fix articles 101224, organ pipe cactus national monument
An easy place to sneak into the USA from Mexico (tags)
Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area and easy place to sneak into the USA from Mexico. It is neare the Arizona and California border on the California side
New fences protecting fragile areas on border (tags)
From the photos in the Arizona Republic printed article it looks like it would take at most a couple of minutes to cut down the barriers with an actylene cutting torch. They are just saw horse barriers made of railroad tracks which could be cut down and removed in just a few minutes.
A much healthier way to sneak into the USA (tags)
Some Mexican migrants take to bicycling into U.S.
Minuteman leader has troubled past (tags)
Minuteman leader Chris Simcox paints himself as a heroic guardian of national security. Those close to him see him differently.