fix articles 101238, sheriff arpaio
Sheriff Joe guilty of profiling Mexicans (tags)
Arizona's racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio found guilty of profiling Mexicans and Latinos
Sheriff Arpaio’s Police State of Arizona under fire in U.S. 9th Cir. Court (tags)
Arpaio’s thugs take the Arizona police state to a new, very criminal, high.
Sheriff Arpaio and Cronies Exposed in Federal Court (tags)
The criminal conduct of Arpaio Exposed
Arizona Invites More Gabby Giffords Style Murder/Violence (tags)
Arizona and Sheriff Arpaio are actively protecting a friend of the Sheriff who has threatened to 'wipe out' a family in AZ and to 'kill' an AZ woman.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Corruption, Profiling and Abuse of Power (tags)
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Corruption, Profiling and Abuse of Power Read the text of the below breakfast meeting that appears to be a custom of Sheriff Arpaio. He uses these breakfasts to target his political enemies.
The Best Immigration Law is No Law at All (tags)
The Best Immigration Law is No Law at All