fix articles 107908, franz hinkelammert
Mking the Kingdom of God Present (tags)
Freedom does not come from the market. Rather, in socialist terms, we need a market to which we are free. What we have, on the other hand, is a market that dictates everything. Our Mrs. Merkel says that democracy must conform to the market. What we have developed in our work in Costa Rica runs exactly the opposite way: the market must conform to democracy.
Critique of religion and market religion and Post-colonialism (tags)
Critique of religion as critique of fetishism is a critique of earthly gods, which are false gods. "Man is the highest being for man." Marx develops it further in other words and formulates his idea of the liberation of man in the Communist Manifesto.
Five Theses on the Political-Theological Foundation of Church Asylum (tags)
Human rights did not just fall from the sky, but had to and must be fought for by those who are not granted them...This includes the unwritten human right to global freedom of movement.
Theology of liberation understands itself as an historical and contextual theology, an alternative to European theology which is an imperialist theology for Latin American peoples. Liberation theology emphasizes structurally anchored sins like oppression and impunity.
Ecological Justice Instead of Growth Economy for the Rich (tags)
"Now the market, the god of neoliberals, cannot help any more and speculators cry for the already instrumentalized state.. Studying pre-capitalist approaches is vital to develop a post-capitalist vision. The vision of the Bible is an economy of enough for all, an economy for life."
Book Review: The Subject and the Law (tags)
The church since the second century began distorting the original message without changing the words. If Jesus' proclamation was unconditionally "You shall not kill," it was soon said: "If you do this, we will kill you."
"Not torturing is changed into an act of barbarism.. Torture, the atom bomb and the globalization strategy all save life. State terrorism presents itself as humanist realism, the only way of securing life. As a Chilean general said, national security is like love; there is never enough."
The Cry of the Subject: Franz Hinkelammert (tags)
The Sabbath exists for people. The "fatal law" is a synonym for "the world." According to Hinkelammert, obedience to the law is "sin." Those who wanted to stone the woman-the law abiding-committed sin. Abraham was commanded to decide for the life of his child.
Fight for Justice Campaign (tags)
While in the name of the fight against terrorism, hundreds of thousands of people have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and others - arbitrarily detained - are tortured in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the United States government protects the most notorious terrorist in this hemisphere...
Life is More than Capital (tags)
Ulrich Duchrow and Franz Hinkelammert focus on the mis-developments in the third world where privatization of the water supply led to higher prices. international conglomer-ates made profits and paid no local taxes.
On the Theological Foundations of Religious Socialism (tags)
Under today's conditions, the option for a life in abundance for all people necessitates preserving the natural foundations of life.. God's reign has a transcendental dimension that Jesus compares with a treasure in a field.
No Room for Grace: Book Review (tags)
If abundance of life for all people is the heart of the biblical vision, economic thinking focuses on the shortage of resources.. Not subjecting everything to the market-benefit-calculus is vital.
The Cry of the Subject: Book Review (tags)
The institution of modern universal competition is elevated into a law by the ideology of practical necessities..Every insti-tution dies when its preservation is made an end-in-itself..The totalitarianism of the market threatens the destruction of humanity.
Freedom Toast for Breakfast (tags)
According to thelegend, gaining power over the world is the only way of defending against the enemy. This scenario functions when the enemy is constructed as a world conspiracy. This enemy threatening the aggressor did not really exist and had to be invented.