fix articles 105847, anthony soltero
"Capital Travels Freely - Why Not People!" (tags)
For May 1, 2006, "A Day Without An Immigrant", Women Say "Capital Travels Freely - Why Not People!" A massive movement of grassroots women and men, workers and students, on the streets in the US is demanding that their work be counted and that this be reflected in what they are entitled to.
¡Somos Milliones! We are millions! (tags)
The May Day outpouring, which was called the “Gran Paro Americano / Great American Strike” or “Un Día Sin Inmigrantes / A Day Without Immigrants” was, though in a partial form due to the minimal organized participation of most trade unions, a general strike: by all measures a momentous political advance for the working class.
The attack on students skipping school to engage in political activism, needs to Stop. Democratic principals have never occurred with youth behind desks. From the Popular movement to the Civil Rights movement, youth have always maintained an active role in standing against injustices. And our duty as responsible adults in their lives, is to stand beside them, or at least get out of the way, before casting another stone.
US government arrests record numbers in factory raids (tags)
In a nationwide dragnet Wednesday, US immigration enforcement agents raided factories across the country arresting nearly 1,200 undocumented workers, a record number for a single operation. The raids come in the wake of massive demonstrations throughout the country protesting reactionary anti-immigrant legislation in Congress and demanding full legal status and citizenship rights for the millions of undocumented workers who have come to find jobs and a better life.
STUDENTS UP THE ANTE: Amnesty's the new agenda (tags)
Student protestors march on City Hall. "Compromise" is off the table--the word today was "Amnesty."
ALL-OUT FOR April 15 Mass Student Action—Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win! (tags)
The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) – People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) calls on all students and youth, immigrants and advocates to go all-out today, April 15, to the streets!
Anthony Soltero left us with a duty to finish the task at hand, one that he strongly believed in and gave his life for.
At a press conference earlier today, the Coalition of United Students announced they will dedicate their April 15 march to Anthony Soltero, who took his own life after a vice-principal threatened him with prison because he walked out of school to protest HR4437. (repost by Leslie)
We Fil-Am students condemn the persecution to death of the eighth-grade student Anthony Soltero, call for a stop to the fascist suppression of pro-immigrant student protesters and for carrying forward Anthony's fight for full immigrant rights.
First Death from Walkouts (tags)
This is not a game . . .