fix articles 10285, goebbels
Wolf Larsen, Nietzshe and the Titans of Capitalism (tags)
When young, Jack London was an oyster pirate on San Francisco Bay and a believer in might makes right. After working many occupations, he saw many decent, strong, hard working men incapacitated due to accidents, fate, disease or the workings of capitalism. In less one had rich relatives, one was out of luck. Greatly to his credit, Jack London became a socialist.
Blair bites the hand that feeds (tags)
He won't get his house paid for this way.
Chavez strikes deal with Goebbels Murdoch (tags)
Goebbels to run Venezuela's media.
Defaulting In The War Of Ideas - (Goebbels Does DC) (tags)
No Summary
Hitler: An Officer And A Gentleman ? (tags)
"Until the Russian bullet hit officer Schultz, during the battle at Stalingrad, he really was totally convinced that Adolf Hitler was 'an Officerand a Gentleman', like himself."
II Bush Nazi Propaganda by B. Meade (tags)
Can any good come of it?
Can any good come of it?