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west texas

US Coup in Ukraine: Oliver Stone's Documentary (tags)


GLP Mag-Lev Train and Floodwater to Drought Pipeline Alleviates Drought and Flooding (tags)

The Green Liberty Party (GLP) solution to seasonal flooding and drought concerns is to construct a pipeline that can regularly transport large amounts of water from flood prone regions to drought prone regions. This differs from current SNWA plans to drain northern Nevada's aquifers with a pipeline.

September-October 2009 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

Did U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes and ICE conspire in illegal activity? (tags)

Former Christian Music Star Performs at Palm Springs Queer Pride (tags)

Blayne Bell lost his lucrative career in Christian music and broadcasting when his former partner "outed" him to the dean at Abilene Christian University in 2001. He's gone from making up to $200,000 per year to working at a Starbucks in Palm Springs, but as an openly Gay man he's happier than he's ever been. He's performing at the Palm Springs LGBT Pride event Saturday, November 3.

Ex-cop plans video on how to hide drug stashes (tags)

I wonder if this is a hoax or if this cop has really seen the light and is against the drug war? I know there are a number of cops who are drug war vetrans and against the war because they know it doesnt work.


Education reform must begin at the top and the first thing I would do is get Howard Zinn a new pair of glasses and a dictionary. Surely his Microsoft collegiate dictionary is infected with a virus which caused him to forget that he knew what gasoline was back in WWII all on today's free broadcast of Democracy Now. (please forgive him. He is a senior citizen.)

United States government, 2005: If it walks like a goose… (Part II) (tags)

Part I ( compared Bush administration actions to the first seven of fourteen “basic characteristics” Laurence W. Britt claims (in his article “Fascism Anyone?”) typify fascistic regimes. Here’s a similar look at the list’s back end:

Shitocracy ('shit-&-'tä-kr&-sE) (tags)

The increasing influence of Texans in the national political arena has prompted the coining of a new term for a predominantly Texan form of hierarchy: "the shitocracy" (pronounced "shit" "talk" "crass" "ee").

Texans can do no wrong (tags)

"After reading stacks of documents from the investigations and talking to energy experts, I found more smoking guns in California's energy crisis than in a Clint Eastwood movie, and none of them have Ken Lay's prints on them." -- Kathryn Jones, 2001

You too can become a Pioneer (tags)

Hundreds of wealthy Republicans gathered at the President Bush, Dick Cheney, and a host of celebrities gathered at the Ritz-Carlton Lodge here in the first weekend in April, not for a fundraiser but for a celebration of fundraisers. It was billed as an "appreciation weekend," and there was much to appreciate.

Professor threatened after calling Alpine, TX the ''dumbest'' town (tags)

Dr. Sechrest wrote that he was "prepared to defend to the death the proposition that Sul Ross, and this area of Texas more generally, is the proud home of some of the dumbest clods on the planet."

I Love My Country -I Hate My President (tags)

I hate Mr. Bush and what he is doing to my country. I cannot believe the range of duplicities involved in his administration; the gratuitous lying to serve profit and political purpose.

I Love My Country - I Hate My President (tags)

I am repulsed by my president. He allowed the drums of war to get hammered over aluminum tubes, which were never meant for anything more deadly than the making of rockets. The whole notion of the tubes being part of the construction of a centrifuge had been refuted by several international organizations, including America's own Lawrence Livermore Laboratories

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