fix articles 1070, yourself Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : yourself


Is There A Way You Can Please Get Hurt? (tags)

For anyone going through harassment, it can be the most isolating and trying experience. If sustained for long enough, it has a way of driving home the point that when it comes down to it in this world we come in alone and go out alone. Even those we consider to be the best of friends may make a swift exit if the heat and pressure get intense enough. It will test what you're made of without a doubt.

Venice Boardwalk has cleaned out commercial vendors ! (tags)

Take a walk down the Venice Boardwalk and be surprised ! the re-sale cheap commercial merchandise is not long proliferating and crowding the area with hawkers and flea-market-junk being the main things there. Now all sorts of art and artists are the west-sidewalk displays. What a change !

police reports filed for on line harassment (tags)

See criminal complaints filed by geral sosbee against cyberstalker/thugs.

Answer by seth (tags)

When all the young men refuse to kill for the sake of peace, and when all the women forbid their men to kill for the sake of peace, and when you realize that no peace will come through killing,

10 Ways To Creat Peace In Our World (tags)

"We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization," King said. Here are 10 real ways you can cultivate deep in yourself the loving peace you want to see in the core of the world.

Seven Steps for Overcoming Ego’s Hold on You (tags)

Here are seven suggestions to help you transcend ingrained ideas of self-importance. All of these are designed to help prevent you from falsely identifying with the self-important ego.

It’s Time For You To Wake Up! (tags)

Ask yourself, do you have fear about what other people think of you? Are you worried about your reputation? Why? How do you see yourself? Do you love yourself unconditionally? Is there anything that you would change about yourself

The Face of Love (tags)

So dear and special friend... delve into that treasure house within your own soul to get the resources to change your life into day by day magnificence and bliss

All God's Children Are Psychic (tags)

all psychic matters have been repressed viciously and deemed "evil" or "sinful" by those who sought to maintain control over their "brothers." Such persecution led to secrecy

See it NOW...Save the people = us... all, see this video (tags)

Everyone is sharing this video and it should be seen by all, agreement or disagreement, no matter. PREVENT THE NEW WORLD ORDER from it's already emerging stranglehold on what we thought was a 'free' USA. See it and decide for yourself.

Follow Your Heart by Hale Dwoskin (tags)

There is a universal intelligence or knowingness in each and every one of us. When you are open to this intelligence of the heart, it guides you in the right direction to do what is best for you and those around you

Messages of love~ listen to your heart (tags)

Ah, what a great gift this angel has given you, the gift of silence, a treasure beyond all imagining, and the power to give it to yourself whenever you choose.

Empowering Thoughts - You Are God (tags)

"I am that I am that I am". The greatest realization of self I have come across in my journey of searching within is the conclusion that I am God

Understanding that which can only be felt (tags)

Make sure you read to the end Hence always rid yourself of desires in order to observe its secrets; But always allow yourself to have desires in order to observe its manifestations

Trust yourself, Be The ONE (tags)

Let life be a meditation. Choose your thoughts wisely. Choose love, feel the heart. Dont resist your Deep heart Disires, its like a song, It is You. You know what you love. This is the easy way to heaven

Remote Influencing Reality Secrets, new Edition (tags)

Hello dear friend; This is Gerald O'Donnell, president and founder of the Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing Reality

Words of wisdom (tags)

The Past exists only for a practical purpose. It is never the cause of any trouble or suffering. Success is not measured by what you have accomplished but it is ascertained with what you are able to understand

on the path of light (tags)

Welcome to the mutual study of ancient wisdom, here we are exploring the limits of our reality. We are a group that goes by the name Procyonlotor, the majority of our group observes from the non-physical dimension

truth be known (tags)

almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to.” “…only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement

The Golden Rule (tags)

And they will hammer their swords into plowshares (Isaiah 2:4, Joel 3:10, Micah 4:3)

Basic Espionage/Warfare for Intelligence Agents (tags)

According to its own mouthpiece, ABC news, the Australian spy agency (ASIO) has embarked on a recruitment drive:

Thursday, December 28, 2006. 11:37am (AEDT) “The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) is looking to recruit at least 170 people this financial year. The number of ASIO officers from non-english speaking backgrounds has more than doubled since 2004, and the organisation is looking for people with diverse backgrounds to conduct counter-terrorism and counter-espionage work. The intelligence organisation spent more than $2 million on recruitment advertising in 2005-6. The Federal Attorney-General, Phillip Ruddock, says funding for ASIO has also increased considerably. "I think we have now something of the order of 1,200 staff and that's double the number it had in 2000-2001 and we are continuing with a very active program that will expand the organisation in the near future to reach something in the order of 1,500-1,600 people," he said.

South Central Farmers v. Horowitz, et al Court Decision (tags)

Please read the decision for yourself. Horowitz gets slapped.

The Second American Revolution : High Places (tags)

Our ancestors had revolution after revolution because they did not knock down the High :Places

V for Vendetta, a wake up call (tags)

New movie out on May 17 is sure to rattle the White House. Alan Moore and the Wachowsky brothers are giving us a wake up call -- again.

Peace Love and Bikes (tags)

[CORRECTED VERSION OF PREVIOUS POST] There's a new ride in town...

Mr Schwarzenegger (tags)

About clemency !!!

New, Creative not-for-profit Speaker's Bureau for community leaders (tags)

New, Creative not-for-profit Speaker's Bureau for community leaders like yourself.

Tired of Babylon? (tags)

falling 1 tyrant shows how to fall them all

Hey, Joe: An Open Letter to Joe Turner and SOS (tags)

Joe Turner of "Save our State" has a "new" strategy." One that will lead to the same old tragedy, based as it is on the premises of ethnic cleansing and a resort to Storm Trooper style violence. More below.

Healing the Past (tags)

Until we are willing to heal the deep emotional pain, inner conflicts and denial about them we sill see killing, war and destruction in the world around us.


Unlike Reagan and Nixon, Bush has no one to pardon him. Cheney already said he won't run for president. The tattered flag he cowers behind can no longer hide the tyrant who has tortured, murdered, and robbed his way to world domination. He can hardly buy an audience any more. He ordered the military to listen to him yesterday. Win the war Bush. Just point your aircraft at the ground.

New Druid (tags)

It is time to awaken, my Brothers.

At home. (tags)


Why I'm A Freegan Woman! (tags)

Why I'm A Freegan Woman! and how you could be a Freegan also

Actual Astrology for Jan. 15-24, 2005 (tags)

These predictions, based on Actual Astrology, are rather like a weather report. No matter what your sun sign, these are the astrological conditions of the days ahead.


You've just got to accept it the next time you travel with your good looking wife or daughter: of course their breasts are firm like Semtex. And when they or you are fingered, just ask yourself: where's your spine ? Are you going to protest ?

Unevolution (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

9/11 Planes Fired Missle (tags)

Close examination of film footage shows flash as planes allegedly fire missle instants before striking tower.

homeless radical interviewed by kids' journal (tags)

QUICK! Go outside (or imagine yourself outside) Then look up into the sky. Then imagine yourself jumping straight up faster than the speed of light, faster than anything, for the rest of your life!

Stay Healthy So You Can Stay in the Streets (tags)

Some suggestions from the Street Medics on what you can do to stay healthy before, during and after the demonstrations against the FTAA.

I don't use money. (tags)


Bias For Rush (tags)

Workshop about FBI harassment! In LA. (tags)

Don't be caught off guard! Stop FBI harassment!

Who will be the next Governor of California? (tags)

Keep your tripe to yourself.

Does macho-flash language work? (tags)

Many Libertarians who engage in name-calling or macho-flashing believe that our "absolute truth" is so clear that people should embrace it after hearing our slogans, and so virtuous that anyone who opposes it must be evil or stupid.

9/11-Just Look at the Evidence (tags)

As much as GWB lovers deny it, there's no dismissing the lack of evidence for some of the "facts" we've been told are true.


The guantlet has been thrown. The winners are the one's who have their political agendas advanced and implemented.

Open Letter to Esquire Insurance (tags)

What business are you in? You seem to be more about image and status keeping. You know like LOSERS must do.

Reality Check (tags)

After three days of reading the many posts here at LA-IMC, and experiencing the gamut of emotions, thoughts, and opinions put forth by its publishers, I am persuaded now to join in and express my view point on the discussed topics. Before doing so, I feel it necessary to open a new topic in hopes of interjecting an all to often overlooked fact.....

Letter to Bush by Adolfo Esquivel (tags)

"You speak of God and blaspheme him. You speak of liberty and you destroy it. You speak of democracy and dignity and don't hesitate in sacrificing at the latar of the god Moloch, your god of destruction and death. You speak of human rights, violating them systematically

Letter to Bush by Adolfo Esquivel (tags)

"You speak of God and blaspheme him. You speak of liberty and you destroy it. You speak of democracy and dignity and don't hesitate in sacrificing at the altar of the god Moloch, your god of destruction and death. You speak of human rights violating them systematically


Please stop, Ellen. You are making a fool of yourself.

Activists' Guide To First Aid/Protective Gear (against tear gas and pepper spray) (tags)

Activists' Guide To First Aid/Protective Gear from the Black Cross Health Collective. This info rocks - the healers who put it together draw on their experience at Seattle and all the big North American demos since then They (and their friends) even field tested remedies for pepper spray!

A note for conservatives who visit this site (tags)

In Case y'all can read, here's the way you're supposed to talk, but never do, including Bush.

Want War? See Me First (tags)

Why send death to others when you should enjoy it yourself?

What we can expect to accomplish! (tags)

Nothing much, if we expect change through political means. But today has shown that the people can act of their own volition, world wide! BE THE PEOPLE'S REVOLUTION!!

Disrobe To Disarm (tags)

Many of us have already signed petitions which have their value, but how useful does that really make us feel? Do you ask yourself - "What more can I do?" "How much of a sacrifice am I willing to make?" If nakedness is uncomfortable and embarrassing for us, think how uncomfortable and embarrassing the pictures of Iraqi citizens or Australian soldiers blown to bits will be."

SPFPA .... Amnerica's Security Union (tags)

Since 9/11 Security Officers from around the Country are joining SPFPA .... America's Union for Security Police Officers

Tips on How to Be an Arafat Apologist (tags)

Tips on How to Be an Arafat Apologist

so important it's pretty (tags)

an array of information that attempts to articulate why, exactly, there is no honour in carrying a gun for your job

KPFK - Good Luck Steven Starr (tags)

Here are a few words from a member of the LAIMC collective for the new General Manager at KPFK.

Healing From Terrorism Sickness (tags)

Some pro-active way to deal with trauma and stress or a survival manual for progressives.

G8 BLaCK FLOP (tags)

apart from their subjective thinking black bloc practice is objectively damaging for the movement

I am the proud and eternal enemy of Voz de Aztlan (tags)

I pledge to destroy Christian Fascism by all means necessary, using all my strength, all my energy, all my resources, all my intelligence, and all of my heart, forever.

Poem for the Day (tags)

Poem for the Day

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