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pat roberts

Why do These Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker Continue to Spread Lies about The EFCA? (tags)

What is the Strategy being used by Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker from Tennessee, in their attempt to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act? Keep Spreading LIES about the Employee Free Choice Act and Supporting The Secret Ballot Protection Act ( Better Known as The Employer FEAR and Intimidation Act )

Why do These Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker Continue to Spread Lies about The EFCA? (tags)

What is the Strategy being used by Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker from Tennessee, in their attempt to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act? Keep Spreading LIES about the Employee Free Choice Act and Supporting The Secret Ballot Protection Act ( Better Known as The Employer FEAR and Intimidation Act )

Environment Hating Senators List (tags)

This is from the League of Conservation Voters. It shows the percentage of votes "for" the environment of members of the US Senate who are morally bankrupt and do what the corporations want them to do in return for the campaign contributions they were given. The complete list is here: Click on "Look up Scores"

BREAKING INTEL: Bush Prepares for Martial Law (tags)

U.S. Flag Officers Versus Pentagon-British-Mossad Neo-Cons US Military prepares for civil war and domestic insurrection as British Viceroy Occupunk Bushfraud prepares martial law script. Bushfraud, on advice from his handlers the British Monarchy, readies 20 day detainee legislation which would functionally destroy the US Constitution and end the Bill of Rights as we know it.

It's Spring and Talk of Impeachment is in the Air (tags)

Extra! Extra! Senator files censure motion against President Bush and the media actually report it the next day!

Sen. Feingold, Lone Opponent of Original PATRIOT Act, Blasts Secret Plot to Make it Wors (tags)

Sen. Feingold, alone in opposing the PATRIOT Act in '01, blasts the White House attempt to use the Senate Intelligence Committee to produce an even worse bill in secret, behind the back of the Judiciary Committee.

Intelligence Committee in Maneuver to Pass Even Worse PATRIOT Act (tags)

With no announcement, the Senate Intelligence Committee has scheduled a closed door session to approve a version of the Patriot Act that would be even worse than the present act being considered by the Judiciary Committee. The hand of the White House seems to be behind the sneaky maneuver.

Iraq Setbacks Change Mood in Washington (tags)

Iraq Setbacks Change Mood in Washington Lawmakers in both parties as well as some military leaders fear the occupation is heading for failure. Bush stands firm, but U.S. goals may be scaled back. By Doyle McManus Times Staff Writer May 23, 2004

As war's tab mounts, GOP questions strategy (tags)

"we need to restrain what are growing messianic instincts - a sort of global social engineering where the United States feels it is both entitled and obligated to promote democracy - by force if necessary" -- Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas

BEYOND BUSH - Part I ( By Michael C. Ruppert ) (tags)

Michael C. Ruppert looks into the future and shares his thoughts (repost)

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