fix articles 1025, walmart Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : walmart


Some Of Worst Decisions Of The Current Supreme Cour (tags)

It is time to end the pentocracy in which 5 male pawns can erase the will of 360 million Americans.

How do you make money on failing companies? (tags)

This article is a question to the people who understand capitalism. I'll start with an explanation of what I know; you can elaborate in comments.

LA Workers Ask for Solidarity (tags)

The website is doing something very special and we should boost them.

Labor Laws Learned by Studying OUR Walmart #2 (tags)

I'm not a labor lawyer, so this article doesn't condone anything or give legal advice. You should double check everything here.

Labor Laws Learned by Studying OUR Walmart #1 (tags)

I'm not a labor lawyer, so this article doesn't condone anything or give legal advice. You should double check everything here.

Local Black Friday Protests at Walmart (tags)

A roundup of Black Friday protests at Walmart for the Walmart Strikers and a 25K wage.

Corporate America Loves Jason Furman (tags)

class war

Occupy Long Beach Strikes at Walmart on Black Friday, November 23, 2012 (tags)

Occupy Long Beach Strikes at Walmart in Down town Long beach in solidarity with Walmart employees. The protest ended in two arrests.

Workers Stand Up to Walmart (tags)

When a torrent hits an obstacle that refuses to give, it either flows around or over the obstruction. When workers’ needs for a living wage, fair treatment, and a voice are damned up by an oppressive employer, it is only a matter of time before they find a way of asserting their strength.

Labor, Community Leaders Target Wal-Mart September 21 (tags)

Neighborhood activists and labor unions are organizing San Diego's biggest-ever anti-Wal-Mart demonstration Saturday, September 22 in the Golden Hill and Sherman Heights neighborhoods. Though the Wal-Mart in Sherman Heights hasn't even been built yet, it's already driving local businesses to close or cut back — and Wal-Mart has systematically refused to make any promises to the community to hire locally or mitigate the impacts of their store.

Warehouses, Workers & Wal-Mart (tags)

A group of workers for a warehouse that works exclusively for Wal-Mart invade the management offices with a list of demands that included crazy things like less dangerous conditions, hours that didn’t stretch from way before dark to way after dark, pay that met the legal definition of a wage and an end to global hunger (well, not really the last one—yet!).

#F29 Occupy Walmart Warehouse (tags)

On February 29 Occupy Riverside,LA, among others united in solidarity with occupations throughout the Nation on a national day of action to shutdown corporations. Southern California occupations targeted A local Walmart warehouse in Mira Loma ,CA.

F29 Walmart Warehouse Shutdown: Victory at Dawn (tags)

Wednesday, February 29, 2011
EASTVALE, California - Nearly 300 people arrived at six in the morning in this desolate inland city with the intent to shut down the world's largest distribution center for Walmart goods. Activists from Occupy Riverside, Occupy LA, other Southern California occupys, community activists, and student groups arrived at the Schneider warehouse only to find that the management had closed the facility of its own accord. Having tasted victory at dawn, the group soon set its sights much higher.

F29 - Images from Riverside (tags)

Screen grabs: Images streamed live today from the walmart action.

F29 - Breaking: Protest holding one intersection outside Walmart (tags)

8:30 am: Close to 60 people now occupy an intersection outside Walmart distribution center.

Resolution in Support of Warehouse Workers at Walmart Contractor Schneider Logistics (tags)

This resolution was adopted by the Inland Empire General Strike Committee on January 27, 2012, and was amended on February 6, 2012. It was subsequently adopted by Occupy Redlands. We encourage all other local occupys, as well as all labor unions, student groups, community organizations, congregations, homeowner associations, and any other free associations to adopt this resolution and find other ways to support this action.


Join Occupy Riverside, Redlands, San Bernardino Valley, Los Angeles and other Occupy groups in the region for the mass participatory direct action targeting Walmart's largest warehouse and distribution center. NO BUSINESS AS USUAL!

US-Style Free Trade's Dark Side (tags)


Explained: Why the Wal-Mart Decision Matters (tags)

A short explanation of why the Wal Mart decision matters, what a class action lawsuit is, and potentially new standards applied to decisions about discrimination.

BTL:Wal-Mart Wins, Workers Lose in U.S. Supreme Court Decision Rejecting Class Action Disc (tags)

Interview with Chris Owens, attorney and executive director of the National Employment Law Project, conducted by Scott Harris

Will We Be Spied ON And X-Rayed To Death—By Government? (tags)

It is frightening to consider that a corrupt U.S. Government or quasi government agency could abuse government X-ray scanners, over exposing (targeted Citizens) to radiation—perhaps causing recipients cancer.

Global Sweatshop Wage Slavery (tags)

Worker exploitation in America and globally

McDonalds On The Moon (tags)

I believe that the only way out of our current economic and environmental woes is through expansion to the moon.

Wal*mart Worker Trampled to Death by Shopper Stampede (tags)

11/28 - Valley Stream, NY - A 34 year old Wal-mart worker was trampled to death by a stampede of Wal-mart shoppers rushing to get inside the door. Nobody bothered to help or call out an alarm as Jdimytai Damour was being crushed by hundereds of feet, the herd of human shoppers was too busy looking for a "good deal", so they all became murderers..

Authorities Identify Daniel Ramos Gonzalez of Santa Ana As Person Shot To Death Sunday By (tags)

The Laguna Journal has learned that the Santa Ana police responded to the store and spotted Gonzalez who run when he saw the police. The officers then chased him to the loading dock in the rear of the store, where the unarmed Gonzalez was confronted and shot by police officers.

Unarmed Man Shot Dead By Police At Wal-Mart Store (tags)

In Orange County, police decide when to use deadly force, and police agencies get to investigate themselves. They release only the information they want to release when the investigation is complete

Fresh & Easy: A Wal-Mart Clone? (tags)

An open letter to Fresh & Easy, Tesco's (UK) upcoming US subsidiary...

New, improved unions (tags)

New, improved unions

Rosemead City Council Sneaks Wal-Mart In (tags)

This letter was sent out a few days ago. It shows the contempt the Rosemead City Council has for its residents, to sneak a controversial proposal onto the agenda, after the opponents have left. Authored by Zebra.

Buy more then 4 cell phones, go to jail (tags)

Three men accused of helping terrorism were arrested Friday after they purchased 80 prepaid mobile phones from a Wal-Mart store, police said. - Yea like they are MAJOR TERRORISTS!!!!!



Antonio Villaraigosa & Vicente Fox at Persing Square (tags)

Friday 5/26/06 2 PM

Protest at the Mexican consulate Monday to Saturday 6:30 - 8 AM! Walmart on Sunday (tags)

6:30-8:00 am en el Consulado Mexicano (Monday to Saturday) 12:00pm - Walmart 17150 e. Gale Ave, La Puente (Sunday)

Protest at Wal Mart in response to Repression, death and brutality of Flower vendors near (tags)

Ya Basta! Protest Wal Mart // Stop Violence in Atenco! (tags)

We are standing in Solidarity of the DEAD, injured, disappeared and arrested flower vendors and people of San Salvador Atenco, near Mexico City, who have been repressed for selling where a Wal Mart is planning to open.

For Immediate Release: WAL MART STORES TIED TO ATTACKS ON PEASANTS (May 7th action) (tags)

Movilization against Walmart in Los Angeles to support compañeros brutally repressed near Mexico City

Pitzer College Student Senate Boycotts Wal-Mart Stores (tags)

Student Senate of Pitzer College has passed a resolution denying any students from be refunded by Senate for expenditures at Wal-Mart. Students have also passed a resolution through Pitzer's College Council encouraging students, staff, faculty and alumni to personally engage in the boycott and avoid all Wal-Mart Stores.

Walmart Economics (tags)

Let's fuck America.

Maryland forces Wal-Mart to pay for employee health care -- Will California be next? (tags)

The Maryland General Assembly became the first state legislature in the nation Thursday to approve legislation forcing Wal-Mart (WMT) to pay more for its employee health care, potentially paving the way for other states to follow suit.

WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price @ Saddleback College Wed. Dec 7 @ 2:00 and 7:00 PM (tags)


Wal-Mart Documentary Screening (tags)

Everyone has seen Wal-Mart's lavish television commercials, but have you ever wondered why Wal-Mart spends so much money trying to convince you it cares about your family, your community, and even its own employees? What is it hiding?

Building Bridges Radio with Robert Greenwald, Producer Wal-Mart Movie (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report present this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/5/05) (tags)

Huge iceberg breaks apart in Antarctica.

Buy Nothing Day ~ TARGET WAL-MART (tags)

The Buy Nothing Day holiday (BND) has caught on somewhat and may very well be one of the best vehicles we have in terms of getting to a healthier, happier, saner, sustainable way of life. With that in mind the following is a collection of ideas about what we can do to make BND more effective by bringing it to America's largest corporate retailer known as WalMart. If you are down with these ideas (and want to make them more effective) please repost and forward this article by email and/or conventional post.

Wal-Mart Health Subsidies (tags)

Taxpayers subsidize Wal-Mart health plans .

Clash of Cultures: Wal-Mart in Flagstaff (tags)

"A scandal occurred at the flashpoint of the campaign. Wal-Mart placed an advertisement that showed the 1933 book burning at the Berlin opera plaza. Whoever prohibits Wal-Mart prohibits freedom of thought. Wal-Mart apologized for its bad taste.."

1,400 at D.C. meet say 'Take Back America' (tags)

WASHINGTON — Hundreds of protesters, chanting "Hands off my Social Security" and "Not wise to privatize," marched to the White House in the rain June 3.

Wal-Mart Conference at UCLA June 4 (tags)

Environmental and labor leaders to address the Wal-Mart threat at free UCLA conference on June 4.

The Wal-Mart Museum of Art (tags)

"There is no better example of how politics is intertwined with art than the spectacle of an art museum being founded by a rapacious corporation well known for exporting US jobs overseas and profiting from foreign sweat shop labor."

Elvis Lives! and protests the war on his website. (tags)

Check out the priceless photo Elvis protesting at his website at

Revolution or Bust (tags)

Wal Mart has recently given workers in Quebec the great 'fuck you' for having the guts to organize. A sign of the times.

Wal-Mart's Sweetheart Deal (tags)


Building Bridges Radio: Fighting Wal-Mart in N.Y.C & Quebec (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio: Wal-Mart's Template & Attorney General Gonzales? (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Building Bridges Radio: Wal-Mart's Template & Attorney General Gonzales? (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Rosemead Wal-Mart (tags)

This is a request for coverage, as well as an update on the events.

Attacking Wal-Mart's Supply Chain (tags)

Wal-Mart's zeal to "hold the lowest feasible [inventory] level while avoiding the risks of 'stock outs,'" its competitive advantage, is also the weak link in its anti-union empire.

Buy Nothing Day ~ TARGET WAL-MART (tags)

Ideas about how to impede conspicuous consumption.

Building Bridges Radio - Wal-Mart Discriminates with Liza Featherstone & Judy Gorman Sin (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA AUDIO LINK

Ralph Nader Speech Full Text (tags)

The speech Ralph Nader gave at Creighton Univ. on 8/25/04 and a portion of the Q and A afterward. Please remember that in "safe states" you can vote your heart rather than your fears. (recommended: paste to wordpad)

Required Reading for Non-Swing-State Voters (tags)

The speech Ralph Nader gave at Creighton Univ. on 8/25/04 and a portion of the Q and A afterward. Please remember that in "safe states" you can vote your heart rather than your fears. (recommended: paste to wordpad)

Ralph Nader Speech Full Text (tags)

The speech he gave at Creighton Univ. on 8/25/04 and a portion of the Q and A afterward. Please remember that in "safe states" you can vote your heart rather than your fears. (recommended: paste to wordpad)

Building Bridges Radio - National Edition - WALMART DISCRIMINATION SUIT; NYC UNEMPLOYMENT (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 29 minute Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK ON BOTTON OF THE PAGE

Does Wal-Mart Destroy Communities? (tags)

In a recent poll on the CNN website, viewers were asked the "poll" question of whether or not they believed that Wal-Mart stores were "good" for the "community." Perhaps it is not surprising that a large majority answered "no."

Top Boycott Targets: Company Contacts & Sample Letter (below) (tags)

Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened." Just as a bell that has been rung cannot be "unrung", the annoying problem with the Truth is that, once you learn it, you can not "unlearn" it.

WalMart: KPFK report April 7 (AUDIO STREAMING) (tags)

KPFK April 7, 2004 news report, with interviews; 3:32 runtime

CBS Market Watch: Gains by Safeway, Kroger hold retail index in check (tags)

Please read the following report. If you know people in other states that are union or support the union, tell them to expand their boycott to Kroger!

Los Angeles Critical Mass Rides Through Vons (tags)

While the corporations refuse to back down, autonomous actions by small groups are becoming more and more necessary.

Labor rallies to challenge brave new Wal-Mart world (tags)

If Americans can get a DVD player for $29 - as they could this week during a pre-Christmas promotion at Wal-Mart - they are not going to be unduly concerned about whether workers who assembled the gizmo have a dental plan.

Tis the Season to be GREEDY (tags)

Ah! The Spirit of Christmas!

Wal-Mart 'Eats' More US Manufacturers (tags)

In case you haven't already figured it out the whole point of Wal-Mart is to help depress the wages, and ability to survive, of the average Working Person. The reason is simple: Slaves don't need as much and if they have Jobs and incomes independent of the elites they are harder to order about like Sheep. Welcome to the Totalitarian States of America.


Machine Tools Manufacturers produce what Economists refer to as "Producer Goods" meaning that they produce the goods that manufacturers purchase to produce their goods. If Machine Tool Sales are going down the toilet that means the Manufacturing Sector, and associated jobs, are already dead. Care for a nice Slave Collar? Cheap.

Building Bridges Radio-The Southern California Supermarket Strike/Lockout (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

Wal-Mart's benefits come under fire (tags)

Sally Lieber, D-San Jose, points to Wal-Mart employee hand-outs about social services like Medicaid, food stamps and temporary assistance as proof that the retailer uses state and federal tax dollars to supplement "poverty" level wages and benefits.

Whirl-Mart! (tags)

Whirl-Mart is a performance! It is art! It is a ritual! It is a “collective reclamation of space that is otherwise only used for shopping and buying...”

Flor y Canto needs your help! (tags)

Flor y Canto needs your help & Friday Film Night.

Flor y Canto needs your help & Friday's Film (tags)

Flor y Canto needs your help & Friday's Film

America's rich get richer thanks to tax-cutting Bush (tags)

Collectively, the 400 richest Americans are worth nearly one TRILLION dollars and it's mostly the top one percent who are pocketing Bush's tax cuts. Meanwhile, WalMart managers are teaching employees how to obtain food stamps.

Meet the richest people in America (tags)

he rich once again are getting richer, Forbes finds in its annual survey of the country's wealthiest citizens. What a relief.

Rational Anarchism is getting to be a joke. (tags)

It is becoming a joke... Walmart is bad... Buy Walmart goods...Walmart is bad... Buy Walmart goods...Walmart is bad... Buy Walmart goods... Make up your mind Rational Anarchists!

WalMart and Big Brother (tags)

Where is this invasion of privacy going to end??? Well its not if action is not taken!!!

Reminder: Tuesday, June 10th is action day against Wal-Mart! (tags)

This evening, June 10th, members of Katuah Earth First, in coordination with neighborhood activists, will be confronting the Chattanooga City council and demanding that plans to build a Wal-Mart on some of the town's last green space and wet lands be scrapped.

Earth First! Call to Action against Wal-Mart (tags)

The Tennessee Valley faction of Katuah Earth First is asking you to support their campaign to prevent the building of yet another Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart – the nation’s worst workplace bully (tags)

With $7 billion in profits squeezed from the labor of one million workers at 3,250 stores across the country last year, Wal-Mart deserves its reputation as the nation’s worst “workplace bully.”

Boycott Bloomingdales! (tags)

Bloomingdales is a retailer of garments from Burma – a Southeast Asian country ruled by a brutal military dictatorship. But Bloomingdales should know better: the garment industry in Burma is closely tied to a modern form of slave labor.


On April 1, 2001, successfully activated its first action-performance, Whirl-Mart. It was a silent march winding through the aisles of Wal-Mart in Troy, NY, that was symbolic of the group's opposition to violent capitalist values. It was not necessarily a protest against Wal-Mart. Now is calling for simultaneous Whirl-Mart action-performances across the country and/or globe on Sunday June 3 and the first Sunday of every month following.

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