fix articles 101588, fetzer
Remembering Jack Kennedy (tags)
Paul Wellstone: Tenth Anniversary of His Assassination (tags)
Is The Oregon Truth Alliance "grassroots" or "astroturf"? (tags)
When I first wrote this, I had no idea how close my suspicions might be. Since, I've been told by friends that none other than Nico Haupt has been posting his hysterial guesses about my identity, less than a day later, at his blog: Mind, not too long ago, they were all certain I was a fat, cigar chomping, FBI agent, so go figure. From a bloke who believes no planes hit the towers on 9/11, this wackiness is to be expected. The "Judy Wood-space beam" crowd will swallow it of course, but the rest of us know better. The desparate attempt to scare me--pathetic that it is- does confirm my research below is not far off the mark, chums...
The BBC Joins The Ranks Of The Untrustworthy United States Media (tags)
With the airing on BBC2 of “911: The Conspiracy Files,” one must ask the question will the BBC be joining the United States mainstream media in its failure to provide “truth in reporting?” Several of the guest make excellent points that seem to be completely disregarded by the producers of this program. There were many questions that could have been asked and observations that could have been made. In the end, however, we were left with more questions than answers.
Experts Call for Release of 9/11 Evidence (tags)
(PRWEB) - Duluth, MN (PRWEB) March 1, 2006 -- A society of experts and scholars has now joined with Judicial Watch in calling for release of videos that are being held by the Department of Defense, which are essential to understanding events at the Pentagon that transpired on September 11, 2001. Scholars for 9/11 Truth, which is dedicated to exposing falsehoods and establishing truths about the events of 9/11, has gone beyond Judicial Watch by calling for the release of other films and evidence that, its officers maintain, are essential to understanding 9/11.
Cheney Threatened Wellstone (tags)
At least, Cheney keeps his promises.