA will. again venture into another ground breaking event - a multi media celebration of the heroism and artistry of the Philippine national hero Dr. Jose Rizal on October 16, 2010 This will be held at the East West Players in the heart of Los Angeles' Little Tokyo -at the East West Players (EWP) Theater, 120 Judge Aiso St. Los Angeles, CA, 90012 "Isang Gabi ni Rizal" will feature a full reception replete with chamber music, wine table, verses from Rizal's work, exhibition of paintings by U.S. based Filipino artists, books and Rizal inspired publications and a sumptuous Filipino style light buffet.


I have a missing Hindu family needing compliance officer with authority to enforce the paperwork reduction act post facto no joke. Not only that but I seem to be downloading Jon Stewarts jokes. I blame the incident on KPFT for blaspheming too much on Thursday and Friday.

Death Penalty Opponents Rally to Oppose Planned Execution (tags)

LOS ANGELES, September 28, 2010 – Death penalty opponents held a rally at the Westwood Federal Building this past Tuesday. The rally was called to oppose the threat of renewed executions in the state of California.

Anti-nazi, pro-liberation mobilization in Los Angeles April 17 (tags)

antiracistaction_la wrote this in March, explaining the events today. follow the link to get the complete essay and comments.


After the the February 16 deadline passed and on the 64th year of the infamous Rescission Act of 1946, The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), a national alliance of veterans, youth, students and community organizations and activists for veterans' rights based in Los Angeles and the Migrant Heritage Commission based in Washington DC is based to file a case in court against the DVA. This came about after the DVA announced that it has denied 16,000 claims for lump sum out of the of the 41,000 applicants. JFAV National Coordinator Arturo P, Garcia said, "This is an outrage considering that the US and Philippine governments made so much political capital of the lump sum. This proves injustice still prevails.”


After the the February 16 deadline passed and on the 64th year of the infamous Rescission Act of 1946, The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), a national alliance of veterans, youth, students and community organizations and activists for veterans' rights based in Los Angeles and the Migrant Heritage Commission based in Washington DC is based to file a case in court against the DVA. This came about after the DVA announced that it has denied 16,000 claims for lump sum out of the of the 41,000 applicants. JFAV National Coordinator Arturo P, Garcia said, "This is an outrage considering that the US and Philippine governments made so much political capital of the lump sum. This proves injustice still prevails.”

More Army troops deployed to W. Visayas to crush Reds (tags)

PESANTE NEWS learned today from media sources from Cebu City that the Army has deployed more troops in Western Visayas, just months before the June 2010 deadline set by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to strategically defeat the communist-led insurgency. The Army's 3rd Infantry Division (3ID) based in Jamindan town, Capiz on Monday formally deployed 190 soldiers to units on the islands of Negros, Panay and parts of Mindanao, 3ID public information officer 1st Lt. Mark Andrew Posadas said in a statement.


As the official election campaign begins for the Philippine presidential campaign for May 2010 elections last January 10, the Filipino-American campaign intramurals heats up in the United States. The NoyMar ( For Senators Benigno Aquino Jr. and Mar Roxas Liberal party). The current front runners in the Philippines, announced its activities for the campaign


With barely two weeks to the official Philippine presidential campaign for May 2010 elections in mid-January 2010, the Filipino-American campaign intramurals heats up in the United States. The latest group to form up was the NoyMar ( For Aquino-Roxas Liberal party). It was composed of former NAFFAA stalwarts Loida Nicolas Lewis of New York and the Macabenta-Rodis tandem in San Francisco. The US-based group promised to raised $ 2 million for the campaign kitty of two Philippine landlord-millionaires-Noynoy Aquino and Mar Roxas of the Araneta clan.


With barely two weeks to the official Philippine presidential campaign for May 2010 elections in mid-January 2010, the Filipino-American campaign intramurals heats up in the United States. The latest group to form up was the NoyMar ( For Aquino-Roxas Liberal party). It was composed of NAFFAA stalwarts Loida Nicolas Lewis of New York and the Macabenta-Rodis tandem in San Francisco. The group promised to raised $ 2 million for the campaign kitty of two Philippine landlord-millionaires-Noynoy Aquino and Mar Roxas of the Araneta clan.

A Science of Intuition (tags)

(Commentaries on Science, Religion, Spiritualism, Politics and The Resource Based Economy)

The US-Arroyo’s Gross Criminal Neglect , The GMA Legacy (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante-USA)- a US based environmental and peasant advocacy group since 1991 expressed outrage over the criminal neglect and extreme arrogance of the US-Arroyo regime and its hirelings. Besides coddling the NAPOCOR’s criminal neglect, now that the Arroyo administration is playing dumb and blind to the DWSD’s incompetence. While donations are rotting in DSWD warehouses, the DSWD is driving the affected people out the relocations centers and forcing them to register. It is not enough for the US-Arroyo regime to blame the victims but punishing them with such uncalled for sanctions.

Truth Action on the 8th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks (tags)

Anyone unclear on the purpose and methods of Truth Action should visit this thread: Contrary to some rumors, racism and right-wing propaganda are UNWELCOME at

From Bubbles to Living Economies (tags)

"The old story promised stability based on enterprise but delivered chaos based on speculation. It preached transparency but created a world ruled by occult financial knowledge.."

Zionism Is America’s Existential Threat: (tags)

We The People of the United States need a new “Declaration of Independence from Religious Oppression” in all its forms and insinuations. Zionism is based on the “delusion” that some “questionable” psychological character who once posed mythically as a high-god deity “gave,” or ordained, the Israel tribal lineage of people to the territory in Canaan at a particular historical point. We are supposed to be “past” the turbulent and insane ages of divine right for kings and it is equally time to recognize that we are also concomitantly past a time for divine right for nations.



Who is ruining our families, property and business? (tags)

When State is run as a corporation then we must ask 'who are the competitors', 'who are the clients' and most of all 'what services I need to pay for'. Close inspection however reveals this being a communist model aiming to ruin private ownership and western culture. Have a look inside to see some real grounds and examples for this conclusion.

War Criminal GW Bush Regime Escapes to Texas Ranch (tags)

Since GW Bush, Cheney and their fellow war criminals of the outgoing Bush administration are escaping their needed trail for war crimes following the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq based on fabricated evidence. Many needless deaths from invasion of Iraq and a crumbling economy are the legacy of this brilliant criminal regime. Are we content to allow them to simply retire to clearing brush on the Texas ranch without a war crimes trail??

Sean Baker on Finance Capitalism (tags)

Education and health care are the new gold. Without massive investments in education and health care, dour country will be under-developed and under-achieving.

Cowardly Service (tags)

When I was a student at the University of Connecticut I experienced an assortment of racist and bigoted behavior. The behavior was directed at myself primarily and had to do with post – 9/11 bigotry. Much of it centered on feelings of patriotism vs. non-patriotism. Some of the inspiration for this mood can even be attributed to the paranoid sentiments of false patriotism spread by the now outgoing administration.

AJLPP Commends Dec. 12 People’s Mass Actions Against Charter Change (tags)

Moral corruption and objectivity is the latest victim of the US-Arroyo’ regime’s propaganda in the Philippines. It is really unnerving that even the mass media including the ABS-CBN News, the Inquirer Publishing Inc. and others who cannot get their facts straight. It is but fine for the military and police in the Philippines to diminish the effect of the mass actions in the Philippines by under estimating the people’s turn-out, but for the media to quote police estimates and fail to make its own estimates really makes people sad. To the AJLPP based in the United States, this means they even failed to count the number of people who attends rallies honestly.

The%20One_and_Only_Solution_Part1.htm (tags)

You need to connect to the One's Heart: The heart of hearts, the real Holy of Holies

Compare Language in “Hitler’s Laws” with Pending U.S. Senate Bill S.1959 (tags)

You may wish to ask Senators McCain and Obama if they support S.1959

Chief Palestinian Negotiator to Israel: Acknowledge Right of Return (tags)

"The guideline of our policy has always been the idea that a permanent situation of no peace and a latent war is the best situation for us, and that it must be maintained at all costs. ... we are becoming stronger year by year in a situation of impending conflict where it is possible that actual fighting may break out from time to time. SUch wars will usually be short and the results guaranteed in advance, since the gap between us and the Arabs is increasing. In this way we shall move on from occupation to further occupation. ... this criminally mischievous policy has led us into the crisis we are living through today" (Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973) "We have not been seeking peace for twenty-five years -- all declarations to that effect have been no more than coloured statements or deliberate lies. There is of course no assurance that we could have made peace with the Arabs if we had wanted to. However, it has to be heavily emphasized that we have not only made no attempts to seek peace, but have deliberately and with premeditation, sabotaged every possibility of doing so." (Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973)

Faith Based Groups Add Their Support to Prominent Union’s Platform for Change (tags)

Faith based organizations from across the country have lent their support to a California union’s fight to keep the labor movement democratic. United Healthcare Workers–West (UHW–West) is involved in a major dispute with its international union, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) over member involvement and democracy. The UHW–West Executive Board, led by President Sal Rosselli, recently ratified a Platform for Change that outlines a strategy to build a democratic, member-run union with the mission of truly improving workers’ lives. The faith based groups supporting this effort believe that UHW-West’s platform is the best way to ensure that workers have a real voice in running their unions. “The absence of individual voice leads to a dictatorship, said Archbishop Eric Tan Ong Veloso. “That is the reason we support UHW-West leaders Sal Rosselli and Administrative Vice President Jay Valencia’s principled stand for the union and its members.”

How S.1959 Could Prohibit Gun-Ownership for Americans (tags)

“The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act."

S.1959 Could Prohibit Gun-Ownership for many Americans (tags)

“The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act." The Thought Crime Bill

Support the Black Riders Three (tags)

The LAPD are targeting BLRP leaders and have framed them up with assault weapons charges. ARA LA asserts that this is due to their organizing to educate people about the San Francisco Eight case.

Petition Opposing H.R. 1955/S. 1959 (tags)

Petition asking the U.S. Senate to refuse H.R. 1955/S. 1959

The battle for ayurveda: India is racing to record the details of its traditional medicine (tags)

The database, totalling more than 30 million pages and known as the Traditional Knowledge Data Library, has come about for one very simple reason: to prevent Western pharmaceutical giants and others using this traditional Indian information to create a product for which they then obtain a patent.

Baldwin Park Citizens Against Eminent Domain Protest at BP City Hall (tags)

Homeowners and Business owners have united against the proposed demolition of 125 acres which will make way for a mixed use development proposed by Century City based Bisno Development. Mayor Lozano has stated that they do not have a plan for the proposed project and that the development may take up to 15+years. City records indicate the contrary, in a letter dated January 5, 2007 Bisno Development cites “the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association initiative” as a threat and urges the city to move quickly. Councilwoman Marlen Garcia stated at a the Council meeting of September 19, 2007 that anyone who was not in agreement could go to TJ (Tijuana). Councilman Anthony Bejarano at the same meeting when asked were will the current occupants of the area would go? Bejarano stated “they can go to East Los Angeles”.


The BLUEPORT MURDUCK TARGET MARKET INDEX is intended to guide globalist investors both new, large, and small (the poor) toward more international dateline focused opportunities based on need, then greed, during expected growth cycles based on 21st century, fox-like information distribution processes, crystal balls, and dart throws on a shoestring. BMTMI is a soley owned enterprise interested in MONEY and is a grassroots superpower tool.

George Bush Meets Graham Greene (tags)

In any case, here’s the Bush statement today: “In 1955, long before the United States had entered the war, Graham Greene wrote a novel called ‘The Quiet American.’ It was set in Saigon and the main character was a young government agent named Alden Pyle. He was a symbol of American purpose and patriotism and dangerous naivete. Another character describes Alden this way: ‘I never knew a man who had better motives for all the trouble he caused.’...Maybe someone should tell him that Pyle, in the novel, helps arrange and then defends a terror bombing that kills and maims civilians. Or perhaps Bush only saw the misbegotten 1950s movie based on the book, which obscured Pyle's guilt.

End War FAST: Military Recruiters out of Pittsburgh! (tags)

September 4-30, 2007 For details on participating in the End War FAST, a Calendar of the months events, and other resources check out

The Democratic Candidates on Health Care (tags)

The issue of health care is on the minds of millions of American workers. The crisis of the health care industry is well-documented in Michael Moore’s popular new film “SiCKO”. After two terms under Bush, many are looking to the Democrats as an alternative. Every Democrat running for President has a “health care plan” – but what exactly does this mean? Can any of these “liberal” representatives of the ruling class really offer American workers a way out of the disaster of private health insurance?

Postscript: the insurrectional perspective (tags)

More than a year has passed since we finished the second issue of our journal Dissident, which introduced insurrectional anarchism in Sweden. We chose to introduce the insurrectional perspective because we think it brings us valuable insights and experiences. These include the critique of organisational fetischism and activism, the shift of perspective from the mass to the active minority, and the importance of projectuality. Some critics, mostly syndicalists, unfortunately interpreted the insurrectional perspective in absolute terms. This text aims to answer those concerns and move the discussion forward.

Really Really Free Market (tags)

Santa Barbara's 3rd Really Really Free Market draws in the community to participate in an experimental alternative economy based on gift giving and mutual aid.

The last (tags)


The crash of 2009 (tags)

Will be bigger and more effective than the last one.


New York & California – In the final two-week push before the May elections in the Philippines, Filipino youth, musicians, spoken word artists, organizers and allies are coming together in New York and Los Angeles to show support for the KABATAAN Partylist, the largest youth party representing the youth sector in the upcoming Philippine elections, and to call for clean and fair elections. Youth of KABATAAN-Ugnayan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (Linking the Children of the Motherland), based in New York and New Jersey, and KABATAAN-Kabataang maka-Bayan (KmB, Pro-People Youth), based in California, will speak out for the rights of Filipino youth, both in the Philippines and here, in the US.

Economic Values and Impending Collapse (tags)

Foreboding has hit the ranks of private equity firms; try as they might to unload vast amounts of funds (monetary value is inextricably linked to the movement of those funds) they have been unable to spend/invest at a rate that would sustain value let alone increase real profits! The ‘healthy figures’ reflecting increased acquisitions/investments are on paper only – it ‘looks good’ at the moment!

Venezuela, Elections 2006: Anarchists Speak (tags)

From the Commision of Anarchist Relations (Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas) and its organ El Libertario, we disseminate three texts in which we publically express our perspective on the upcoming Venezuelan elections of December 3, 2006.

"October Surprise"? (tags)

...from Newsweek:

Who hates whom in America? (tags)

Hate crimes in America have dropped 6% according to a recently released report

The Neo-Fascist Federal United States Coup D'etat (tags)

The U.S. actually has 2 governments. One "Continental" Republic Union of 50 States, and One "Federal" United States. Two nations foreign to each other. The NeoCons use the "Federal" loophole to evade the law. As a dual citizen your remedy is the Right of Allocution.

Offence dressed as defense (tags)

The idea that the Israeli soldiers were captured by Hezbollah in Lebanon is starting to make people very nervous.


The Rebirth of America

Bush Administration Compelled to "Unseize" Pastors for Peace Aid for Cuba (tags)

Ten months after seizing 45 boxes of computers and supplies destined for disabled Cuban children, US Customs officials in Hidalgo TX are returning the aid to IFCO/Pastors for Peace, after the faith based group threatened a Federal lawsuit.

Zionism is Racism - Sign Petition to the UN (tags)

Zionism is based on the concept of ethnic superiority, of occupation, terrorism, plundering of resources and land, and racism against other religions. Today, we ask to resurrect the "Zionism is Racism" charge at the United Nations.


Clyde Young and Joe Veale Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:00 PM Warehouse Theater 1021 7th Street NW (doors open at 12:15) between Mt. Vernon Sq./7th street and Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro Stations

Local Marine Killed in Iraq (tags)

Lance Cpl. Felipe D. Sandoval-Flores was killed in the Sunday rollover near Al Asad, according to the DOD.


Is Israel based on myths?? (tags)

What a great number of the world's people are fighting over may be nothing more than mythology..

Study showing SOS is attacking GOOD people (tags)

READ THIS! (tags)

Since the September 11th attacks, racist groups have gained increasing size and political power.

LA Freegans Wanted for Interview (tags)

An LA TV news show is interested in doing a story on freegansm and wants to interview LA freegans.

Jeanne Friscia, Carol Golemboski (tags)

George Billis Gallery, L.A. will exhibit recent photo based works by Jeanne Friscia, Carol Golemboski and a Holiday Salon Wall featuring small works by various artists. The exhibition will run from December 6 – January 14, 2006. A reception for the artists will be held at the gallery on Saturday, December 10 from 5 – 8 p.m.

The Bush Staff Goes To Morals School (tags)

Ethics morals and .........and the hush hush about Larry Franklin full links:

The ill childhood of Ari Vatanen's son at UK's boarding school (tags)

Today's YP writes about reveals Kim Vatanen's - the son of Ari Vatanen - ill childhood based on nature writer Juha Jormanen's book "Hell Isle - Kim Vatanen's seven years in Boarding School [Helvetinsaari - Kim Vatasen seitsemän vuotta sisäoppilaitoksessa (Gummerus)]". Article also reveals how Kim Vatanen had to use therapy improving his mental health.

On Guerrilla Warfare (tags)

Written by Mao in 1937, when Japanese imperialists occupied all of China, this book served as an instruction manual for guerrilla fighting, written based on more than a decade of personal experience by Mao. Based on the basic strategy and tactics of warfare as described by Sun-tzu, Mao stresses the importance of guerrilla warfare tactics in a revolutionary war, emphasizing that they must be combined in conjunction with conventional warfare tactics.

Activists Needed for New TV show (tags)

A new documentary based TV show is looking for Southern California activists to profile on our show.

Defense of America Rooted in Lies (tags)

Two wars based on 9-11 are based on fraud.

The Principles of Socialism (tags)

It is very likely that the hour is late, that capitalism will soon perish. It will happen sooner or later and if it does happen sooner, we have to be prepared. We need to debate the principles of our coming revolution; the principles of socialism.

War-theory 10020-112: Public safety theory (tags)

Research on internal state defence and public safety involving other nations is mainly done in foreign military units, but occasionally also internal studies are being published on abroad to guarantee internal public safety under foreign credit on sovereignty.

Graffiti Against The System (GATS) (tags)

Pictures of revolutionary graffiti and guerrilla art

Celestial Flesh: A Sacrilegious Comedy (tags)

A Pope is Dead... Now What? Celestial Flesh A Sacrilegious Comedy by Rick Mitchell Raven Playhouse, No. H'wood, 5/12 thru 6/5 Reservations: (818) 754-1570

Timor Society Demands Fair Median Line (tags)

" ... the Australian government is anxious about discussions regarding the Maritime Boundary and prefers to discuss the distribution of natural resources, of which we are all aware that according to international UNCLOS law, 100% of the natural resources in the Timor Sea belong to Timor-Leste." 11 East Timorese NGOs

Cuba Comes to Los Angeles (tags)

What can we learn from a communist state considered by many to be a "third-world" society? Plenty! Because of their response to the dire situation imposed upon them by the Embargo, the Cubans have been praised for being the number one country in the world for their sustainable practices by the United Nations.

Possible Fraud of LAUSD Construction Contracts (tags)

The Los Angeles Unified School District, Facilities Management Department published a report that African Americans were awarded approximately $15 million in LAUSD construction contracts in their March, 2004 Small Business Program (SBE) year-end report. Based on the contracts that we received from the LAUSD, African Americans did not receive 1% of that amount.

Antelope Valley Radical Network (tags)

The Antelope Valley Radical Network is made up of groups and individuals actively engaged in creating a healthier and more sustainable Antelope Valley, based on the principles of autonomy, self organization, and mutual aid. The purpose of this network is for local projects to find common ground and to work together against the overall problems, which are threatening our community. From poverty to police brutality, urbanization to unemployment, the problems are rampant, yet we will work to defend our communities from this ongoing repression.

E-vote fraud? On election night Karen Hughes told Bush he’d lost! (tags)

Major trouble brewing for Bush

The Will of the People Was NOT Expressed In This Election (tags)

On November 3rd, George Bush called up the newly elected Republican senators who believe in such things as the death penalty for abortion providers and banning gays from teaching and said: “It’s time to get the job done.” Capitalism personified, Bush told the press “Let me put it to you this way: I earned political capital in the campaign and now I intend to spend it”. He is full of himself—on a mission to take this whole nightmare to an even more intense, more repressive level.

Standardizing Early Childhood Education? (tags)

Under federal mandates states are developing new standards for the education of young children.



Hierarchy (tags)

Anarchists, especially within American society, are often confronted with the argument that human society has always been hierarchical and, therefore, hierarchy in human society exists by nature. Put more succinctly, there is a natural law governing the organization of humankind such that any and all manifested societies will be hierarchical. This paper will address that argument.

Israeli activists- Peace comes from justice and coexistence (tags)

The Olga Appeal-FOR TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION, FOR EQUALITY AND PARTNERSHIP --This document represents a new initiative brought by Israeli activists and scholars that deserves widespread attention and dissemination.

Learn to Crochet & Be Part of a Community Project (tags)

Crochet workshop and community based project at M&A on June 5 from 3-6 pm.

The Arab Baath Socialist Party May 4th 2004 Statement!!! (tags)

Free President Saddam Hussein!!! Victory to Iraqi Arab and Islamic Armed Resistance!!! Death to Zionist AmeriKKKa!!! Join the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network On Line News and Views Forum

No blank check for Donald Rumsfeld (tags)

Practical Idealism weighs the Rumsfeld matter

Join the Resistance: Fall in Love (tags)

A short film inspired by crimethinc.'s 'Days of War, Nights of Love' Chapter 'L is for Love' - 'Join the Resistance, Fall in Love' The film was made possible by a grant from the from the City of Atlanta Bureau of Cultural Affairs.

Well, wow you know how racism feels, Dishonest Abe (tags)

in response to Dishonest Abe's response to my earlier post about the Latinos and racism. I never doubted that there are Latinos who are racist or give preferential treatment to other Latinos. Please, I even alluded to that in my piece. But to judge Latinos in general based on two traffic incidents in Latino-dominant L.A. and based on Rafael Perez, come on. Do I judge all European Americans based on Trent Lott, David Duke, Jessie Helms, et al. Come on now, your liberal "white guilt," as Tim Wise would put it, is seeping through.

Byrd's Fable Fits Perfectly (tags)

"Those who have dared to expose the nakedness of the administration's policies in Iraq have been subjected to scorn. Those who have noticed the elephant in the room - that is, the fact that this war was based on falsehoods - have had our patriotism questioned. Those who have spoken aloud the thought shared by hundreds of thousands of military families across this country, that our troops should return quickly and safely from the dangers half a world away, have been accused of cowardice. We have then seen the untruths, the dissembling, the fabrication, the misleading inferences surrounding this rush to war in Iraq wrapped quickly in the flag."

Sam Francis Says It Loud: I'm a Paranoid White Racist (tags)

In response to the piece by Sam Francis below, which focuses on how African American critic Shelby Steele takes out of context Howard Dean's ridiculous embrace of the confederate flag to pacify Southern Racists. Mr. Francis, in turn, takes Steele's words out of context.

Launch of the Progressive Webgroup Alliance (tags)

Introducing the Progressive Webgroup Alliance! A coalition of Free thinking and Progressive web based discussion groups, message boards and mailing lists.

Exiled Family Drugged For The Flight Removal (tags)

Information on Exiled Family from Finland at the time for the return flight is correct...

Email Privacy and Security (tags)

Ministry of Justice giving misleading false statements (tags)

Based on several academic and non academic facts, we may say "Ministry of Justice" stinks.

Wiesenthal Center: Germany Sold Poison Gas Iraq (tags)

The following report, commissioned by the Los Angeles, California based Simon Wiesenthal Center, was completed by Paris, France based Middle East Defense News. It clearly shows how Germany, particularly under Chancellor Helmut Kohl supplied Iraq with its poison gas, knowing full well that Iraq's aim was to use the gas on Israel. to defeat war of all against all (tags)

please forward

'LaVM 31/2002 vp' taking place January 1st 2004 and its planned becoming... (tags)

Short analyses on 'HE 52/2002 vp' accepted as a new Police and Enforcement act 'LaVM 31/2002 vp' starting from January 1st 2004. Citations from implicit explanatory memorandum assigned to Parliament's Constitutional committee appended with further explanations and grounds. All but one references can be found from internet for information validation. Raise of the second Holocaust?

The post office is a forced monopoly. (tags)

The post office is a forced monopoly. So is the railroad system, except for James Jerome Hill's railroad.


Landmark Measure by San Francisco Assemblyman Mark Leno is first of three LGBT Bills to Reach Davis' Desk

Equality for California Transgendered Citizens! Governor Signs Bill Into Law (tags)

California Governor Gray Davis presented the gift of freedom to thousands of his fellow Californians on Saturday, August 2nd. In signing AB196, which clarifies the state’s Fair Employment and Housing Act by including gender-identity and expression, Governor Davis brings California into a leadership position of a growing human rights struggle. California now becomes the most populous jurisdiction to enact equal rights for transgendered citizens.

NAGASAKI NIGHTMARE - Paintings by Atom Bomb Survivors (tags)

August 2003 marks the 58th Anniversary of the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those who survived the blasts became known as hibakusha (Atom Bomb Survivors). Many hibakusha have created Paintings and Drawings based on their experiences that vividly illustrate the horrors of Atomic fire.

Wide Awake-Stop the Terrorists! (tags)

Stop the Terrorists

"Last Convulsion of US Power" (tags)

"Facts interest me, not theories. the fact is the US consumes more than it produces. There is a gigantic growing annual US foreign trade deficit of $500 billion.. The wars of the US are an attempt to prove something that is disappearing, the global power of US."

Israel?Palestine-Why Marxists oppose the Road Map (tags)

Road Map

L.A. Times Cartoonist investigated by the Secret Service (tags)

L.A. Times Cartoonist Michael Ramirez is no Lalo Alcaraz, he's a deeply conservative fellow that fully supports Bush and the war on Iraq. Ramirez created a cartoon that supports Bush and portrays him as a victim being politically murdered for his attacking Iraq. Now Ramirez is being investigated by the Secret Service for his drawing!

Petition For Chemtrail Disclosure (tags)

This is serious. Please read and take note. The government may be behind these phenomena, and we need to take note and possible immediate action.

Cheney Under Pressure to Quit Over False War Evidence (tags)

Anger grows on both sides of Atlantic at misleading claims on eve of Iraq conflict

Anti-Bush Pro-Flag Sign (tags)

A poster to put up as a response and addition to US Flags. What I did when some psuedo-patriots tore down a "Opps" poster.

Bush Bit in Ass by Lies (tags)

The Rats are deserting the sinking ship. Fed up with the Bush Junta's deadly lies the insider Bureaucrats are beginning to leak and speak.

Professional Resume of Key KOBE Member (tags)

We have now found a smoking gun. This is the professional resume of a KOBE leader. He works for SAIC, a defense contractor working with John Poindexter. We can also connect Cycorp, another defense contration working with John Poindexter, to KOBE.



What on earth might be the reason for the Finns recession? (tags)

When recession strikes, there aren't many to blame. True reason to economical recession is people's acts. The same people keeping and maintaining power are causing deliberate damage to business and citizen, and can't understand what economical consequences their acts have. An other silent silent Iraq is born.

The anti-war movemnet has lost (tags)

The anti-war movement has lost, and freedom has won.

Let there be light (tags)

faith based solar initiative

Ten Thousand Plus Russians volunteer to defend Iraq (tags)

Timofei BYELO PRAVDA.Ru 00:47 2003-03-06

antitoo : anti directory project (tags)

antitoo is an anti directory project based on dmoz concept.

Perpetual Death From America (tags)

"If they had killed us once, it would not be so bad. But what the Americans have brought upon us is not only depriving us but our future generations of our basic god given human right, the right to live. They will be killing us for generations to come" (An Afghan Victim of US-UK bombing) The War Hawks keep trying to downplay the lingering death created by Depleted Uranium munitions. The death toll contiues to mount.

Our Cause (Grammar Fix) (tags)

This is in response to the growing will, a conscensus of the people, as become more organized then-ever in solidarity in resistance of a war using our new age technology & education. This is bringing our responsiblity to our system & the realities of that system, for the purpose of awarness & inspiration to our cause!

Our Cause (tags)

This is in response to the growing will, a conscensus of the people, as become more organized then-ever in solidarity in resistance of a war using our new age technology & education. This is bringing our responsiblity to our system & the realities of that system, for the purpose of awarness & inspiration to our cause!

Bush: Anti-war protests no deterrent (tags)

GW says that anti-war protesters are allowed to express their opinion, but it is of no importance to him.

Bush Calls Protests "Irrelevant" (tags)

Dubya tells millions worldwide to get stuffed.


As the case for war collapses from the weight of lies we have entered a dangerous period where the criminals in the White House are likely, in desperation, to do anything to get their war.

OCRC (Orange County Revolutionary Collective) Meeting THIS Thursday Feb 6 @ 7:00 PM (tags)

Build the Power: Revolutionary Organization Gets Off the Ground (tags)

Various people from around the country meet to develop an organization based on the Bring the Ruckus proposal released in April 2001.

How to carry your responsibility under any state terrorism act? (tags)

A true case based documentation review versus reality and the different viewpoints of terrorism.

Colorado Basin/Persian Gulf Bioregionalism (tags)

An amazing art exhibit at Pasadena City College by Peter Fend.


As they did in Vietnam 40 years ago the United States is subtly increasing its military intervention in Colombia. Here Alfredo Castro looks at what is known about current US military presence in the Latin American nation.

Political Strategy: PFLP (tags)

The strategic vision of the PFLP is based on the following: 1. liberation from Israeli occupation 2. construction of a democratic society 3. recognition that the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab Nation 4. recognition that the Palestinian struggle is part of the international, democratic struggle toward liberation, progress, democracy, and social justice

State of Emergency - Anti-Globalization video game released today (english) (tags)

Rockstar Games State of Emergency hits the shelves today. This game is highly rumored to be based on the WTO protests in Seattle.

KPFK - Good Luck Steven Starr (tags)

Here are a few words from a member of the LAIMC collective for the new General Manager at KPFK.


This Video event was hosted by Nomads and Residents, a LA based Artists and Writers collective that holds discussions on art and culture. The premise of each event, created by a member, is that at each talk an LA based Artist is paired with an out-of-towner to elucidate a particular theme. Members include- Joyce Campbell, Rita Gonzalez, Sharon Hayes, Anna Helwing, Maria Karlsson, Tessa Laird, Annika Lundgren, Rachel Mayeri, Lize Mogel, Tone O. Nielsen, Linda Pollack, Bea Schlingelhoff, Jeannie Simms, Tran,T. Kim-Trang

1st casualty = rule of law (Guardian) (tags)

Apparently Afghans in Britain are not all so happy that the US and UK are bombing their homeland. The US press seems to promote the opposite view for our domestic Afghan nationals. Why the discrepency?

California's Independence (tags)

If the Bush regime is so determined to launch a military conquest, then he should do so WITHOUT CALIFORNIA!!!

Michael Shames, UCAN Director, Speaks on Energy to S.D. Green Party (tags)

Michael Shames, executive director of the San Diego Utility Consumers' Action Network (UCAN), spoke to the San Diego Green Party July 15. He supported an energy future based on efficiency and renewable sources but opposed a public takeover of the existing generating and distributing lines, both because it would be too expensive and because in an energy system based on renewables most of these facilities would become obsolete anyway.

Drawing: Chaia Heller makes the connections (tags)

Chaia Heller of the Vermont Based Institute for Social Ecology

Drawing: Chaia Heller makes the connections (tags)

Chaia Heller of the Vermont Based Institute for Social Ecology

An effective way to lower energy prices (tags)


OB Protest Starbucks with Street Theatrics! (tags)

May 19th protest at Starbucks in Point Loma, San Diego

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