fix articles 10581, hour Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : hour


CoronaBlues, The Metzora, and Prayer (tags)

Biblical & Modern Plagues And How To Grow From Them

Dying to work at amazon (tags)

The human cost of obscene profits

Atlanta Metro Events 2018 (tags)

The city of Atlanta raised minimum wage for city led workforce to 15$ an hour. DeKalb co. raised wages for county workforce on the eastern 1/5 to 15 an hour

Community Rallies in Santa Barbara in Solidarity with Inmate Firefighters (tags)

Could the brave firefighter who risked life and limb to save your home have been paid only $1 per hour to do it? Up and down the state of California, on the front lines of deadly wildfires, thousands of prison inmates employed through the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s California Conservation Corps (CCC) program face the blazing heat and choking smoke for, on average, $2 per day plus $1 per hour of work. As southern California faces a new wave of inferno, at least one community gathered for a rally to call attention to these overlooked firefighters

The rapid success of Fight for $15 (tags)

700 free movies, 700 free E-books and 450 free audio books are ours on How can you be "hard-nosed" when you have 700 free movies?

California Now Has Governor Jerry Brown Running to Italy to Lie to Pope Francis (tags)

California residents are being taken for a bunch of fools by Governor Jerry Brown & wifes political cabal. CAP & Trade's hundreds of billion$ being given to political cronies was the real plan from the very begining of this state legislation.

Marijuana and the Adolescent Brain (tags)

Laytonville Healthy Start hosted Ralph Cantor in a new series of presentations on the topic of "Marijuana & the Adolescent Brain." Ralph taught at Laytonville High and then a public forum in May 2014. "Further Adventures with Ralph" consists of two 59 minute sections

The Time Has Come For $15 Minimum Wage (tags)

In one of comedian Chris Rock’s routines, he observes: “You know what that means when someone pays you a minimum wage? You know what your boss is trying to say? ‘Hey, if I could pay you less, I would, but it’s against the law.’”

Silver "Lake" Protests Invasion of Syria (tags)

Pictures/report: MoveOn vigil in Silver “Lake.”

"DEVELOPER PAUL SOLOMON" An Artist's Worst Nightmare (tags)

An Editorial Response To "'s" article about Paul Solomon's new "Walnut" project in the LA Arts District.

Cyprus Seeks 11th Hour Deal (tags)


Joseph Pitruzzelli & Tyler Wilson Owners of Wurstkuche Restaurant Lose Defamation Law Suit (tags)

Joseph Pitruzzelli & Tyler Wilson, AKA Wilson Pitruzzelli Investments, LLC, AKA, owners of Wurstkuche Restaurant Lose Their Frivolous Defamation Law Suit filed against Los Angeles Arts District Artist, David Goldner

Court Ruling #BC467840 Now On-Line at:

Long time Arts District Artist David Goldner was the artist next door when Wurstkuche restaurant "invaded" the LA Arts District in 2009 and it's owners Joseph Pitruzzelli & Tyler Wilson disruptively began to illegally use an AIR, a legal Artist in Residence loft, as an illegal 24 hour commercial nightmare of a warehouse for their new restaurant next door, Wurstkuche. As their neighbor, David was apparently subjected to constant torturous 24 hour noise, smoke and non stop 24 hour traffic by Wurstkuche suppliers, employees and the owners themselves who dragged banging beer kegs in and out all day and all night long in what was a creative live / work space for decades in the heart of the Los Angeles Arts District.


Circus Shenanigans in Tampa (tags)


KPFK May Day Coverage Schedule (tags)

KPFK has a full day of coverage, if you can't be at the marches all day, tune in to KPFK to get the updates. If you are at the marches, tune into get reports from around the world about May Day actions globally!

US-Style Free Trade's Dark Side (tags)


We Want a 4 Day Work Week! (tags)

The time has come for the 4 day work week.

The KPFA/KPFK/Pacifica NPR Evening News (tags)

One segment on the Tuesday broadcast demonstrates the ongoing disconnect between the news staff and some station staffers and the political and economic reality that Obama has brought us and make many ask why contribute to a second NPR.



22 Statistics (tags)

We urgently need alternatives to a future of stagnation and deficits. The community centers in Vancouver B.C. have a multiplier effect as surrogate counseling and class possibilities. Social justice, solidarity and sharing open doors.

BP oil spill planet killer (tags)

The oil pressure coming up the oil deep water pipe was running between 20,000 and 70,000 PSI. Science Advisor Richard C. Hoagland warned listeners that an even worse catastrophe could be looming if a giant gas bubble that has formed at the site of the leak on the ocean floor should blow. Hoagland said the pressure in the pipe is 100,000 or more lbs of pressure per squire inch or PSI.

U.S. citizens arrested for asking Oaxaca governor about Brad Will's murder (tags)

Three U.S. tourists and one Uruguayan citizen were arrested in Oaxaca City on Thursday January 28 after approaching Ulises Ruiz in the city's zocalo and asking him about the murder of Indymedia activist Brad Will.

Crises Have Disproven Mainstream Neo-Classical Economics (tags)

"According to Tax Commissioner Cory Fong: North Dakota has been able to weather the economic crisis.

The President Has Returned: All Hell Breaks Loose in Honduras! (tags)

"This is a textbook example of what we've referred to before as "dilemma actions." It puts the coup regime on the horns of a dilemma, in which it has no good options. It can leave Zelaya to put together his government again from the Brazilian embassy with the active support of so many sectors of Honduran civil society, or it can try to arrest the President, provoking a nonviolent insurrection from the people of the kind that has toppled many a regime throughout history. Minute by minute, hour by hour, and, soon, day by day, the coup regime is losing its grip. At some point it will have to choose either to unleash a terrible violent wave of state terrorism upon the country's own people - which will provoke all out insurrection in response (guaranteed by Article 3 of the Honduran Constitution) - or Micheletti and his Simian Council can start packing their bags and seeking asylum someplace like Panama. Meanwhile, the people are coming down from the hills to meet their elected president. This, kind readers, is immediate history."

What's Wrong with a 30-Hour Work Week? (tags)

"there is something problematic with advocating a 30-hour work week at the beginning of the 21st century: a 30 hour week is not short enough! There is mushrooming unemployment amidst mountains of useless products. An hour of labor now produces more goods than has ever been the case in the history of humanity. Combining these means that there is no reason for anyone to work more than 20 hours per week."

The Global Research News Hour - Media As It Should Be (tags)

in-depth truthful discussion and analysis

The Crisis of Finance Market Capitalism as a Challenge for the Left (tags)

"The problems we face today cannot be solved with the minds that created them" (Albert Einstein).

Santee Teachers Strike March 27, 2009 [South-Central Los Angeles] (tags)

One hour strike @ Santee (high school). Teachers & students speak [see video]. CUTS HURT KIDS & TEACHERS!

A Modest Proposal on Executive Salaries (tags)

A proposal to tie the salaries of executives to the minimum wage.

Israel & Gaza, calling in to Alastair Crooke on the Liberty Hour (tags)

Israel & Gaza, calling in to Alastair Crooke on the Liberty Hour

Social Contract and the Emergency Hour (tags)

The financial crisis is also an opportunity to reflect on our priorities and perspectives. Elite consciousness is a frozen consciousness where there are not alternatives and bankruptcy are only normal business practices.

24 Hour Fitness Terminates Member Who Speaks Up About Poor Conditions at Club on Pico Blvd (tags)

24 Hour Fitness terminates member who reports poor conditions. Poor conditions continue despite additional input and cancellations from other members.

Teachers Strike In LA (tags)

“ THEY SAY CUT BACK, WE SAY FIGHT BACK! They Say Our Way, We Say No Way! “ Thousands of teachers, parents,students and their supporters In a one-hour demonstration at the beginning of the day,picket outside schools in Los Angeles. Converging at the Los Angeles High, Belmont High School. Fairfax High School, Miguel Contreras Learning Complex and Gratts Elementary School in Central Los Angeles held an hour long demonstration this morning to protest proposed budget cuts. Banging pots, waving signs, shouting slogans to passersby and delaying the start of the school day as students in the nation's second-largest school district waited in gymnasiums and auditoriums and on athletic fields. Motorist hoked their horns in supports of the rallyist. By 9 a.m. most protests had wound down.

VIDEO: LA School Teachers Stage 1 Hour Walkout (tags)

LOS ANGELES, June 6, 2008 – Teachers with the LA Unified School District staged a one hour micro-strike today. Walking out on for the first hour of their workday, teachers staged pickets in front of local schools today. The teachers are protesting budget cuts that are impacting their ability to provide education to their students. Uploaded is video from a picket line at a local elementary school.

America, Fight Back: Nationalize the Oil Industry! (tags)

Surging oil prices are sinking the U.S. economy, while Big Oil is raking in obscene profits. For example, ExxonMobil recorded profits in 2007 of $40.6 billion. Its CEO’s pay averaged out to $13,700 an hour. Today, gas is selling at $3.50 a gallon with no end in sight. Truckers are paying more for their diesel fuel and as a result food prices are rising. Globally, nationalization of the oil industry is the trend. It’s time for the U.S. to join that club.

Time to Question the ICE Raids (tags)

Mayor Villaraigosa acts as if immigration raids on workplaces can be used to enforce wage and hour laws. They can't. If anything, they make it harder for workers to fight for their rights.

Pasadena Protest against the Iraq War (tags)

Protesters visited Rep Schiff's office to demand an end to the US occupation in Iraq after 5 years of bloodshed.

Green Party Presidential Debate Videos (tags)

Video of Green Party Presidential Debate in San Francisco, featuring Green Presidential candidates Jared Ball, Jesse Johnson, Cynthia McKinney, Kent Mesplay and Kat Swift, on January 13th, 2008. Video at

labor law violations (tags)

take abuses to the labor department

The War, Prisons, and the Economy (tags)

As the wars drag on with no end in sight, new technology is enabling more of our wounded troops to survive, and naturally, survival comes with added cost. From WWII to the present, survival rates rose from 1 dead for every 2.4 wounded to 1 dead to 8.3 wounded at present. In that time, an outfit cost went from $170 to $17,000 now. Future systems are expected to reach $28,000 to $60,000 in this decade. Every life is indeed precious, regardless of the price, but let us look at what makes up the cost of each system. Ever since, President Eisenhower coined the term Military Industrial Complex, most of us are aware of the huge profits war can provide for the weapon makers. How many of you are aware of the Prison Industrial Complex, (PIC)? Do you know the two complexes have now joined together to share in the rich profit bonanza?

UAW Sellout at GM and Chrysler (tags)

Corrupt UAW bosses sell out their rank and file

EASY Ways to Stop the Military Radioactive Contamination of Hawaii (tags)

The Army is salivating to get the 2/25th Stryker Brigade Combat Team established in Hawaii. Even volunteering one hour of your time will help! Here's how.

Manny Gonzales the kid everyone forgot in the CA prison system. (tags)

Seventeen year old Manuel Gonzales was convicted of attempted premeditated murder with a handgun April 11, 2005 in Van Nuys CA. Manuel was sentenced to serve 27years in a CA prison without any possibility of early parole. The 23year old victim in this case was shot at three times and nicked on top of his shoulder requiring a two hour hospital visit (no stitches ) and was released with pain medication.

Labor Day Hypocrisy (tags)

Government and business mock labor's day.

Big Green Weekend-11th Hour film and Green Party Workshops UCLA (tags)

Green Party Candidate Training and Strategy Sessions at UCLA, Aug. 25-26, Plus a Saturday evening event, starting with dinner at Monsoon Restaurant on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, followed by a special viewing of new environmental blockbuster "The 11th Hour" with Q&A afterward.

!Anti-Canada Day 2007! (tags)

On July 1st 2007, the third annual Indigenous anti-canada day event was held in Coast Salish Territories (vancouver, B.C.). A rail line in the native neighbourhood of Commercial Drive was blockaded as part of Indigenous People's ongoing resistance to the occupation of our territories by the state of Canada and capitalist corporations. This was one of many actions across the continent.

Dr. Bob Bowman - Patriot Tour 'Take Back America' for the Peop (tags)

Rancho Cucamonga, CA (PRWEB) May 23, 2007 -- Dr. Bob Bowman explains why we need a government that: (1) Follows the Constitution (2) Honors the Truth, and (3) Serves the People. Afterward, he'll take your questions for discussion. The event is Thursday, May 31, 2007 from 7pm to 9pm at Rancho Cucamonga in Central Park, CA 91701 at the NW corner of Baseline & Milliken in Crafters Den on the East side of the Community Center.

The Hate Equation:Targeting Migrant Children in LA (tags)

The May 1 police riot in Mac Arthur Park sent a deliberate political message and was part of a larger pattern of attacks targeting Brown children and families.

LAPD tries to crush immigrant rights movement (tags)

Heneghan's Raw Posting: Bushfraud Panics (tags)

CNN is putting out a rumor that Bushfraud and John McCain have reached a deal on the secret tribunals aka rendition issues before Congress. Translation: Noted 9-11

The call that tells you: run, you're about to lose your home and possessions (tags)

The voice sounded friendly enough. "Hi, my name is Danny. I'm an officer in Israeli military intelligence. In one hour we will blow up your house."

'The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro' (tags)

by Frederick Douglass


Instead of traditional picket, make use of more effective means of forcing public to confront wrong eviction of South Central Farmers.

Troqueros Huelga – Truckers Strike (tags)

Uploaded is an interview with Ernesto Nevarez, a community member helped to rally community support for the Troqueros and their strike.

Name Your Baby Lou Dobbs Challenge (tags)

The first undocumented immigrant to name their U.S. born child "Lou Dobbs," before September 16th, 2006, will win $500.00 worth of baby nursery items from participating East Los Angeles merchants supporting the Name Your Baby Lou Dobbs Challenge.

Update on Pro Migrant Hunger Strike (tags)

On this 34th hour of the fast we have many amazing updates for you.

DRIVE N RUSH HOUR 3/20 (tags)

Drive into downtown of every U.S. city on March 20 during morning rush hour to remind collaborators of war anniversary.

Flexcar: Public Car Sharing in Los Angeles (tags)

Flexcar is a car sharing program that started in Seattle, Wa., but it is quickly spreading across America. You can now share hybrid cars with strangers in Los Angeles, Chicago, San Diego and more!

Toy NOT Drive 11/12 (tags)

This Holiday season, Santa is bringing good cheer and presents sans the reindeer. How will he deliver toys to needy families? On a bicycle of course! And you can help -- join the Toy NOT Drive.

Rush Hour Performance (tags)

Butoh Performance in Downtown LA during Rush Hour on Wednesday, July 13 Start of Performance Series...

Help Protect Your Journalists at an Hour of Moral Crisis (tags)

"This is an hour of moral crisis from Bolivia to the Border. Our journalists – your journalists – at Narco News are in the line of fire. Yet they are there, at the front, with smiles on their faces and a passion for reporting the truth in their hearts. I know you agree, as we do, with the philosopher Dante Alighieri when he wrote: “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality.” Today I plead with you to not be neutral at this hour when authentic democracy and Authentic Journalism in Latin America are flexing their muscles at the very moment when the powers long accustomed to imposing their will on our América are losing their grip: No one is more dangerous than a tyrant when he realizes that the jig is up. And that makes this very hopeful moment also a precarious one."

It's not foreign terrorism that threatens us, it's domestic corporate power and influence (tags)

We’re told to fear the evil-doers overseas, but it’s our own American corporations, greedy to avoid safety regulations and flush with campaign contributions, that really threaten us with disaster after disaster.

Remembering those who serve …A tribute to America’s food-and-beverage workers (tags)

“Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.” — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Unveiling the Weapon of the Masses (tags)

This is a call to the spiritual warriors that serve humanity in the quiet of their abodes.

Building Bridges Radio - With Ossie and Ruby (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this one hour radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report - National Edition Produced by Mimi Rosenberg and Ken Nash presents a one hour special

DC Bush Inauguration Protest Vudeo (tags)

"Check Point "Dubya" is a clip from "Mandate?" a half hour documentary of the 2005 Inauguration protests from DC IMC, NYC IMC, and the Glass Bead Collective.

Tsunami: The power of nature and the tragic failures of an outmoded system (tags)

Hour after hour, day after day, a profound truth has stood out starkly: This massive disruption of nature and human life revealed, starkly, how the present global capitalist social order stands as a complete obstacle toward solving the most basic problems and challenges of humanity.

American Dream Slipping Away (tags)

The American Dream Slipping Away from the Middle Class

TODAY 4 PM-6 PM: Crisis In Haiti - Democracy Now! Special Broadcast (tags)

Pacifica Radio Special Broadcast - Haiti in Crisis Co-produced by Democracy Now!, the WBAI Haiti Show and Flashpoints Sunday, Feb. 29, 2004 4-6 PM EST

'NO WAR' against Sydney Opera House 2 - Interview with 1 'artist' = Dave Burgess (tags)

On January 30 [Will+Dave] will be charged with "malicious damage" for painting NO WAR in 5m high blood-red letters on the Sydney Opera House [..] The pictures [went around] the world, thus [propagating] that Australia is part of the "Coalition of the killing". Now the state authorities are [..] threatening a jail sentence of 5(!) years, plus charging an outrageous A$151,000. [..] Green Left Weekly spoke with Dave Burgess about the "very real prospect of going to gaol" (so Judge Blackmore) [..] [ Find the Call for rally & support and more PICS @ ]

Ventilation no help against second hand smoke (tags)

Toronto pub's ventilation system exchanged the air 10 times an hour, but to reduce the second-hand smoke dangers to acceptable levels would require at least 34,000 air changes per hour.

Radio LavaLamp (tags)

English language webcast from Osaka, Japan with program line-up for 1st week of November.




The SPFPA has approximately 20,000 active members in the United States, SPFPA is the largest International Union of Security, Police and Fire Protection Officers in America today!

Living Wage Laws Killing Jobs and Businesses (tags)

Local 'Living Wage' ordinances passed by well meaning city councils are killing jobs and businesses. The author of this article is President and CEO of K-BOB'S Steakhouses, a family restaurant chain headquartered in New Mexico, with 26 locations in New Mexico, Texas, Colorado and Oklahoma.

Hour of Resistance: L.A. School Walkouts (tags)


Resistance Stiffens in Antwerp (tags)

‘Belgians should not be disturbed if they see Apache helicopters flying overhead this weekend,’ said [Defence] Minister [André] Flahaut. The Belgians are indeed disturbed, Mr Minister, and angry as well.

NLRB issues complaint against SEIU for threatening San Francisco janitors (tags)

One More Example of the Corruption in SEIU

Spiritualism of Activism: Alan Clements Interview on KPFK (MP3) (tags)

1 hour interview with Clements on freedom, spiritualism and social activism

Coverage of Oct. 26 demos: 8 Hours! (16 MP3 files - click article to see all) (tags)

Pacifica Radio's 8 hour special program on October 26, 2002 demonstations.

October 22nd/The Commercial Meat Factory (tags)

This week's a 2 hour special on the October 22nd Coaliton's National Day of Protest.

The Commercial Meat Factory (tags)

This week on CMF Tyler Phillips, Campaign Manager for Green Party Candidate Peter Camejo and Fly Pan Am

The Commercial Meat Factory (tags)

This week on CMF Tyler Phillips, Campaign Manager for Green Party Candidate Peter Camejo and Fly Pan Am

Capitalism's Injustices (tags)

A discussion of the injustices of the capitalist system.

A Critical Look at the KPFK Emergency Summer Fund Drive (tags)

A Critical Look at KPFK's summer Fund drive reveals that new programming raised half as many funds per hour as regular programming.

Farmworkers turn up the heat on Gov. Davis (tags)

Farmworkers and their supporters are turning up the heat on Gov. Davis, who is threatening to veto an important bill. A report from an S13 action, with audio clips.

Earth First! Radio - Show #170A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is changing format 1 Jan. 2002. See for details. Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring news about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #170A. The second half hour is show #170B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #170B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is changing format 1 Jan. 2002. See for details. Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring news about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #170B. The first half hour is show #170A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show #169A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is changing format 1 Jan. 2002. See for details. Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring news about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #169A. The second half hour is show #169B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 169B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is changing format 1 Jan. 2002. See for details. Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring news about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #169B. The first half hour is show #169A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show #168A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is changing format 1 Jan. 2002. See for details. Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring news about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #168A. The second half hour is show #168B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show #168B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is changing format 1 Jan. 2002. See for details. Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring news about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #168B. The first half hour is show #168A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

PLANET X DUE HERE MAY 2003? (tags)

Two things are certain, they told him: 1) Planet X exists. 2) It is coming between May 15 and May 30 of 2003. The rest is speculation. But if it's good enough for the NASA scientists, it's good enough for me. The earth will stand still for about three days and then, in one hour, rotate a full 90 degrees (the pole shift) during which time winds will be an average of 200 miles per hour.

Earth First! Radio Show # 167A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #167A. The second half hour is show #167B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:20)

Earth First! Radio Show # 167B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, and Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #167B. The first half hour is show #167A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:20)

Earth First! Radio Show #166A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #166A. The second half hour is show #166B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 166B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, and Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #166B. The first half hour is show #166A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 165A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #165A. The second half hour is show #165B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 165B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, and Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #165B. The first half hour is show #165A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 164A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #164A. The second half hour is show #164B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:15)

Earth First! Radio Show # 164B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, and Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #164B. The first half hour is show #164A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Action: Stop Orange County Racist Attacks! call/write (tags)

Stop racist attacks in Orange County lesbian bar!

Earth First! Radio Show # 163B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #163B. The first half hour is show #163A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio Show # 163A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #163A. The second half hour is show #163B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #162B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #162B. The first half hour is show 162A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #162A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #162A. The second half hour is show #162B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #162A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #162A. The second half hour is show #162B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #161AB (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #161B. The first half hour is show 161A. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #161A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show #161A. The second half hour is show #161B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show #160B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show 160A. The second half hour is show 160B. Earth First! Radio is also found at: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio - Show 160A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with habitat and wild animal news, announcements, and commentary; also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show 160A. The second half hour is show 160B. Earth First! Radio is also found on: (28:30)

Earth First! Radio, Show # 159B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with announcements, commentary, also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show 159B. The first half hour is show 159A. Formerly found on (28:30)

Earth First! Radio, Show # 195A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with announcements, commentary, also includes poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show 159A. The second half hour is show 159B. Formerly found on (28:30)

Earth First! Radio, Show #158B (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with announcements, commentary, also including poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show 158B. The first half hour is show 158A. Formerly found on

Earth First! Radio, Show #158A (tags)

Earth First! Radio is a weekly, hour-long newscast featuring stories about the non-violent Direct Action environmental movement. News about action by groups such as EF!, ELF, ALF, Sea Shepherd Society, Greenpeace along with announcements, commentary, also including poetry and music by front-line activist artists. The show is formatted for rebroadcast by non-profit community and pirate radio stations in two half hour segments. This is show 158A. The second half hour is show 158B. Formerly found on

Comments on Hollander (tags)

Comments on the Hollander strike.

Ballona Wetlands Networking Event (tags)

Ballona Networking Event February 18, 2001

The Gap/Don Fisher Protest (tags)

The Gap/Don Fisher Protest

half hour IMC audio news from 8/17/00 (MP3) (tags)

The IMC audio team's half hour news from August 17th at 8pm PDT. This show includes reports about the citigroup march, the sweatshop march, an up date on the converence space, the operation gate keeper protest, what local businesses think of the convention and protests, weapons in space, the rally to save the last wetland in LA county, and the reality tour about the prison industrial complex. (28:19)

half hour IMC audio news from 8/17/00 (Real Audio) (tags)

The IMC audio team's half hour news from August 17th at 8pm PDT. This show includes reports about the citigroup march, the sweatshop march, an up date on the converence space, the operation gate keeper protest, what local businesses think of the convention and protests, weapons in space, the rally to save the last wetland in LA county, and the reality tour about the prison industrial complex.

half hour IMC audio news from 8/16/00 (MP3) (tags)

The IMC audio team's half hour news show from 8/16/00. It includes reports on: the screen actor's guild protest, criminalization of youth march, rally in front of Rampart police station, stolen lives, three strikes march, the drug war, the raves at McArther park, and a clip of an interview with author Naomi Klein.

half hour IMC audio news from 8/16/00 (Real Audio) (tags)

The IMC audio team's half hour news show from 8/16/00. It includes reports on: the screen actor's guild protest, criminalization of youth march, rally in front of Rampart police station, stolen lives, three strikes march, the drug war, the raves at McArther park, and a clip of an interview with author Naomi Klein.


Storm trooper clad Los Angeles Police officers arrested a group of bicyclers protesting the oil industry, and blockaded the Metro Blue line stranding rush hour commuters for about forty minutes at Flower and 18th Street Tuesday afternoon.

half hour IMC audio news from 8/15/00 (tags)

The IMC audio team's half hour news on August 16th, 2000. It includes coverage of arrests at the critical mass bike ride, the anti-fur protest and arrests, Monday's Rage Against the Machine Concert, police brutality, legal and medical reports, the youth and women's marches, education, environmental racism, and an interview with a Young Democrat.

half hour IMC audio news from 8/15/00 (tags)

The IMC audio team's half hour news on August 16th, 2000. It includes coverage of arrests at the critical mass bike ride, the anti-fur protest and arrests, Monday's Rage Against the Machine Concert, police brutality, legal and medical reports, the youth and women's marches, education, environmental racism, and an interview with a Young Democrat.

half hour IMC audio news from 8/15/00 (tags)

The IMC audio team's half hour news on August 16th, 2000. It includes coverage of arrests at the critical mass bike ride, the anti-fur protest and arrests, Monday's Rage Against the Machine Concert, police brutality, legal and medical reports, the youth and women's marches, education, environmental racism, and an interview with a Young Democrat.

One Hour Break from Business as Usuall? (tags)

one hour protest (tags)



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