fix articles 105435, denying Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : denying


Rogue newspapers or part of a continuum? (tags)

Not covering certain news can be as important as covering news. The New York Times regularly gives heavy coverage, often on the front page, of demonstrations in Moscow, yet published only a tiny article buried far inside the paper on the May Day demonstrations, some of which occurred only two blocks from its office. That is simply a different, more sophisticated method of marginalizing a mass movement than the crude, politically motivated attacks in Murdoch newspapers.

Eric McDavid - Update on April 23 Hearing (tags)

On Monday, April 23, Eric finally had his hearing on the remaining defense motions.

Perspective on Palestine, by a UTLA member (tags)

There are many reasons why the cancellation of a meeting at UTLA on the Palestinian question is just wrong.

Cindy Sheehan disingenuous in denying writing that son died for Israel in Iraq (tags)

Cindy Sheehan disingenuous in denying writing that son died for Israel in Iraq

IsraHell and Sharon: Real obstacles to peace (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

community solidarity (tags)

Creative Arts Agency continuing racist action of denying black promoters access to white music acts.

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