fix articles 101206, but chavez
Macho Men and State Capitalism - Is Another World Possible? (tags)
* Latin America is boiling with revolutionary potential these days that could redefine economics, politics and social relations. But sometimos things aren't always as they seem. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is widely seen to be at the center of Latin America's transformation by building a regional trade bloc through the creation of ALBA and Venezuela's membership in Mercosur to oppose U.S. dominance and its constant push for free trade agreements with Latin American governments.
Cesar Chavez Day: Walk for Dignity (tags)
The Xispas website and blog is the place to learn about Xicano culture, art, and politics. We deal with history, indigenous traditions, books, opinions, and social criticism. In this newsblast, we offer some people's history and opportunity for community action. Con solidaridad - Xispas staff
Why Venezuela has Voted Again for Their 'Negro e Indio' President (tags)
Baltimore Chronicle Monday, August 16, 2004 There's so much BS and baloney thrown around about Venezuela that I may be violating some rule of US journalism by providing some facts. Let's begin with this: 77% of Venezuela's farmland is owned by 3% of the population, the 'hacendados.'
Encounters with Hugo Chavez (tags)
Solidarity with Venezuela
A conversation on how Venezuelan anarchists view the Chavez crisis with a libertarian comrade of the CRA (ComisiĆ³n de Relaciones Anarquistas / Commission of Anarchist Relationships) of Venezuela on "Canarias Libertaria" on december 10, 2002.
Venezuelan Crisis: Rich protesters against Socialist Chavez (tags)
As the international media ignores the perturbations in Venezuela, Chavez delivers speech at World Social Forum in Porto Allegre recounting the crisis situation in Venezuela caused by the wealthy, upper-class syndicates and their oppostion to nationalized petroleum and other proposed leftist-Chavezian laws projects