fix articles 10120, machine Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : machine


Instrumental Reason and Left Politics (tags)

In the neoliberal variant of capitalism, postmodern pluralism dominates and with it a reason that is no longer trusted to understand the whole.. For instrumental reason, the actual world is always the best of all possible worlds since the question of a better world cannot arise in it. No problem arises that makes another, not yet existing world necessary or desirable.

The machine is broken (tags)

Corporations are also using their profits to repurchase their own shares (thereby boosting stock indices to record levels), to finance mergers and acquisitions (which increase concentration, but not investment, and often involve cutting jobs)...

The machine is broken (tags)

The presumption of mainstream economists and business journalists (as well as political and economic elites) is that the capitalist machine is the only possible one, and that it will work. Except it’s not: corporate profits have been growing (the red line in the chart above) but investment has been falling.

Nation's Largest Voting Machine Co., ESS, Admits Lying Re Having Installed Remote Control (tags)

Election Systems And Software controls statewide voting machine systems in 18 states, 13 of which are GOP dominated.

As Trump consolidates his power, the history of 1930s Germany repeats itself (tags)

Compromises, concessions, and countermeasures are necessary in America after the budget attacks on the poor, seniors, the disabled, students and chidlren.

The Digitalization of Labor (tags)

Robots and algorithms are ready to automate many activities like the manufacturing robot Baxter... John Maynard Keynes dreamt of a future in which the work week of his grandchidren would by only 15 hours.

The GOP Plan To Steal The Ohio And National Elections (tags)

This writer has left the duopoly of the Republican and Democratic 2 headed monster because there is not a single antiwar candidate among the remaining 11, and will vote for a third party candidate.. most probably a Libertarian, Green or Socialist candidate.

GOP Vote Fraud In OH, KY, VA, FL, AZ, CO, NV, MN, NH And Elsewhere (tags)

In the November 2015 elections, Ohio Republican vote fraud robbed Ohioans of their ratification of pot decriminalization In Kentucky a fraudulently elected Republican was installed in the governor's chair

Occupation and Persecution: The Sole Cause of Violence in Palestine (tags)


The Anti-Russian Lying Machine in Action (tags)


"The Great Transformation Has Begun" (tags)

The core of this system, its over-arching law, is the endless accumulation of capital. That is its main goal to which everything else is subordinated. Persons and nature are used to make more money out of money. Therefore we are degraded to little wheels in this machine.

Washington Wants Irs Big Lying Machine Revved Up (tags)


Blessed Are the Peacemakers (tags)


Election Fraud Litan (tags)

There are hundreds if not thousands of varieties of election fraud with tens of millions of individual incidents.

Lon Snowden's letter to President Obama (tags)

Dear Mr. President: You are acutely aware that the history of liberty is a history of civil disobedience to unjust laws or practices. As Edmund Burke sermonized, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

California’s vigilante police justice: Trial by machine gun (tags)

In California, there is a new kind of justice. Forget the Sixth Amendment's right to trial. It no longer applies. Instead of an attorney, get a bullet-proof vest, Today's cops are armed with machine guns and innocence no longer matters.

MTA LOCKS OUT many with tap robotized machines and Inadequate Tools for LA PUBLIC rail use (tags)

Tap machines set by MTA in rail stations have confusing & frustrating too little info and options. Sr. rates not shown or flick off, Tap card only good for 1 day, has fixed $$$ amts to add fares, LACK OF any real ASSISTANCE or clarity in how to use them plastic cards - so have we turned into robotized plastic obedients who overpay, cant communicate with metal machines, and are Tapped OUT of metro-rail use ? NOT in big LA, but it is ! Someone fix it quick or we'll be locked out of our humanity and intelligent responsiveness and responsibilities too. Tap cards are not a helpful solution required to transport in LA - MTA listen up ! .... but have they ever ?

Karl Rove, Netanyahu and Islamic Uprisings (tags)

The hate machine, lie machine, and the money machine are all on full blast with intent to kill any chance progressives and liberals have standing—especially President Obama and some Senators. The Republican strategy has been to deny, ignore, deceive, and attack. What is also becoming known, since there is now no other viable alternative candidate in Ron Paul, is that the Romney/ Ryan team will likely be a huge disaster in the making for a majority of Americans. So despite what well seems like another stolen election in the making, such as with disenfranchising voters with new State laws, alienated, apathetic, disappointed, disheartened, angry, resentful, confused, Americans, and all independent minds must get out and vote in huge numbers this election—because this election still deeply matters.

Enter Karl Rove—Need One Say More? (tags)

The hate machine, and lie machine, and the money machine is on full blast with intent to kill any chance liberals have standing—especially Obama. The President had better find a fighter within himself because he is being challenged in a awfully big way. Americans are angry across the divide. “Many” republicans are angry as well. They know that Mitt Romney did not truly win the nomination. Rather they well realize he was foisted on the party by the sophisticated propaganda machine, the mainstream media and people like Karl Rove and billionaire donors like Sheldon Adelson. We Americans need to be reminded, again and again, in loud and bold terms, of Karl Rove’s last protégé. Another disaster in the making, with Rove’s knack for choosing people who don’t understand moral ethics, despite rhetoric to the contrary. “Karl Rove Is Back With HIS New Choice*!*!*” ought be the clarion call for today’s Paul Revere. Which brings us to an important question, if lying to the public like a psychopath, were the criteria to judge those who work in the capital who would be left standing? Certainly not Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan?

Occupy the Machine- Together we can halt the destruction of our only home (tags)

Our planet is dying, and there is no mistaking the cause... Industrial civilization must me confronted as the machine of death that it truly is. The Occupy Movement has the makings of a revolutionary struggle, but it will only succeed if we can properly align our actions with an honest assessment of the predicament we face.

Stop the Machine! Create a New World! (tags)

A Call to Action - Oct. 6, 2011 and onward October 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. It is time to light the spark that sets off a true democratic, nonviolent transition to a world in which people are freed to create just and sustainable solutions.

Oct 6 DC Stop the War Machine & Create A New World (tags)

October 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. It is time to light the spark that sets off a true democratic, nonviolent transition to a world in which people are freed to create just and sustainable solutions. As Mother Jones said, "Someday the workers will take possession of your city hall, and when we do, no child will be sacrificed on the altar of profit!."

No Machine (tags)

Eve of May Day 2010 The Second American Revolution Has Begun (tags)

April 30, 2010, the eve of May Day, is Victory in Vietnam Day, 35 years ago, when the little people in black pajamas defeated the mightiest death machine the world had seen since Nazi Germany, the United States. The American death machine is now poisoning the earth worldwide and can only be stopped by a united workingclass ready to eliminate the profit motive that is the cause of war. That struggle has begun in the US in the form of the fight for public school education as we cannot have guns and butter.

The UC8 Reporter: A Personal Account of Police Abuse of Power Against a Free Press (tags)

It's hard to know where to start. I'm not used to writing stories about myself. Usually, I am the one sharing news about other people through recordings and words. I cover events and publish reports to Indybay. I often report on street demonstrations, some more rowdy than others. And while I recognize the privilege my skin-tone grants me in our society and that I have not taken the types of risks war reporters do, I know enough from having seen what's happened to other journalists over the years that I am not immune from abuses by law enforcement authorities.

PIRATiPad (tags)

Steve Jobs are fucked!

March 21 Protest: Veterans to Lead Dramatic Actions in LA (tags)

Mass Protest on the 6th Anniversary of the Iraq War This Saturday, 12 noon Hollywood & Vine, Los Angeles

Jan 1 Westwood march/Rally for Palestine (tags)

More than 10,000 protestors marched on Westwood, Los Angeles in a big show of solidarity and support for Palestine and the besieged people of Gaza. At the van of the march were Palestinian flag draped coffins symbolizes the death and destruction in Gaza wrought by US-Israel war machine. They were followed by a sea of Palestinian red and green flags that symbolizes resistance and defiance of the US-israel war machine.

Sen. Obama Beat the Political Machine in Maryland (tags)

Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) gave Sen. Hillary Clinton a decisive thrashing in Maryland’s primary election on Feb. 12, 2008. He beat her by about 180,000 votes. Despite Clinton having the state’s senior U.S. Senator, Barbara Mikulski, in her corner, along with its governor, Martin O’Malley, and also the party’s entire political machine, Obama won by a 60% to 37% margin. David Lindorff is right: “Obama...may be creating...a constituency for real change.”

British artificial intelligence expert, 84, and leading geneticist, 80, die in car crash (tags)

LONDON: British artificial intelligence expert, Donald Michie, and his ex-wife, leading geneticist Dame Anne McLaren, have died in a car crash, their son said Sunday.

Audience Pepper Sprayed during Rage Against Machine Concert (tags)

On Saturday, Aug. 11, during the last performance of the night of the all-day Rock the Bells hip hop concert at the Hyundai Pavillion in San Bernadino, the audience was pepper sprayed as Rage Against the Machine played their encore. Luckily, the audience did not become overly panicked, as this might have caused many injuries as audience members hurriedly escaped from the venue, coughing and confused.

Feb 2-4: Gathering for "Barricade the War Machine" Actions (tags)

From Feb 2-4 Pittsburgh anti-war activists will host a weekend-long gathering to provide information and a forum for dialogue about direct action protests taking place in Pittsburgh on March 2. It is also intended to include social time for movement building and creating personal and organizational relationships.

Feb 2-4: Gathering for "Barricade the War Machine" Actions (tags)

From Feb 2-4 Pittsburgh anti-war activists will host a weekend-long gathering to provide information and a forum for dialogue about direct action protests taking place in Pittsburgh on March 2. It is also intended to include social time for movement building and creating personal and organizational relationships.

Barricade the War Machine in Pittsburgh (tags)

Friday, March 2, will be a day of civil disobedience and direct action against the war machine in Pittsburgh. The main action will be an attempt to barricade the National Robotics Engineering Center, a branch of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) that develops robotic vehicles and weapons delivery systems for the U.S. Army and Marines.

Big Brother and the Matrix (tags)

Without their will, people become instruments of the machine..The matrix does more than Big Brother.. the matrix is where Big Brother wants to be but cannot be - in the heads of people.

The Marla Ruzicka Story -- The *Real* Story (tags)

No one who was a threat -- let alone any real threat -- to the U.S. imperialist war machine would ever be gushingly and pervasively celebrated by it, the Congress, the President and the military, no less, and the political establishment's corporate media. Marla Ruzicka -- even posing for pictures on top of tanks and in group hugs with gun-posing American soldiers, let alone using the war and exploiting the misery of the Iraqi people to parlay that into a hoped-for lucrative cushy position inside the Pentagon or State Department, feathering her nest and her new career with military-industrial complex money (yet still a pittance of that spent on the bombs of war) -- served as a willing PR front for that machine. Furthermore, she was willing to collect and *give* that information directly to the US *military*, providing it with, in effect, valuable intelligence on the Iraqi people (how many males and females of which ages, including possible fighting age, in each family, and what their resources and professional/community positions were, perhaps a community critic of the US war, maybe an intellectual, a journalist, a teacher, or a doctor/nurse who could patch up Iraqi wounded resistace fighters, and who in each family might have gotten shot -- perhaps a resistance member? -- by the US military) under the guise of humanitarian relief. Here is what progressive journalist Christian Parenti had to say about the darling of the U.S. imperialist military machine:

How to hack a diebold machine: princeton experts show u how (tags)

A demonstration video showing how easy it is to hack a Diebiold voting machine .

Computerization of voting in Brazil (tags)

I will present a summary of the computerization of voting in Brazil, but before that, it's necessary to explain some characteristics of the organization of the electoral power so that it can be understood, because some things happened that could lead to misunderstanding.

Robert Stewart again gets screwed by the courts in his machine gun case (tags)

A federal appeals court in San Francisco on Friday reversed its earlier decision concerning homemade machine guns, basing its new opinion on a U.S. Supreme Court medical marijuana ruling

Art of War : The Electronic Age (tags)

Diebold Electronic Voting Machines


CNN’s 24 / 7 propaganda machine is defeating your efforts. Take action: Call your cable provider and tell them to carry the Al Jazeera Channel on basic cable.

Someone Accessed 40 Palm Beach County Voting Machines Nov 2004 (tags)

The internal logs of at least 40 Sequoia touch-screen voting machines reveal that votes were time and date-stamped as cast two weeks before the election, sometimes in the middle of the night.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/22/06) (tags)

Drug prices rise under Medicare plan

Videoclip: Anti McDonalds cartoons and Rage Against the Machine (tags)

Copyleft artworks by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff. "Bulls on Parade" by Rage Against The Machine.

U.S. Government Report confirms Key 2004 Stolen Election Findings (tags)

As a legal noose appears to be tightening around the Bush/Cheney/Rove inner circle, a shocking government report shows the floor under the legitimacy of their alleged election to the White House is crumbling.

Voting Machine Security for Diebold, not voter (tags)

Posted: 12/17/2005 3:05:19 PM Author: Arlin Briley

GAO Report CONFIRMS Stolen 2004 Presidential Election (tags)

The latest critical confirmation of key indicators that the election of 2004 was stolen comes in an extremely powerful, penetrating report from the Government Accountability Office that has gotten virtually no mainstream media coverage. The GAO findings are particularly damning when set in the context of an election run in Ohio by a Secretary of State simultaneously working as co-chair of the Bush-Cheney campaign. Far from what election theft skeptics have long asserted, the GAO findings confirm that the electronic network on which 800,000 Ohio votes were cast was vulnerable enough to allow a a tiny handful of operatives -- or less -- to turn the whole vote count using personal computers operating on relatively simple software.

U.S. Imperialism Creates "Hispanic Recruiting Market" for Desperate War Machine (tags)

The unexpected resistance in Iraq has not only led to a hollow “mission accomplished” but also presents a serious obstacle for keeping adequate numbers of soldiers available for the U. S. imperial war machine

zapatista night RIVERSIDE (tags)


Demonocracy Phantom (tags)

A top investigative story by M.A.Hussain

The world-renowned investigative journalist Mr. M.A.Hussian reports on a clandestine American virtual machine code named “Demonocracy Phantom”, master minded by a special wing of C.I.A namely SOSO (Special officer’s Secret Operations). The phantom is the brainchild of the best of “the American brains”. However the investigation reveals that “the best American brains” is actually “the brain drain” of other nations who have served phantom for whole of their lives. The investigation also says that the rumour that most of the Americans are idiots and morally bankrupt does not seem to be untrue. Here is the report:

Don't Do Business With Computers N.L.A. (tags)

I took my machine to Computers N.L.A. A guy named Ned took my machine and promised to remove the viruses preventing me from using IE.

Rep. Conyers to Challenge Stolen Ohio Election on Thursday (tags)

Offering up a report that provides damning and hard-to-refute evidence that Ohio’s election was deliberately stolen for President Bush, Michigan Rep. John Conyers plans to call for Congress to reject the Ohio electors allegedly chosen by Ohio voters.

Ohio Election Fraud Reports Mounting (tags)

author: Steve Rosenfeld, Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman The bitter battle over the stolen November 2 election in Ohio has turned into a rapidly escalating all-out multi-front war with the outcome of the real presidential vote count increasingly in doubt.

Surveillance Alert!!! (tags)

Want to know exactly what you are up against with the new corporate government surveillance technologies and mind f**ks?

New World Disorder Issue Three Now Online! (tags)

The furthest fringes of the culture - in its obscure webpages, zines, and samizdat publications, eerie shortwave and streaming audio radio voices that sound like they're coming from the other side (or maybe just a trailer in Lawrence, Kansas) - and the memes they contain, can be used a magic mirror, a shewstone, Delphic vapors where the future can be divined, where the cultural matrix you will find yourself in the future can be glimpsed now.

Ending Our Oil Addiction (tags)

(There Was Much Wailing And Gnashing Of Teeth)

Machine Gun In The Clown's Hand: Jello In London (tags)

A review of Jello Biafra's most recent London performance in support of his latest spoken word recording.

Gen Kimmit confirms he is a rat bastard (tags)

"One could say, yes, it is true that out in the desert you need to have a rifle to protect yourself against Ali Baba but the necessity for rocket-propelled launchers, rocket launchers in the bottom, special machine guns may be a little much for Ali Baba out there."

For English, please press '1' (tags)



THOMAS KEENE leaked to stall for time and their off, and Bush has an attorney and she changed her story ever since 911 and they showed Cheney's face as she started talking faster and he is criminaly insane and has the right to remain silent all on MEET THE PRESS on CNBC and the time here is 9:34.

collect evidence in streets today if police riot (tags)

For today's protests, make sure to collect the spent evidence of police riot materials afterwards. Take pictures of cops without name tags. Dress as Santa. Take fake babies to the front lines...

WE QUIT:Response to US Empire (tags)

How do we chant down Babylon system of oppression? End corporate imperialist US empire global domination?

Ohio Blocks Electronic Voting! (tags)

Electronic voting news from all over.


Machine Tools Manufacturers produce what Economists refer to as "Producer Goods" meaning that they produce the goods that manufacturers purchase to produce their goods. If Machine Tool Sales are going down the toilet that means the Manufacturing Sector, and associated jobs, are already dead. Care for a nice Slave Collar? Cheap.

LA FreeCycling - Join the recyling revolution (tags)

The LA Freecycle Network is open to all cities and to all individuals who want to "recycle" that special something rather than throw it away. Whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door, feel free to post it. Or maybe you're looking to acquire something yourself! One constraint: everything posted must be free. And, as Abe Lincoln once said, "Think globally, recycle locally."


"Think globally, recycle locally." Freecycle Network is open to all individuals who want to "recycle" that special something rather than throw it away. Whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door, feel free to post it. Or maybe you're looking to acquire something yourself! One constraint: everything posted must be free.

Israel To Raze With Robot Bulldozers (made usa) (tags)

Describing a day of field trials, a Technion statement quoted an Israeli army officer as asserting the thousands of dollars invested in each machine would save lives. "Today the bulldozer drivers are exposed to great danger when they knock down buildings that have militants hiding in them," the statement quoted the officer as saying.

Defend your Right to Honest Voting! (tags)

Many states are installing voting machines that allow unprovable, widespread and massive fraud because they do not have a voter-verifiable audit trail. There is a bill in the House to fix this: HR 2239. We need to get it passed.

Sherman Austin Benefit Show this Friday Aug 29! (tags)


Benefit show 4 Sherman Austin w/ Zack De La Rocha THIS FRIDAY!!! (tags)






Sherman Austin Benefit show w/ Guest Zack De La Rocha Fri Aug 29 @ Che Cafe (tags)


Benefit show 4 Sherman Austin, special guest ZACK DE LA ROCHA on FRIDAY AUG 29 (tags)


Sherman Austin Benefit show w/ Zack De La Rocha FRI. AUG 29 @ Che Cafe! (tags)









BENEFIT SHOW 4 SHERMAN, SPECIAL GUEST ZACK DE LA ROCHA - FRI AUG 29 @ CHE CAFE (date has been reschedualed from Aug 30 to Aug 29 instead!)





Black Box Voting (Expanded) (tags)

Touch Screen Voting Machines with no Auditable Trail and no way to confirm the accuracy of the Vote are a really great way to steal an election. You need to know about this and how to fight it. If you wish to live in a country with honest elections that is.

Libertarian Militia leader claims he was just preparing for WWIII (tags)

The Libertarian Party of Oklahoma posted Hertzog's letter stating that he would come out of prison "bigger, badder and better" than when he went in. The militia leader admitted to having machine guns, explosive devices and counter-surveillance equipment.

Will Your Vote Be Counted in 2004? (tags)

It does not matter if you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Green or Libertarian. Voting and how your vote is counted in the next election may not be to your liking.

Class Action Lawsuit: D2KLA-Rage Against The Machine Concert, August 2000 (tags)

Seeking plaintiffs who fit the description of the class described at Class-action lawsuit against the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) for force used during the Democratic National Convention, on August 14, 2000, after the Rage Against the Machine concert. Sign up before the end of June!

Capitalism: A Very Special Delirium (tags)

Capitalism: A Very Special Delirium an interview with Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in: "Chaosophy", ed. Sylvere Lothringer, Autonomedia/Semiotexte 1995 with permission by the publishers

test (tags)


Capitalism : A very special delusion~G. DeLeuze (tags)

Capitalism: A Very Special Delirium an interview with Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari

Merry Shi'ites rejoice in front of reporters hotel - but what comes next? (tags)

The images of the statue being pulled down will probably become one of the iconic images of this war. Those destroying the statue were Shi'ites who had been kept in poverty and oppressed by Saddam. The protest took place, not coincidentally, right accross the street from the hotel where all the journalists were shacked up. Now we know that the extreme right wing in America has no love for the poor. How much did the CIA pay for that protest, and will it be enough for those impoverished Shi'ites to retire on (Uncle Sam, after all, doesn't do the charity thing)

Matrix is real (tags)

Every human being is body and mind remote controlled by a mega hell matrix computer : Save humanity, destroy it ! (You must be totalunconscious if you don’t take it seriously)

Only the Public Can Stop The White House Warriors (tags)

It appears that the only force that can derail the war machine at this point is American public opinion. The administration will back down only if it fears that by pursuing this conflict it will lose the White House in 2004.

Support Black Autonomous Press (tags)

We would like to thank all those who contributed so quickly to the fund to get up and running the Black Autonomy Press. The BAP has raised over $600.00 so far! But the BAP still needs your help...

Operation Buy Less (tags)

The Resistance calls for the implementation of a gift economy based on service and not purchase.

Go see Bowling for Columbine (tags)

Michael Moore’s latest movie, Bowling for Columbine, is a must-see. Moore does an excellent job of connecting the military-industrial complex, in particular, Lockheed Martin, to the violence in this society, to the same complex’s propaganda machine called “TV News” and to the repeal of welfare, also known as the most vicious, racist, bipartisan (Democrat & Republican) attack on the workingclass of the 1990s, that continues to this date.


It has long been crystal clear that those at the helm of global capital are intent on steering us further into endless war. On the horizon, another mass murder, where the poor and powerless of different nations are ordered to kill each other for the benefit of the elite.

HEY Nikolai in the 323 (tags)

I accidentally deleted your phone message from the IMC answering machine. Please call again, or send an email to

White Will Host Website Shut Down For Terrorism In LA (tags)

Political differences are subsumed by my over-riding hatred of the tactics used by George Bush's and John Ashcroft's budding police state. I have reached agreement to host the website

Rage Against The Machine's Tom Morello at Dec. 7 Taco Bell Boycott Benefit (tags)

Tom Morello of Rage Against The Machine will be at this event! Come early if you want to see him! And check out all the cool local artists who don't have the benefit of major commercial promotion, but still have very important things to say. Support Taco Bell's underpaid tomato pickers -- honor the hands that harvest the food you eat!

Tom Morello from Rage AGainst the Machine at Taco Bell Benefit show THIS FRIDAY (tags)


American Propaganda Machine Engages in Information Warfare... News @....... (tags)

Sorry for last post, this is the correct post.

the ongoing propaganda machine (tags)

News, views and more propaganda from the machine.



The "Eco-Terrorist" Propaganda Machine (tags)

The "Eco-Terrorist" propaganda machine: reflections on [in]accuracy, bias, and propaganda in corporate media.

COUP WATCH: Voting Machine Clones Fingered For Problems In Palm Beach (tags)

Of 5,000 voting machines in Palm Beach County, about 1,000 were newer clones of the Votamatics, called Poll Star. The Sun-Sentinel reports that half the county’s undervotes occured on Poll Star machines, even though they recorded just one-third of the votes.

Protest Concert Rage Against the Machine 8-14 (tags)

Rage Against the Machine Concert, official protest zone Staples Center 8-14-00.

Protest Concert Rage Against the Machine 8-14 (tags)

Rage against the Machine performance


The latest fashion wear for demonstrations!

Rage Against The Machine Live at Opening D2k Rally: "Guerrilla Radio" (tags)

Live footage of Rage Against The Machine playing at the opening day of the D2k march and rally.

Rage Against the Machine (tags)

Zach de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine

Finger at the Machine (tags)

The kids who came to see Rage Against the Machine play outside the DNC may not have the most clearly articulated ideology, but they do have opinions about the two-party system.

The death machine puppet(s) (picture) (tags)

The "hand of corporate control" and it's BushGore death machine in the march for Mumia, Aug 13.

Rage Against The Machine to play free gig as clinton sqauks (tags)

Rage Against The Machine will play a free concert to kick off the Battle of Los Angeles

e'mail Lynne Abraham (tags)

work from within

e'mail Lynne Abraham (tags)

work from within

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