fix articles 105933, uribe velez
Interview with FARC Commander Raul Reyes (tags)
Following the March 1st attack by a Colombian military operation that resulted in the death of 20 FARC forces including rebel leader Raul Reyes. Interview with slain FARC leader from July 2007.
Secret services accused of masterminding deadly blast (tags)
Colombia's main rebel army FARC denies responsability in the bombing of an exclusive up-town club in Bogota that left 37 people dead. In a strong declaration against terrorism, the guerrillas instead blame the official secret services for the attack.
Ingrid Betancourt is alive and may be released soon (tags)
FARC says Ingrid is healthy, awaits prisoner exchange On March 13, 2003 a leader of FARC reported that Ingrid Betancourt is alive and well, and that she may be released as soon as the Colombian government negotiates seriously for the exchange of hostages held by FARC, for FARC guerrillas being held prisoner by the government.
Plan to assassinate the President of oil workers' union (tags)
The Colombian Oil Workers' Union rejects and condemns a dark plan targeted at the president of their organisation: Rudolfo Gutierrez Nino.
US Imperialism in Colombia (tags)
Colombia has always been and still is the coveted cornerstone of the US's geopolitical control over the entire Latin American region, and at whatever the cost, the US is determined to make Colombia the jewel in its imperial crown.
Uribe Velez: A Regional Danger (tags)
The ascension of Alvaro Uribe Velez to the Presidency of Colombia signifies the apogee of the violence and a new war surge that threatens to overflow the Colombian borders and involve the countries of the region. An analysis by the editor of Ecuador’s OpciĆ³n Magazine:
Guerrillas propose prisoner swap (tags)
The Colombian guerrilla organisation FARC-EP renews an offer to release a number of prominent politicians and a score of army and police officers. In return the FARC demands the release of all guerrillas captured by the government forces
Over 100 progressive organisations in the United States have come together to organise a national day of solidarity with Colombia next month. The main aim of the protest is to call for an end to US military aid to the Colombian security forces.