fix articles 101357, national charter
Israel Palestinian Facts up to 1993 (tags)
Israel Arabs applies to Paltinians that did not leave the lands controlled by Israel after the 1948 war. At the time of the 1st census this amount was 156,000 Israel Arabs in November 1948 18 % of the population that rose to 973,000 in 1993
Abbas Intends Extending Sham Peace Talks (tags)
Arab League Pro-Western Despots (tags)
The “Cloud” over Dick Cheney Just Got Darker! (tags)
Lewis “Scooter” Libby is a dark cloud hanging over the head of Dick Cheney. The Special Prosecutor is convinced that Libby lied to protect his boss, the V.P., re: Joe Wilson/Valeri Plame smear. This dark cloud, coupled with the “Nightmare” of impeachment, is Cheney’s new reality. Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), et al, via H Res 333, intend to bring Cheney to Justice. It’s time for Rep. John Conyers of the Judiciary Committee to issue the subpoenas.