fix articles 106039, too big
Illegal drugs, too big to fail (tags)
Who do we have to pay to be allowed to do business?
Panel Discussion on Government and Corruption, 1 hr (tags)
The Roberts court narrowly defines corruption as quid pro quo bribery. Are lobbyists a form of corruption? Can private debts become public debts? Call your representative and demand that they they reject Fast Track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Banks and the New "Too Big to Jail" Doctrine (tags)
Eric Toussaint,is a historian and political scientist. He is the President of CADTM Belgium, and sits on the Scientific Council of ATTAC France. He is the co-author, with Damien Millet of Debt, the IMF, and the World Bank: Sixty Questions, Sixty Answers, and the author of many essays including entitled "The Trial ofanExemplary Man"
VIDEO: Bill Moyers' "Going to Jail for Protesting" (tags)
“Lobbyists have spent years making sure these loopholes are put into the tax code.” -@NYTimes' Gretchen Morgenson “Corporations have a role to play in our economy, but don't have a role to play in our government.” -@dechristopher
European Bank Socialism (tags)
The motto "Too big to fail" frees the financial sector from all chains. In the future, the banks will not have to assume any liability for taking irrational risks. Instead they can commit fraud without limit-in a system that already leads us to the brink and creates millions of unemployed.
Inequalities, Taxes, and More Inequalities (tags)
Thanks to Occupy, most working people are well aware of the growing inequalities in wealth. But for those who lack the specifics, former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich provides a useful overview: “…the rich have been getting a larger and larger portion of total income. From 9 percent in 1980, the top 1 percent’s take increased to 23.5 percent by 2007. CEOs who in the 1970s took home 40 times the compensation of average workers now rake in 350 times.” (“Confessions of a Class Warrior,” August 22, 2010).
class war
Foreclosure: Banks Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Obey the Law (tags)
Banks may not use terms like "vig" or "nut", but they are foreclosing as zealously as loan sharks. They're throwing innocent tenants out of their houses in the process. What can you do about it?
The United States Federal Government and Property Value Manipulation (tags)
President Obama said; “Failure is not an option”. I agree, failure is not an option, failure is a given.
The Dominance of the Financial Sector is a Mortal Danger (tags)
"This huge wealth transfer from the `real' economy to the world of finance has also created a vicious cycle of credit dependency.."
Leading Economist Decries Power of Wall Street "Oligarchs" (tags)
n a fascinating piece in the latest issue of The Atlantic, Simon Johnson, former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, outlines what he sees as the alarming influence of Wall Street firms over the American economy. He expounds on his thesis in our interview, making several points: