fix articles 101866, den
Da es in der Vergangenheit vermehrt zu Unklarheiten über das Verhältnis des OAT Köln zum Antifaschistischen Aufbau Köln/Brühl kam möchten wir in diesem Statement unsere Position zur Täterschutzthematik und zur Zusammenarbeit mit dem Antifaschistischen Aufbau erklären.
Angriff auf Kameras in Köln Kalk (tags)
Angriff auf die neu installierten Kameras in Köln Kalk
10 Strategies of Manipulation Revisited (tags)
Sylvain Timsit shows how society is influenced and what information is deemed relevant.
Detroit - Es gibt keine Bombe (tags)
Am 25. Dezember 2009 wurde der 23-jährige Nigerianer Umar Faruk Abdulmutallab auf dem Detroit Metropolitian Airport in Romulus, USA festgenommen. Umar Faruk Abdulmutallab reiste mit dem Flug 253 der "Northwest Airlines" von Amsterdam, Niederlande in die USA. Während des Fluges entzündete Umar Faruk Abdulmutallab sich selbst, dieses Entzünden empfanden die mitreisenden Passagiere als Bedrohung, überwältigte Umar Faruk Abdulmutallab und löschten ihn hierbei.
The Pharaoh's Den has been temporarily closed down. (tags)
By illegal Israeli settlements
Olmert to be brought before International Criminal Court. (tags)
In Den Hague.
Fountainhead: XXI Black International Cinema Berlin Germany, St. Louis Mo. 2006! (tags)
Overview of an international, intercultural film festival presentation at the St. Louis Art Museum & Berlin Germany 2006!
Fountainhead: XXI Black International Cinema Berlin Germany, St. Louis Mo. 2006! (tags)
Overview of an international, intercultural organization based in Berlin Germany producing: annual film festival, cinema distribution, weekly television program, publishing, dance theatre.
massacre in brazil:call to action 3/4/05 (tags)
There was a massacre during an eviction of a huge urban squatting encampment in Goiania, Brazil on Feb16th. Over 12,000 people were evicted. No one is sure how many killed and disappeared. The squatters have called for an international day of action this Friday, March 4th. Stand up and show your solidarity with the poorest people of the americas. (call in english,spanish,portugese,swedish) --=-- Consulate General of Brazil 8484 Wilshire Boulevard, Suites 711-730 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-651-2664 tel. 323-651-1274 fax Website: E-mail:
Actiondays "No to the war on iraq" (tags)
Woldwide actiondays against war will be at 14. 15. and 16. march 2003. The organisations of peace hope that the war against Iraq will never be reality, but they take precontions for a day X – the day of a possible attac against iraq. Then there will be actions against the war all over the world from 17 to 19 a clock.
Germans consider Bush more dangerous than Saddam (tags)
Bush is considered more dangerous to world peace than Saddam, according to a recent poll of German citizens.
Latuff: persona-non-grata in German-spoken IMCs (tags)
I'm honoured to be a frequent contributor for many Independent Media Centers, but did you ask yourself why my posts are usually hidden and alleged to be anti-Semitic by German-spoken IMCs? Norman G. Finkelstein can explain it to us (in English and German).