fix articles 10381, treason
California has filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk over the racist treatment of Tesla employees.. Musk and US Govt in coup to oust socialist Pres. Morales and steal Bolivian lithium and other news re Musk
Fire the U.S. Congress for Treason: How Many Blatant Favors for AIPAC? (tags)
How many times will U.S. elected Representatives of the U.S. House and Senate have to kiss Israel’s ass, and in how many ways, before “our” country will build a true national security team—that is one actually focused on U.S. security and not primarily on Israel’s? It is bad enough when Jewish-Americans politicians (with more substantive allegiance to Israel than the U.S.) like junior Senator Ben Cardin for Maryland, claiming his decision on whether Chuck Hagel will be a good Secretary of Defense resides on whether he is onboard with Israel’s/AIPAC’s agenda of having war with Israel’s enemy Iran (at least as backup force); or NY Senator Chuck Schumer equivocating about not “feeling” comfortable with voting for Hagel because of some of Hagel’s past attitudes; but even more so with suck-ups like Lindsey Graham giving about the best ass-kissing one could expect (to think some confederates once had some principle of pride and independence).
False Flag Prospects, 2008-- Top Three US Target Cities -- (tags)
Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, examines the prospects of a 2008 follow-up to the 9/11 attacks. After providing a damning case for official direction of 9/11, he names the top three American cities in danger of "the next 9/11."
Ron Paul's 9/11 Truth and Glenn Beck's 7/27 Treason (tags)
Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence officer, offers damming evidence that CNN's Glenn Beck is part of the 9/11 conspiracy, and uses Beck's own words in his interview with Ron Paul to prove the point.
Chertoff and his Gestapo replace Gonzales? (tags)
William Rivers Pitt writes about the traitors in the evil US/UK junta, and it's one of the best articles I've read lately. There's something missing in the whole though: people in general - not only in the US - seem to land from the frying pan into the fire when Chertoff, the present 'Gestapo chief' of the US, replaces Gonzales.
HOT HOT HOT Backbreaking News: Mark Foley+Karl Rove+Jeb Bush+Hassert+Frist+Baynard+... (tags)
Justice Dept. sources are now confirming that the FBI Inquiry of alleged pedophile Mark Foley reports that email and phone records have now been discovered linking White House political hack Karl Rove to direct communication with Republican Congressman Reynolds (R. NY.), Hassert (R. Illinois), Baynard (R. Ohio) and Frist (R. Tenn.) in the closet... MORE
FW: RED ALERT: CHICAGO 9/11(Unclassified, Mission 9/11-V) (tags)
The Army has replied to the warnings of Ghost Troop that the Bush Administration is planning a 5th anniversary 9/11 attack, coded as 9/11-V. The trouble is, they acknowledge the danger and dodge their job of doing anything to protect the American People. Are we being set up for a new Pearl Harbor?
FOLLOW THE MONEY FINGER THE TREASON As violence continues to escalate in the Middle East it can now be reported that China is holding the financial trump card on multi-trillion dollars of non-performing old oil and gold derivatives aka the Chinese line of credit.
Tokyo Rose was framed!!!!!! (tags)
Iva Toguri, branded 'Tokyo Rose,' is 90 Was pardoned after rigged trial was revealed
2000 Election Evidence & the LA Times (tags)
2000 Election Evidence denied by LA Times
The president and his crazed gang of warmongers have put America gravely at risk by threatening first use of nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear power.
Bush Accuses Majority of Americans of Treason (tags)
Bush accuses his opponents of treason. What's next, locking up the Congress?
Three Cheers and Thanks to the Leaker (tags)
Let's extend our thanks to the spook who outed Bush.
Indymedia Evens the Score (tags)
The right-wing controlled media in the United States is the biggest reason why this fascist regime was able to hijack two Presidential elections and to invade an innocent country and slaughter its people indiscriminately to seize control of their oil.
Open Letter to Governor Owens of Colorado regarding the upcoming September 10th, 2004 sentencing of Constitutional ativist, Rick Stanley ( who is facing up to 32 years in prison for exercising his constitutionally guaranteed rights.
Billder For President 2004 (tags)
First Draft Declaration Of Write-in Presidential Candidacy of Bill Gallagher, 2004 Presidential Election, United States Of America.
9-11 was treason A direct and premeditated attack on the people of the United States by a criminal cabal. A true line up of convicted criminals fill the offices of power, individuals who provide the smiling lying front for murder and theft to the sickness that has stoked the fires of hatred into a world wide inferno. Almost as if by design.
Multimedia Proof: Take it to the sheeple (tags)
we need to hold these guys accountable... and it starts with us turning up the volume... We need to make this 911 coverup and the lies about the iraq war THE topic of conversation everywhere. WE HAVE PROOF... bush and co are lying SOB that should be tried for treason and war crimes.
Our sewers are yet again spewing the rant of anti-American Leftists. Are they guilty of treason or are they simply excersizing free speech. To be convicted of Treason in our court system they must provide aid and comfort and commit an overt act plus have the intent to betray and there must be two witnesses. Looks to me like we could get a conviction on Sean Penn but Meyer London might be a bit more difficult.
"Dubya" is owned by the Red Chinese Secret Police. He lives a fraudulent life, not as a "Christian family man", traveling around now, and since an early age, with his male sex-mate, Mayor of a sizeable southern city. And a sworn enemy of the U.S., Red China, is using this to blackmail Bush, compelling him to turn over U.S. financial, industrial, and MILITARY secrets. Fitting the U.S. Constitution's definition of TREASON. (Article Three, Section 3.)
A Vast Right-Wing Cry of Treason (tags)
Ann Coulter, the right wing's dial-900 girl—a rail-thin, chain-smoking, hard-drinking, big-eyed leggy blonde who winkingly serves up X-rated ideological smut on liberals—is at it again. "Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy," Coulter writes—or sneers—in Treason, her follow-up effort to the best-selling Slander. Like its predecessor, Treason sits atop the best-seller charts, riding higher than one of Coulter's signature miniskirts.
Some Dare Call it Treason (tags)
One of the ongoing threads through the screeches of the Warmongers is the attempt to categorize anyone who disagrees with them as "Treasonous" or "Anti-American". Of course their opposition to Free Speech and Open Debate is absolutely Anti-American. However, the mindset of the totalitarian jingoist will not stop there. Sadly.
FBI Found Bush Guilty of Treason (tags)
FBI reports present solid evidence that President Bush planned World Trade Center attack in league with Bin Laden family friends, with whom he became aquainted in highschool, for socialist spies from the Russian Federation.
Patriots attack media amid cries of treason (tags)
Flags have been lowered, accusations of treason made, and TV shows placed under threat in a censorship furore that is sweeping the US, writes Duncan Campbell