fix articles 107065, sherrill borg
ELECTION DAY Vote Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)
RUN TO YOUR POLLING PLACE RIGHT NOW AND VOTE. Do not delay until the end of the day when you might forget or something might keep you from your polling place until after it is closed. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE. If you voted on an absentee ballot but have not mailed it, WALK IT TO ANY POLLING PLACE IN YOUR COUNTY OR YOUR COUNTY REGISTRAR; do not mail it. THE ONLY POLL THAT COUNTS IS THE ELECTION.
2 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)
US ranking in life expectancy has gone from 5th in 1950 to 49th today, thanks to the expensive and for millions, unaffordable, private insurance racket proudly promoted by the Democrat-Republicans instead of the socialized medicine that exists in the rest of the industrialized world, and now at 49th, we are also behind many non-industrialized countries. That is why you should vote Peace & Freedom or Green, the two parties that support socialized medicine and oppose insurance companies.
3 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)
As the World Socialist Website states below, there is a right-wing consensus in the governor's race between the Democrats and Republicans, one capitalist party with millionaire candidates. You can break that fascist attack on the workingclass by voting Peace & Freedom or Green and Yes on 19, 21, 24 and 25.
4 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)
The future is in your hands and you must act to make it better. One way to act is to vote Peace & Freedom or Green to promote serious change. The Democrat-Republicans do not even bother to promote anything worthwhile anymore as capitalism is in such a state of decay that the capitalist class no longer has any crumbs to toss to the workingclass, the 80% of us who sell our labor for less than $77,000 a year. In addition to P&F and Green candidates, it is important that you vote on all of the propositions, including Yes on 19, 21, 24 and 25.