fix articles 10301, hectares Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : hectares


Shift from paddy to other crops cultivation (tags)

shift from paddy to other crops

Ranchers caught red-handed – from space (tags)

Wealthy landowners in Paraguay have been caught red-handed after newly-released satellite images showed their startling destruction of almost 4,000 hectares of forest – which is inhabited by uncontacted Indians.

Landlordism in the Philippines :Hacienda Luisita as large as Makati and Pasig Cities combi (tags)

Pesante NEws reported today through a special report to the Inquirer Daily in the Philippines on a research that Hacienda Luisita is a 6,000-hectare property in Tarlac straddling Tarlac City and the towns of Concepcion and La Paz. It is as large as the cities of Makati (2,986 hectares) and Pasig (3,100 hectares) combined. Hacienda Luisita was originally part of the landholdings of the Compañia General de Tabacos de Filipinas, or Tabacalera. The estate was named after Luisa, wife of Don Antonio Lopez, who headed Tabacalera when it acquired the estate in 1882. It is now owned by the Aquino Family. Senator Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino is running for president this coming elections.

Conversion of rice fields created rice shortage (tags)

In the Central Luzon plains, Nueva Ecija is unique. In this farming province, the biggest rice producer in this region, you see rows upon rows of rice paddies. But it had more rice lands before the phenomenon of land conversion in the late 80s. The large landowners converted their lands to non-agricultural use so these would not fall under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law enacted in 1988. Land conversion was also necessitated by population rise and the urbanization of many towns of the province.

AGRARIAN REFORM 29 bishops urge Congress to extend CARP (tags)

Twenty-nine Catholic prelates, including Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales and Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal, have asked the House of Representatives to immediately extend through legislation the 20-year-old Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). The CARP expires on June 10 this year.

Amazonian Manatee is under extinguishing risk. It's not the only one...Why? (tags)

We want to make in the place a first experience of an untouched reserve with respectful exploitation, in permanent expansion, that later can be taken to other regions of the world.

Rural Workers in Uruguay occupy land and call for solidarity (tags)

On January 14 of this year, Mandiyú – a group of small dairy farmers – occupied a 388 hectare section of the Eduardo Acevedo Estate in the area of Bella Unión, in the north of Uruguay. This is the second land occupation in the country, following the group of “peludos” (sugar cane workers) in their occupation one year ago of another 32 hectares that had been abandoned for more than ten years.


Four hundred Embera-Katio indigenous people have come to Bogotá from their distant lands in Cordoba near the Caribbean Coast of Colombia to demand that the Colombian government meet with them concerning the construction of the second hydroelectric dam on their lands. The first dam, ‘Urra 1’, flooded 7,400 hectares of land in 1999, destroying the rivers which were the source of food, transportation, and culture for the Embera-Katio people. Now the multinational (Canada, Sweden and Russia) company Urra plans to construct a second dam which would flood many more hectares.

The biggest Brazilian gold mine belongs to a US company (tags)

Serra Pelada gold mine, in the Amazonian State of Para, one of the main Brazilian gold producers, was bought by the US mining company Phoenix Gems, which paid 40 millions dollars to exploit 100 hectares. The contract of an important part of Serra Pelada mine’s shares, was subscribed last June 5th between a cooperative of "garimpeiros" (Brazilian gold searchers) and the US Company Phoenix Gems.

World Struggles to Fend Off Desertification (tags)

Some 70 percent of all land in Mexico is vulnerable to desertification, one reason why some 900,000 Mexicans leave home each year in search of a better life as migrant workers in the United States.

800 families removed from comunity in Tijuana (tags)

800 families removed from a small comunity near the huinday factory in Tijuana.

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