fix articles 105455, vladimir lenin
Indybay Censorship, Sabotage, and Defamation (tags)
In organizing "Justice for Sean Arlt and Luke Smith protests, the Revolutionary Tendency works in a non-sectarian manner with protest co-sponsor Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom and with participation and support from Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs, 15-year-old Luke Smith’s mother, Luke Smith’s class mates, and with food and coffee provided by Joe Schultz of India Joze. As these are grass-roots community events, one would think that the “non-hierarchical” censors at Indybay could look beyond their unexplained and seemingly irrational hatred, censorship, sabotage, and defamation of these community events demanding justice for Sean Arlt and Luke Smith. Yet, this is not the case.
Philippines: 100 Days of the Duterte Presidency (tags)
This article has been presented and discussed by the leadership and organizers of the Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) to mark the coming 100-day anniversary of the Duterte administration. It is a contribution to the discussion among the Left and progressive forces on how to view this administration and the tasks ahead.
NYT Features Anti-Russian Propagandist (tags)
Free collection of articles.
Movie Review: Dirty Wars (tags)
Jeremy Scahill, reporter for such outlets as The Nation and Democracy Now, has come out with the most hard hitting documentary of recent years entitled, “Dirty Wars.” He takes us around the globe from Afghanistan to Yemen and Somalia documenting the crimes of U.S imperialistic foreign policy in tragic detail.
Tea Party America and How to Fight It (tags)
The recent debate in Washington, D.C. over raising the debt ceiling has underscored just how totally the radical Right in general and the "Tea Party" in particular have taken over America's political debate and the economic and social consciousness of a majority of Americans. The remnant of a Left that still survives in America can only fight back if it first realizes, like a rehab patient, that we've "hit bottom" and then musters the kind of internal and external discipline it will take to mount an effective counter-attack. Instead of critiquing ourselves in public, we need to settle our differences behind closed doors, present an image of rock-solid unity to the outside world and get rid once and for all of the insanity of "consensus decision-making."
The Debt Ceiling: Where Are the Grownups? (tags)
The fact that the ruling elites haven't stepped in and forced the President and Congress to raise the debt ceiling, the way they did in October 2008 to push through the TARP big-bank bailout, suggests either that the corporate ruling class likes the "shock treatment" agenda being pushed by the Tea Party -- force a default on U.S. debt so the President and Congress will have to eliminate the welfare state virtually overnight -- or that the Tea Party has become the ruling class's Frankenstein, a monster it can no longer control.
Overstrained Capitalism (tags)
Neoliberalism has driven the world into the greatest disaster since Hitler and Stalin. With Ronald Reagan, a president entered the White House who constantly proclaimed the state in the end was something bad.
The Making of an “Exceptional” Monster: Josef Stalin (tags)
His father was a drunk who regularly beat him. His name was Josef Stalin. Born in Russia’s Georgia, in 1878, under the rule of the Romanov Czars, he excelled as a student, while building up a deep resentment towards the cruel occupiers of his Caucasus region. Stalin became a Marxist revolutionist and a master conspirator. The book, “Young Stalin,” by Simon Sebag Montefiore, tells how this merciless, but extremely talented, psychopath was forged.
“Our wisdom, in so far as it ought to be deemed true and solid wisdom, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves.” (Calvin 1962)
Bob Avakian Talk on Revolution Now Available (tags)
This talk, followed by questions and answers, is a wide-ranging revolutionary journey, covering many topics. It breaks down the very nature of the society we live in and how humanity has come to a time where a radically different society is possible. It takes us deep into the heart of the horrors we see around us - from the oppression of whole peoples and parts of the world to what underlies brutal wars of domination; why we live in a world where profound poverty, starvation and exploitation co-exists with unprecedented wealth. From the American nightmare to a sweeping vision of a whole new world, he breaks it all down, and shows how and why a radically different world can be brought forward.
Confronting Christophobic Thugs (tags)
TV programming is designed to shepherd viewers into compromising their values. To preserve freedom, Americans should severely limit or entirely eliminate their TV viewing.