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Spring-Break-March Delegation to Venezuela: The Revolution Continues! (tags)
While the mainstream media speculates about the future of the Bolivarian Revolution since the passing of Hugo Chavez, for the Venezuelan popular sectors, there is no turning back to a state of marginalization and exclusion. Come learn about the process currently transpiring in Venezuela as the people, faithful to the legacy of Chavez, deepen and further radicalize their struggle in defense of the Bolivarian Revolution. Come learn, connect, and show your solidarity at this critical moment for the Venezuelan process.
Obama Is Preparing for War in South America (tags)
"The first and foremost important achievement during the Chávez administration is the 1999 Constitution, which, although not written nor decreed by Chávez himself, was created through his vision of change for Venezuela. The 1999 Constitution was, in fact, drafted - written - by the people of Venezuela in one of the most participatory examples of nation building, and then was ratified through popular national referendum by 75% of Venezuelans. The 1999 Constitution is one of the most advanced in the world in the area of human rights. It guarantees the rights to housing, education, healthcare, food, indigenous lands, languages, women's rights, worker's rights, living wages and a whole host of other rights that few other countries recognize on a national level. My favorite right in the Venezuelan Constitution is the right to a dignified life. That pretty much sums up all the others. Laws to implement these rights began to surface in 2001, with land reform, oil industry redistribution, tax laws and the creation of more than a dozen social programs - called missions - dedicated to addressing the basic needs of Venezuela's poor majority. In 2003, the first missions were directed at education and healthcare. Within two years, illiteracy was eradicated in the country and Venezuela was certified by UNESCO as a nation free of illiteracy. This was done with the help of a successful Cuban literacy program called "Yo si puedo" (Yes I can). Further educational missions were created to provide free universal education from primary to doctoral levels throughout the country. Today, Venezuela's population is much more educated than before, and adults who previously had no high school education now are encouraged to not only go through a secondary school program, but also university and graduate school.??The healthcare program, called "Barrio Adentro", has not only provided preventive healthcare to all Venezuelans - many who never had access to a doctor before - but also has guaranteed universal, free access to medical attention at the most advanced levels. MRIs, heart surgery, lab work, cancer treatments, are all provided free of cost to anyone (including foreigners) in need. Some of the most modern clinics, diagnostic treatment centers and hospitals have been built in the past five years under this program, placing Venezuela at the forefront of medical technology.??Other programs providing subsidized food and consumer products (Mercal, Pdval), job training (Mission Vuelvan Caras), subsidies to poor, single mothers (Madres del Barrio), attention to indigents and drug addicts (Mission Negra Hipolita) have reduced extreme poverty by 50% and raised Venezuelans standard of living and quality of life. While nothing is perfect, these changes are extraordinary and have transformed Venezuela into a nation far different from what it looked like 10 years ago. In fact, the most important achievement that Hugo Chávez himself is directly responsible for is the level of participation in the political process. Today, millions of Venezuelans previously invisible and excluded are visible and included. Those who were always marginalized and ignored in Venezuela by prior governments today have a voice, are seen and heard, and are actively participating in the building of a new economic, political and social model in their country.??2 MW---On Monday, President Chavez threw a Venezuelan judge in jail on charges of abuse of power for freeing a high-profile banker. Do you think he overstepped his authority as executive or violated the principle of separation of powers? What does this say about Chavez's resolve to fight corruption?"
Chavez’s Lines: ¡¡Viva El Che!! (tags)
"As I write today Saturday, in the early hours of the morning I receive fresh news about the evolution of the crisis: “According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the economic crisis pushed 61 million people into unemployment in 2009, and the world there are now 241 million unemployed workers, the largest number of unemployed persons in history.” (IAR Noticias) “It is expected that the number of poor people [in the U.S.], will grow to 90 million by 2010, while at least 59 million will join the ranks of the unemployed, as stated by the Central Bank president Robert Zoellick.” (IPS) There's nothing coincidental that Venezuela is one of four countries in the world that advanced four positions in terms of Human Development Index according to the United Nations Human Development Report 2009. And it is no coincidence that, according to the report, we are the country with the best distribution of income across Our America, that is, with the best rate, to use Bolivar’s term, of established and practiced equality."
July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change (tags)
July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of NY invites you to join us in July for a 10-day trip to Venezuela examining advances in food sovereignty and other initiatives for social change.
July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change (tags)
July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of NY invites you to join us in July for a 10-day trip to Venezuela examining advances in food sovereignty and other initiatives for social change.
July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change (tags)
July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of NY invites you to join us in July for a 10-day trip to Venezuela examining advances in food sovereignty and other initiatives for social change.
Cuba: Entrevista a Porno Para Ricardo (tags)
* El Movimiento Libertario Cubano (MLC) ha realizado vía Internet esta entrevista a un grupo musical punk activo en La Habana desde hace 10 años, que hoy por hoy es exponente significativo de una escena contracultural que merece reconocimiento y solidaridad.
Cuba: Interview Porno Para Ricardo (tags)
* The Cuban Libertarian Movement (MLC) interviewed via internet a punk musical group active in Havana for over 10 years who are today a significant reference in a counter cultural scene that merits recognition and solidarity.
Cuando la incongruencia se disfraza de “Solidaridad Libertaria” (tags)
* Desde El Libertario de Venezuela, hacemos público nuestro desagrado y protesta ante lo que puede considerarse como una orientación política precisa por parte de Solidaridad Libertaria (vocero del Grupo de Acción Social de la CGT de Burgos, España) promoviendo una imposible afinidad entre el anarquismo y la práctica e ideas que sustentan al actual gobierno venezolano.
Join Revolutionaries Delegation to Venezuela (tags)
The objective of US - Venezuela Bolivarian Exchange is to build bridges between the Bolivarian movement in Venezuela and the social justice movement in the United States, facilitating exchanges of delegations between community-based organizations from each nation.
New documentary about Venezuela (tags)
Grabado en 2005, "Un mundo por ganar" aprovecha la presencia en Venezuela de 15.000 jóvenes de 140 países para preguntarse por el apoyo a la revolución bolivariana y el impacto que está teniendo en el resto del mundo.
Report Back From the 16th World Festival of Students in Venezuela (part 1) (tags)
"[The U.S. ruling elites] have a lot to lose because Venezuela is setting an example. If the people of Venezuela are able to struggle and alleviate so much poverty and illiteracy and lack of healthcare in their country, then why can't we do it here as well?" -- Muna Coobtee, delegate, World Festival of Students, 2005
Report Back From the 16th World Festival of Students in Venezuela (part 2) (tags)
"[The U.S. ruling elites] have a lot to lose because Venezuela is setting an example. If the people of Venezuela are able to struggle and alleviate so much poverty and illiteracy and lack of healthcare in their country, then why can't we do it here as well?" -- Muna Coobtee, delegate, World Festival of Students, 2005
Venezuela: Eyewitness report from the heart of the revolution (tags)
Bolivarian Revolution