fix articles 100858, grace aaron committee
KPFK Talk Show Host Lila Garrett Used Air Time to Propagandize Slate Mailer Faction (tags)
Controversial KPFK Talk Show Host Lila Garrett praised and claimed major KPFK progress by the slate mailer Local Station Board faction. Faction opponents disagree and dispute the propriety of her using air time to promote faction candidates.
While Suppresing Voices from UCLA ISSE Students, Jim Lafferty States Their Message Well (tags)
Suppressing Voices from UCLA International Students for Social Equality (ISSE) Students on the Station Listener Web Forum, KPFK General Manager Jim Lafferty Nonetheless Articulates Their Message Well.
Grace Aaron Committee to Strengthen KPFK Run Station Board Shuts Down Web User Forums (tags)
The new Grace Aaron/Ian Masters Local Station Board slate candidates have moved to strengthen their control over the station by eliminating a source of listener criticism.