fix articles 105632, karl kraus
We need a real debate on the Ukraine war (tags)
The longer the war in Ukraine continues, the greater the risk of a nuclear accident or incident. And given the strategy of U.S. President Joe Biden's administration to "weaken" Russia through large-scale arms shipments. The United States and NATO are in a proxy war with Russia.
The economy for faith healers (tags)
Due to the sharpening contradictions of late capitalist socialization, barbarism, not reason, is increasing. Reason is not advancing in the overall historical movement, as once postulated by Hegel. Only the overcoming of this false whole, would offer humankind a chance of survival.
Alternatives to Maximizing Profit and The Fragility of Power (tags)
We must look for the "signs of the times" that point to the coming of the Kingdom of God or, as John Holloway puts it, the signs "of the presence of the material power of the cry." The world of struggle against the instrumental power that oppresses and exploits often seems invisible.
Detente Policy and Media Hysteria (tags)
Antje Vollmer is a Green politician who was vice-president of the German Bundestag from 1994 to 2005. She urges a robust public debate over the new hard-line German foreign policy that forgets the war and Russian help in reunification. What has the politics of regime change brought?
"There is an alternative to profit maximization" (tags)
The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination. The economy should be embedded in society; society should not be privatized and confiscated by the economy. The public sector must be expanded to create jobs.
Review of Chaz Bufe's "DESIGN YOUR OWN UTOPIA" (tags)
Review of Chaz Bufe's "DESIGN YOUR OWN UTOPIA" - by Bob Black
Democratic Socialism: A Transformational Project (tags)
Democratic socialism as a transformational process could remedy the social coldness and ecological blindness of neoliberalism and its total absolute market. This article is translated from the German in: Utopie kreativ 2000.