fix articles 105629, holy father
The peace teaching of Jesus of Nazareth is thrown to the wind (tags)
Jesus, the Christ, taught love of God and neighbor, nothing else, but this has to be learned. But if not even the clear teaching of peace of Jesus of Nazareth in the biblical Gospels is taken seriously and followed by Bible believers, then we can conclude that the Bible mix has caused enough mischief for long enough.
There is an alternative to maximizing profits (tags)
In a new encyclical, the Pope denounces the pursuit of profit. The Sonntagszeitung spoke about this with the business ethicist Peter Ulrich. He defends the Holy Father, criticizes the managers and calls for economy for fifth graders..Financial products seek to make money out of money, without the inconvenient real economy.
Alternatives to Maximizing Profit and The Fragility of Power (tags)
We must look for the "signs of the times" that point to the coming of the Kingdom of God or, as John Holloway puts it, the signs "of the presence of the material power of the cry." The world of struggle against the instrumental power that oppresses and exploits often seems invisible.
Boehner Resignation: Ousted by Republican Infighting (tags)
Capitalism as a Secularized Religion (tags)
It is never too early or too late to challenge the dominant narrative. Capitalism is a fetish social formation, a demolishing of being not a reform of being. Capitalism may be the first case of an indebted cult, not an atoning cult, possibly the most bloodthirsty cult of humanity's history.
"There is an alternative to profit maximization" (tags)
The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination. The economy should be embedded in society; society should not be privatized and confiscated by the economy. The public sector must be expanded to create jobs.
Vatican seeks to become carbon neutral (tags)
TISZAKESZI, Hungary: This summer the cardinals at the Vatican accepted an unusual donation from a Hungarian start-up called Klimafa: The company said it would plant trees to restore an ancient forest on a denuded island by the Tizsa River to offset the Vatican's carbon emissions.
the secret of all secrets (tags)
the secret of all secrets
The Second American Revolution : More Revolutionary Proverbs (tags)
More proverbs and parables
Pope a War Criminal and Hypocrite for Bush (tags)
The torment of the Pope - or else a grand act of hypocrisy - can be seen in the pope's focus on the Culture of Death: Modernity. He opposed birth control, abortion, homosexuality and women in the church because he (Unlike anyone we know of on the left or right) understood that these were band-aids
The murder of Jews during the Second World War was not the only, or even the largest, Holocaust of the 20th Century. Often missed is the murder of 50 Million Orthodox Christians in the Armenian Holocaust and in Stalin's Pogroms.
BITTER RICE: Beware the Shiites (tags)
George Bush is a primitive man, but the people behind him are far from being stupid. They are the oil barons and the arms industry giants. They want to do what great powers have always done: use their military might in order to acquire economic hegemony. In simple words: to rob the poor peoples in order to enrich themselves even more.
" ... made a fool of the Pope" (tags)
With his stem-cell decision, President George W Bush did more than just anger prospective Nobel-Laureate researchers. He also made a fool of the man, revered by the world's billion Catholics as the "Holy Father".