fix articles 103415, islamic terrorists
New Haven approves ID cards for illegal immigrants (tags)
New Haven approves ID cards for illegal immigrants
Bush-Blair & Murdoch's Terrorgate Dots Connected+Rupert Murdoch Spies On Prince Charles (tags)
Bush, Blair and Rupert Murdoch along with their global media empires have now been directly linked to a cooked up terrorist scare borrowed right out of Project Bojinka, a 1995 FBI Div 5 Terror script. Players included Robert Wachtel and Rami Yousf, Philippine based Terrorist that had direct ties to 9-11 and Oklahoma City.
Here are many of the most significant connections - from the Bush-Cheney-Wolfowitz regime to the World Bank Group to the Bilderberg Group to the Rothschild Group - that you're not supposed to see. Neither "right" nor "left", but real....