fix articles 108132, sympathy
Adam Smith as Philanthropist (tags)
The market can only fulfill its technical function when its rules and mechanisms are politically fixed and governmentally monitored...Adam Smith's theory has nothing to do with neoliberals and market radicals who preach the sleek state, low taxes for businesses and low wages.
Farewell to Homo Oeconomicus (tags)
Capitalism is not running so well. Is this because people are judged wrongly with misguided models? Don't competition and cooperation strengthen each other? Why is the SF-condo model praised to the skies and the Vancouver BC- community center model scorned as unrealistic?
Farewell to Homo Oeconomicus (tags)
The model of homo oeconomicus is antiquated and over-simplified. Dominant economic models are not based on a realistic picture of humans... The model does not know different human human motives that could be differently activated depending on the context.
What is a General Strike? (tags)
What is a General Strike?
N o more sympathy for London (tags)
The authorities have responded to the bombing wave with racial profiling and police brutality.
TG shot 12/27/04, LAPD mourns criminal (tags)
In a LA Times report of of a Marine's murder of a Transgender woman in Hollywood, an LAPD assistant chief is quoted as showing sympathy for the murderer, none for the victim.
This Friday celebrates the Great Sabbath.
Empathy, Sympathy and Objectivity (tags)
of global relevance
Foreign Views of U.S. Darken Since Sept. 11 (tags)
In the two years since Sept. 11, 2001, the view of the United States as a victim of terrorism that deserved the world's sympathy and support has given way to a widespread vision of America as an imperial power that has defied world opinion through unjustified and unilateral use of military force. "A lot of people had sympathy for Americans around the time of 9/11, but that's changed," said Cathy Hearn, 31, a flight attendant from South Africa, expressing a view commonly heard in many countries. "They act like the big guy riding roughshod over everyone else."....
Wellspring of Sympathy Dries Up (tags)
America dissipated the goodwill out of its arrogance and incompetence..A survey recently published by the Pew Centre suggests antipathy toward the US is widespread..The superpower is regarded by its allies with a profound ambivalence.