fix articles 105968, substance abuse
Contact with Police May Be Detrimental to Your Health & Well-Being (tags)
Calling the police can frequently do more harm than good, and other options should be considered whenever possible. The emotional impacts of violence and repression can be serious and it is important that we are aware of those impacts and work together to deal with them. Looking after ourselves and our friends or affinity groups does not end when the action ends!
KRS ONE in L.A This Friday OCT 28 (tags)
come through and catch some revolutionary hip hop rhymes..
Growing Homelessness in America (tags)
Washington's indifference to a growing problem
Gov. proposes cutting ALL HIV Services (tags)
In addition to draconian cuts to education, CalWorks, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Healthy Families, we can anticipate a fight about the actual necessity of HIV services in California. Is this the real world?
Mexican drug cartels infiltrating colleges and high school campuses in America (tags)
One of the main suspects in this international drug investigation is Omar Castaneda, a gang member from Pomona with ties to the Mexican Tijuana drug cartels, officials said
Heath Ledger and “Legal” Drugs (tags)
The late Heath Ledger has been compared tto James Dean, but the real prematurely deceased celebrities he should be listed with are Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and Elvis Presley — all heavy prescription drug abusers who thought that, because their drugs came from doctors and drug companies instead of street pushers, they somehow woudln't be as dangerous as illegal "recreational" drugs. Hopefully Ledger's death will awaken people to the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs and the drug-company strategies that get people hooked on them.
Achievements by Aristide and Lavalas during their 10 years in office and conditions now in Haiti after the coup