fix articles 101203, pdvsa
Washington's War on Chavez (tags)
Bush and ExxonMobil v. Chavez (tags)
The latest salvo in Bush v. Chavez.
Venezuelan Crisis: Rich protesters against Socialist Chavez (tags)
As the international media ignores the perturbations in Venezuela, Chavez delivers speech at World Social Forum in Porto Allegre recounting the crisis situation in Venezuela caused by the wealthy, upper-class syndicates and their oppostion to nationalized petroleum and other proposed leftist-Chavezian laws projects
Coup-making in Venezuela: the Bush and oil factors (tags)
As efforts to overthrow Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez intensify, two facts are inescapable: the power elite in the United States has never been happy with democratically-elected Chávez, but it took the Bush administration, with its corporate oil and energy connections, to turn up the heat against him.