fix articles 10419, reporting on
It can now be reported that the short sales on insurance company stocks have been traced to an elaborate New York state "Ponzi scheme." This includes the use of U.S. Intelligence Agency-based black accounts and crooked accounting procedures aka "past-posting." This activity is directly linked to former CEO of American Insurance Group (AIG), Hank (Maurice) Greenberg and the out-of-control Israeli Mossad. The short sales and put options that were placed on the Chicago Board of Options pre 9/11 were funded through the American-Turkish Council and Kissinger Associates with brokerage firm Bear Stearns and American Insurance Group disguising the profits as end of the year derivatives.
Bushfraud, the un-elected president of the United States, is about to defy the American people, about to defy his own Joint Chiefs of Staff, about to defy the Congress of the United States all in the name of taking 20,000 more troops into Iraq to continue to wage his war based on a lie. Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu, who is not even an official member of the Israeli government,is blackmailing Bushfraud vis a vis using Bush's homosexual sex and financial fraud, election fraud, criminal fraud, telling Bush either you do this in Iraq and Iran or else.
EXPLOSIVE: Bush's Domestic Assassination Teams Fingered (tags)
International Intelligence Expert Tom Heneghan outs the names of assassination teams and the treasonous conspiracy of FBI Directors Louis Freeh and Robert Mueller in the training of Mohamed Atta.
HOT BREAKING NEWS: Poison Gate Update Now Linked to Plame Gate (tags)
Alexander Litvinenko, the poisoned Russian spy, has now been directly linked to the Chechnya-Mudjahadeen which of course is allied with Al Qaeda. It can now be reported that the U.S. FBI has tied Litvinenko to the sale of nuclear material to the government of Israel through Zurich, Switzerland. The bagman for all this is none other than Marc Rich. Litvinenko, with ties to Chechnya and elements of the Russian Israeli Organized Crime Teams was an important individual. His death is not to be dismissed. It can now be reported that Litvinenko was...
It can now be reported that the FBI has launched an investigation fingering an ex-employee of U.S. Homeland Security, and has linked Alexander Litvinenko, ex-KGB agent, to the Poisongate scandal in England. It is important to note that Michael Chertoff, Mossad agent outsourced U.S. Homeland Security contracts to Russian FSB services. It can now be reported that financial funding for a domestic Russian Israeli Gestapo on both American and British soil are linked to noted disgraced mega Mossad lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
UPDATE: AnthraxGate and MurdochGate (tags)
Anthrax case getting legs again. It can now be reported that Russian microbiologists working with rogue U.S. CIA and British Intelligence aka Gary Best Inc. had anthrax in frozen form transported to the U.K. in late Sept. 2001. The anthrax in perfume vials then found its way to none other than Pier 92 New York City, New York. Pier 92 linked to the FEMA Command and Control Center during the 9/11 Attack on America. Reference: Is it a coincidence that Bush had lunch with Putin in Moscow today on his way to Vietnam? What was the desert? Anthrax a la mode.
BREAKING: Bush, Hillary and Obama on an Oil Carousel. Where's the Money! (tags)
As reported earlier, eight hundred million dollars is missing from the U.S. Treasury. It can now be reported that FBI investigations have tied the First Broadway Bank of Chicago and the Allied Bank of Ireland as two major drop-off points. What makes this scandalous are the financial links to Senator Barack Osama Obama and Hilary Clinton. Also linked is former President George Herbert Walker Bush (41). Obama bagMan, Anthony Rezko, and Bush Clinton fixer Mossad Agent Lorraine Fine, have been fingered as co-conspirators in the theft of these funds. Mobster Rezko, Obama’s fundraiser, owns the real estate lot on which Obama lives. And Lorraine Fine helped co-ordinate the escape for Marc Rich in 1993, vis a vis the Arrest Warrant issued for Rich by then U.S. Vice-President Albert Gore Jr.
Barack (Osama) Obama unmasked: Another G.E. Bush-Clinton stooge (tags)
It can now be reported that the new US Media pet Barack Obama Democrat Illinois has amassed a 21 million dollar slush fund. The money is tied to Texas Tejas Security, a major backer of the Bush family. Barack Osama Obama is also tied to a Chicago Washington Based law firm Skadden Arps. What makes this scandalous is...
BREAKING INTEL ALERT: Foreign Tampering of USA Election (tags)
FBI photos orgies Haggard+Charlie Crist+Conrad Burns+Frist+Lehman / Lieberman's bagman Sem (tags)
We can now report that Reverend Haggard has been confronted with FBI photographs showing Reverend Haggard involved in orgies involving Charlie Crist. William Frist and former Secretary of the Navy James Lehman and current Republican Senator from Montana, Conrad Burns. It can now be reported that Mel Sembler, Mega-MOSSAD fund-raiser and Year 2000 election fixer, and now Joe Lieberman's bagman in Connecticut, has been linked directly to the British Intelligence forged dossier aka Italy, Ghorbanifar, with direct connections to the highest levels of the British Government.
Reverend Haggard Made 35 Trips to the Private Residence of the White House Along with Male Prostitute Jeff Gannon Reverand Ted Haggard, the head of the Evangelical Ministry and chief spokesman for Bushfraud and the Republican National Committee, has been fingered tonight for having a three year homosexual relationship with a male prostitute. Haggard, of course resides in Colorado; the Box Nest for FBI Div 5 and the National Headquarters for what we now know as the pedophile ring. Of course, supplying these prostitutes is none other than NBC's Wm Morris Agency out of Denver Colorado. That's right folks NBC General Electric: Pimps More Than Light Bulbs. It can now be reported that the clientele list nationwide includes some of the following: William Frist (R. Tenn.), Charlie Crist (R.Fla), Robert Dryer(R.Ca.), Trent Lott(R. Miss.), and, of course, the Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman. All of them in the closet....
Alert: more TX + FL e-voting flipping Democrat votes to Republican in early voting (tags)
A listener called in to say that he had just experienced an irregularity in the voting booth. After completing the ballot he punched "Review" only to discover that three of the Democratic candidates he had voted for had been changed to Republican candidates.
U.S. and international agents tomonitore e-vote satellite activity during election (tags)
U.S. and international agents to monitor e-vote satellite activity during election ~ E-votes flipping Democrat votes to Republican in early voting
Bush's Skull & Bones Stooge John Kerry's Treasonous Exploits (tags)
It can now be reported that Skull & Bones John Kerry, Bush's 2004 Patsy opponent, met at the Israeli Consulate the day before his famous speech in which he seems to insult American Military personnel as uneducated and stupid. Folks this is no accident. Remember Kerry is Bush's third cousin and was scripted to be his "Dukakis-type stooge" in the 2004 Election cycle. Kerry's meeting at the Israeli consulate is significant. He received his marching orders and he also received a large promissory note from the Mel Sembler, Mega-MOSSAD gang...
It can now be reported that major political and media types are now being linked to an expanding spy scandal tied to the MOSSAD riddled Pentagon and the procurement and theft of U.S. Treasury Funds designed for the expenditures of the War In Iraq. Grand Jury sources have now fingered former Republican Senator James Thompson (R. Tenn. Gay-in-the-closet) along with current Republican Senator Conrad Burns of Montana (gay-in-the-closet) as major targets of the FBI Justice Dept. inquiry....
SUPER HOT INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING and ALERT on the occupation of America by the Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate + Mossad + MI6 + KGB
...This is connected to the Mossad-British MI-6-Russian KGB-9-11 team. Reference Udday Letter to Putin. Click to Read What is significant and dangerous is that it can now be reported that a major contingent of Russian FSB forces have left Canadian military bases in the last three days and flown into Seattle Washington....
Item: Yesterday on CNN and Fox News, V.P. Dick Cheney gave a tacit endorsement to Hillary Clinton for President in Nov 2008. This comes a week after Clinton visited major air bases in Canada aka British Intelligence MI-6 cells linked directly to Permindex, the British company that plotted and executed the murder of President JFK. Reference: True Colors, JFK Jr., and the attempted assassination of then V.P. Albert Gore Jr. in 1998 linked to the Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate....
Rahm Emanuel heads North American Mossad + PROMIS + laundered profits to Israel/Russian (tags)
Rosen is also tied to Ted Olson, Coca Cola copyright controversy and a scandal now developing which will link Rosen to Rahm Emanuel and the Mossad in the sale of and transfer of PROMIS Software involving the alleged Russian spy Robert Hanson and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and laundered profits to both Israel and the Russian Federation...
Intelligence Briefing on Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate (tags)
Latest Intelligence Briefing on the Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate ...
Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate: Barack Obama (tags)
Extortion-friendly John Harwood of the Wall Street Journal, reports that Senator Barack Obama will run in 2008 but Hillary Clinton will not. Don't be fooled folks, Obama is a stooge and firewall for the Bush Clinton Crime Syndicate....
Weldon's Paris trips tied to cover-up of 9/11 French intelligence intercepts (tags)
International and federal agents active and retired within a worldwide executive intelligence network are reporting that Congressman Curt Weldon (R-7-PA) has made five trips to Paris during the last few years while French intelligence surveillance stakeouts filmed and taped Weldon's hotel activities and meetings with Israeli—Iranian double agent Manucher Ghorbanifar.
EXPLOSIVE: Tampa Bay News has Conspiratorial Emails in 2000 Election Fraud Coup d'État (tags)
Tampa Bay News now in possession of Douglas Alexander (former U.K. E-Commerce Minister) election emails. Emails deal with direct communications between Alexander, Karen Hughes (chief aide to Bush) Mel Sembler aka Bay Point Schools and Democratic traitor Al Rodgers of Fort Lauderdale, Florida along with current Florida A.G. Charlie (gay-in-the-closet) Crist.
Back Breaking News Exposes Chris Matthews of MSNBC (tags)
He condones Congressman Foley’s sexual activity with a Page of 21 years old because he was of age at the time. Matthews ignores the solicitation of the Page by the pedophile Foley before the Page turned 21 years old. Then it gets worse. Matthews compares the activities of homosexual-in-the-closet Foley to what Matthews considers scandalous which is President John F. Kennedy’s marriage to Jacqueline Kennedy when she was 22 years old and he was 34 years old. Is he insane or what?
CBS News ready to report that North Korea Nuclear Test was not a nuclear test at all in fact the explosion in North Korea was an accidental detonation of dynamite linked to three regiments in the North Korean army who patrol the area. Bush, Putin and the Chinese President created this façade to disguise a massive fund transfer out of the Northern Trust Bank in Chicago linked to funds that were designated for the payment of the Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols; funds that were due to Ambassador Leo Wanta. The funds of course belong to the US and French Treasuries not to the Chinese Box Gang. It can now be reported that that leader of North Korea, received 55 million dollars to go along with this ruse...
WOW! Pedophile Cover Up (tags)
Republican leadership will announce today that they will try to undercut Congressional authority to investigate Pedophile Gate by appointing Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate puppet Louis Freeh, former FBI Director, as the independent investigator. Recommending Freeh’s appointment was none other than extortion-friendly Lannie Davis who was former President Clinton’s Communications Director... MORE
HOT HOT HOT Backbreaking News: Mark Foley+Karl Rove+Jeb Bush+Hassert+Frist+Baynard+... (tags)
Justice Dept. sources are now confirming that the FBI Inquiry of alleged pedophile Mark Foley reports that email and phone records have now been discovered linking White House political hack Karl Rove to direct communication with Republican Congressman Reynolds (R. NY.), Hassert (R. Illinois), Baynard (R. Ohio) and Frist (R. Tenn.) in the closet... MORE
UPDATE ON BREAKING INTEL: 9/11 Now Exposed (tags)
It can now be reported that the reason why Rumsfeld and Rice ignored the July 10, 2001 warnings of George Tenet, then CIA Director and the U.S. State Dept. is that Bin Laden was not only in the UAE for dialysis treatment in June/July 2001; but was there on a secret mission on behalf of the U.S. NSA to sell Promis Software to the Emir of the UAE in Dubai. That’s right folks, Rumsfeld and Rice ignored these warnings because Bin Laden (never caught now dead) was still a CIA Agent (aka Tim Osman). We now understand why Bush ordered an NSA spy dragnet against his own State Dept. on the day of 9/11 itself.
BREAKING INTEL: Pedophile, 9/11 Update (tags)
Marc Grossman, former Undersecretary of State under Colin Powell, has been indicted (sealed), in the Valerie Plame outing case. Grossman now tied directly to Israeli espionage against the U.S. Grossman linked directly to the attempt to plant WMD in Iraq thru Turkey and to the 9/11 Cover-up of the July 2001 warning to America in which Donald Rumsfeld and Con Rice knowingly ignored the warnings of George Tenet, former CIA Director... MORE
HOT HOT INTEL: Plame-Gate Won't Go Away (tags)
Mark Grossman former Under-Secretary of State under Colin Powell, takes center stage in the Valerie Plame leak case. Yes Extortion-Friendly U.S. Media. The case has not gone away. It can now be reported that another FBI sting has been underway for sometime linking Grossman and his relationship with noted Iran-Contra Arms Dealer Riarif Durrani (a Pakistani Intelligence Officer), to the events surrounding the outing of Valerie Plame and her covered status.
'Wag the Osama' the Terror War is Over Bin Laden is Dead (tags)
Breaking News #1: Sources close to Colin Powell confirm once again that Osama Bin Laden is dead. Bin Laden died in Pakistan in 2002 from kidney failure. Receipts from Pakistan Hospitals now in possession of the European Press indicate Pakistani Secret Police purchased eight dialysis machines for Bin Laden.
President Bush and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper have now been fingered in the softwood lumber money laundry.
Attention: Potpourri of Current Political Subject-Matter (tags)
ABC News blackmailing Daddy Bush’s Bitch William J.R. Clinton on 9-11. Could it be the Russian Oil Deeds handed over to Bill and Bitch aka Hillary (Republican-in-the-closet) Rodenhurst-Clinton by George Stephanopoulos last week mean that ABC Disney wants a piece of the action.
BREAKING: Hear Explosive Intelligence Briefing (tags)
VITAL INTEL: Is a Coup in the Works? Will Bush be Arrested? (tags)
Half the US Military plus three Supreme Court Justices are ready to approve the arrest of Bushfraud. As Occupunk Bushfraud moves the US close to martial law with secret tribunals it can now be reported that Bush is using the idea of the Military Tribunals as a vehicle to end run the US Constitution and obstruct justice aka the 9-11 Attack on America.
HOT INTEL: CIA asset tied to bin Laden infiltrated FBI before 9/11 (tags)
Special prosecutor Fitzgerald met twice with asset, covered up links to al Qaeda and corruption implicating immigration officials and NY Mayor Giuliani--all connected to documents linking Vice President Cheney to 9/11 plot in Philippines
HOT, HOT BREAKING INTEL: New York State is Now a Federal Crime Scene (tags)
Former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani now under investigation by Dept. of Justice officials as well as the New York Port Authority in allowing thousands of illegal Islamic immigrants to enter the United States through New York City without paperwork or proper security clearance.
Ali Mohammed revealed as a CIA Asset who Infiltrated The MOSSAD-FBI Division#5-Ridden Pre-9/11 Cells.
BREAKING: The Big Media Lie Exposed Again: Woodward Gate #3 (tags)
Sources close to the the US Justice Dept. confirm Richard Armitage only passed the name of covered CIA Agent Valerie Plame to a noted journalist.
Illegal Use of Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol Funds + Compromised Fitzgerald (tags)
The illegal use of the Reagan Mitterrand Protocol Funds aka the Leo Wanta funds continues by the Bush Clinton Crime Syndicate with the Bank of England as the laundering machine The self appointed Box Elite are now using India to launder US Treasury Funds into the Bank of England using medium term notes and US Treasury Bills.
CODE YORKTOWN: AS OVERLORD AT YORKTOWN REMAINS RELENTLESS AND VICTORIOUS AS WE CONTINUE TO IDENTIFY THE ENEMIES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION IN THE 21ST CENTURY AND ANNIHILATE THEM. The criminality of the National Security Agency (NSA) has now been fingered in operating a massive surveillance and Gestapo program directed against the American people that has been fully operational since November 22, 1963.
Bob Novak on NBC Meet The Press fingers Bob Woodward as Valerie Plame leaker. Without mentioning Woodward's name Novak says Colin Powell called Richard Armitage about the leak story at which point Armitage became distressed. AND Summation: The Bush Clinton Box Gang is desperately out to protect their media asset Bob Book & Snake Woodward of the Washington Post.
Rupert Murdoch linked to major British-Yiddish Chinese money laundry (tags)
Rupert Murdoch foreign reprobate owner of FOX News (1-888-369-4762), has been linked to major British-Yiddish Chinese money laundry tied back to Iran Contra and the theft of the U.S. French Commissions due to both the U.S. and French Treasuries, aka the Russian Ruble Reagan Mitterrand Protocols. The name of the Chinese entity is a proprietary name Hondu with ties to Nicaragua and Guatemala. The bagman in this disguise is none other than noted Bush Clinton Crime Syndicate FIXER Marc Rich. Marc Rich was pardoned by Daddy Bush's Bitch Slick Willy Rockefeller Clinton. Note: Dunblaine Pedophile Tony Blair has received campaign contributions from this money laundering.
MUST hear this EXPLOSIVE, excellent, excellent all-inclusive INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING revealing the truth and reality behind the massive illusions and deceptions of the Traitor Cabal.
BREAKING INTEL: Bush Prepares for Martial Law (tags)
U.S. Flag Officers Versus Pentagon-British-Mossad Neo-Cons US Military prepares for civil war and domestic insurrection as British Viceroy Occupunk Bushfraud prepares martial law script. Bushfraud, on advice from his handlers the British Monarchy, readies 20 day detainee legislation which would functionally destroy the US Constitution and end the Bill of Rights as we know it.
Bush-Blair & Murdoch's Terrorgate Dots Connected+Rupert Murdoch Spies On Prince Charles (tags)
Bush, Blair and Rupert Murdoch along with their global media empires have now been directly linked to a cooked up terrorist scare borrowed right out of Project Bojinka, a 1995 FBI Div 5 Terror script. Players included Robert Wachtel and Rami Yousf, Philippine based Terrorist that had direct ties to 9-11 and Oklahoma City.
Latest British terror scare is another false flag. The alleged terrorists in England are chemists who have been detained vis a vis Internet chatter. There is no physical evidence; none bought plane tickets and at the time of their arrest, no physical evidence of liquid explosives were found at the scene.
FOLLOW THE MONEY FINGER THE TREASON As violence continues to escalate in the Middle East it can now be reported that China is holding the financial trump card on multi-trillion dollars of non-performing old oil and gold derivatives aka the Chinese line of credit.
EXCLUSIVE: Bush—Cheney CIA/Plame case indictments released this morning (tags)
EXCLUSIVE: Bush—Cheney CIA/Plame case indictments released this morning Bush orders Fitzgerald fired and espionage indictments quashed
Bush, Cheney, others INDICTED! Fitzgerald hands over 22 indictments (tags)
Bush & Cheney Indicted! U.S. Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald hands Attorney General Alberto Gonzales 22 indictments against Bush, Cheney and others
Portland Indymedia Reports on FBI Frame Up (tags)
Portland Indymedia Center is reporting on the apparent frameup of an activist. Tre Arrow was becoming increasingly more effective until the FBI stopped him with indictments that many local activists believe are a set up.