fix articles 103417, s. how
The question is why a man like Bernie Sanders (Democratic Party) is not U.S. president, but his colleague Joe Biden is. It will probably be because he says such sentences: Our government must work for ordinary Americans, not for the top 1%.
Bush-Blair & Murdoch's Terrorgate Dots Connected+Rupert Murdoch Spies On Prince Charles (tags)
Bush, Blair and Rupert Murdoch along with their global media empires have now been directly linked to a cooked up terrorist scare borrowed right out of Project Bojinka, a 1995 FBI Div 5 Terror script. Players included Robert Wachtel and Rami Yousf, Philippine based Terrorist that had direct ties to 9-11 and Oklahoma City.
A Guide To Racial Profiling and Jewish American Laws being created (tags)
A review of of Jewish Lawmaking in America
On how to make enemiesĀ (tags)
What attracted my attention to this article was the idea of the existence of a US bureau whose sole purpose is to propagate ideas which effectively create new enemies of the US.
There is a new bill to stop issue of non immigrant visas to Iranian nationalities. This will iclude students and scholars, parents and relatives. Also, this will imprison every Iranian student/visa holder in United States.