fix articles 102170, lest we forget
Lest We Forget: The Martyrs of Martial Law in the Philippines (tags)
The Kilusang Dekada 70 (KD70) commemorates the 26th death anniversary and the assassination of Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr on August 21, 1983. Aquino’s martyrdom gains special significance today, August 21 because of two reasons: First, the assassination was not solved though everybody knows who is the mastermind and second because of the rampant abuse of power and corruption under the present US-Arroyo administration. Senator Aquino even during the days before martial law opposed the abuse of power under the US-Marcos dictatorship regime that does not respect democratic rights and treats itself as above the law. His martyrdom gains special significance today as we fight the US- Arroyo regime with a track record of abusing power and dispensing public funds without any concern for accountability.