fix articles 102361, collar
How to match jewelry with business suit? (tags)
Wear dress of women, usually clothing and work clothes to work strictly separate. If it is social occasion and an occasion not to wear away from the office suite, so you can try to show their feminine charm, on the other hand also more pronounced the solemn nature of the office clothes and seriousness.
Earth First Enemy, Pacific Lumber Co. files bankruptcy (tags)
Posting of a news story from the Santa Rosa California Press Democrat: about Pacific Lumber Co. filing bankruptcy. That is the lumber company that Juli Butterfly Hill was tree sitting about as an Earth First advocate. The question of Pacific Lumber spending too much money when they funded a recall campaign against the Humboldt County District Attorney that had charged them with fraud, is also posed. With a link to "Red Collar Crime" that is documenting the "political fallout" when criminal charges are filed against a corporation. at
The American assassination of John Lennon by CIA and the White House. (tags)
Bcc to Buckingham Palace. (To Bcc or not to Bcc. That is the question...)
Revisions to Army Field Manual (Interrogation) (tags)
Interrogation techniques permitted for use as authorized by the Congress and the President of the United States (H.R. 6166).
Drug Industry Is Being Deregulated (tags)
Are you in favor of deregulating the Drug Industry?
Reenact Rev Billy's Crime Against Starbucks (tags)
Well, Reverend Billy finally got put on Los Angeles no less. So, while he's stuck in court, throw on a collar and white blazer, slick your hair back, and rise up as part of the Reverend Billy Mutant Clone Army of Oddness.