fix articles 107725, scapegoating Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : scapegoating


Baphomet - Scapegoat and golden Child (tags)

What is scapegoating and what would happen to a golden Child which was abused as a scapegoat?

Attacks on critical thinking vs. cheers for scapegoating (tags)

The different responses between Occupy and the “Tea Party” lie in their messages.

CDIR Expects Surge Of Anti-Immigrant Scape-Goating (tags)

The Coalition In Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR)-USA expects a high tide or a surge of anti-immigrant scape-goating in the face of the current economic recession in the United States. The CDIR-USA coordinator Arturo P. Garcia also expressed alarm over the move of anti-immigrant lobbyist Ward Connelly, the author of the infamous Proposition 209 in California to put into ballot initiative in five states propositions about race and gender equality. The ballot measures will have better chances of winning in those states like Arizona, Missouri and Colorado with high anti-immigrant bias and forces.

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