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munich security conference

Regaining peacekeeping capabiities (tags)

The war could have been settled by the end of March 2022 if the USA had joined in. The question is who is the aggressor here. Vladimir Putin crossed a red line with the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. NATO and the United States under Barack Obama crossed a red line with the Maidan coup they staged in 2014, and even before that with NATO's eastward expansion.

The military will not solve a single problem (tags)

Solidarity could also be understood and implemented differently: as a concept that reduces violence and aims at protecting human lives in concrete terms. This includes not only refugee aid, humanitarian aid & all conceivable diplomacy. It is also important to examine whether social resistance measures planned for the short term make sense in this highly escalated situation.

Climate strike: How elites have been fighting Generation Alarm for five years (tags)

Some activists are later sentenced to pay millions in damages, others have to spend months in prison for their civil disobedience. In the Bild newspaper, RWE boss Rolf Martin Schmitz calls them "eco-terrorists." But neither heat, nor summer drought, nor coal protests led the politicians to ask questions about the climate.

De-escalartion instead of war of attrition (tags)

The call for negotiations alone is no longer enough. In a situation in which parts of the Western alliance are struggling to find ways out of the war & at the same time more & more heavy weapons are being supplied for a war that will last for years, the social left should campaign more strongly than before for "mutual de-escalation" & security guarantees, for European independence

Loss of reality and bellicism (tags)

Ukraine is "worn out" here while it is supposed to fight a proxy war "until the last Ukrainian" and is equipped for this with weapons, ammunition, financial means, etc.... None of this is even remotely realistic.

The war must be ended as soon as possible (tags)

From the Western side, Russia, as a collapsed superpower, was not really taken seriously from the beginning. Symptomatic is the statement, repeated to this day, that "we", the West, won the Cold War. A Cold War is only really over when both sides can feel like winners.

Four taboo truths about the Ukraine war (tags)

Like every war in history, the Ukrainian war has a prehistory that does not begin with Russia's invasion of the neighboring country nearly a year ago, or even in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Second, the war has an immense potential for escalation.

The final system question Parts 1 and 2 (tags)

The enrichment elites of the West in particular have been trying for decades to extend their influence to the whole world. That is their declared concept. The worldwide "final victory" has been part of capitalism and imperialism from the very beginning.

Russia's war against Ukraine and What are the war aims? (tags)

Erich Vad is an ex-brigade general. From 2006 to 2013, he was the military policy advisor to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He is one of the rare voices who spoke out publicly against arms deliveries to Ukraine early on, without political strategy or diplomatic efforts.

War in Ukraine. Nato taboos fall (tags)

This military-scientific glorification of a war that has long been hopeless for both sides, which is also supported by some media, leads to the postulation of the prospect of victory against one's better judgment. What is meant, however, is more likely a victorious peace.

Negotiating at last and The Russian-American Friendship (tags)

Russia's war is a response to NATO's eastward expansion, long criticized by the peace movement,and to Western policies of rearmament and confrontation, by which Russia feels existentially threatened. It began as early as the 1990s with the expansion of NATO.

Between two worlds (tags)

Putin is our new tsar, quite simply. I call him an authoritarian modernizer who stands in the balancing act between neoliberalism and monarchist tradition and wants to reorganize the country from this position.

The historic push of East Central Europe into Nato (tags)

What is the end of the war song? It is and was destruction, death, human suffering and traumatized populations. And in our time, in addition, it is the suspension of the necessary global and joint efforts of all nations in the fight against the threat of climate catastrophe.

Address at the Easter march in Berlin (tags)

1), we need to end the war in Ukraine as quickly as possible. The German government should stop adding fuel to the fire. 2): We must prevent "dark eagles" in Europe.3) We must become a broad movement that prevents the rearmament mania in this country.

The real Zelensky (tags)

A possible oil and gas embargo against Russia, for example, will bring the social question to the fore and bring many people to the streets. More and more voices, it is hoped, will then rise up against war and the militarization of our lives.

The ban on violence (tags)

We can only free ourselves from this spiral of violence if we return to the principles of international law and end both the use and the threat of force. For they both pursue the same goal - the subjugation of the adversary.

Shooting resumes in the Donbass civil war (tags)

Not so long ago, Ukraine was committed to neutrality. If Ireland can be neutral, if Austria can be neutral, if Finland can be neutral, then why not Ukraine? After all, this was the official Ukrainian policy until the neo-nationalists came to power in 2014.

Peace policy instead of escalation (tags)

We call on the peace movement and all people interested in peace in Europe to participate in public actions, information booths, vigils, demonstrations and initiatives for these demands. to stop the march into the abyss.

I don't want Russia and China marching arm in arm (tags)

We should also take a step back and look at somewhat longer horizons, not just the moment - the aim must be to win Russia back as a partner. One sentence by Egon Bahr remains true: "Without or against Russia, there will simply be no peaceful future on this continent."

The West and Russia (tags)

Any NATO expansion that moves closer to Russia's borders must appear to Russian nationalists as a threat; to moderate Russians Bertram concludes, "It is therefore either thoughtless or dishonest to declare, as the West does, that NATO enlargement is inevitable."

Against all reason and The Afghan Debacle (tags)

Like the chaotic flight of the U.S. Army from Vietnam in 1975, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 highlights the failure of the geopolitically based "war and nation-building concept" of the U.S. and NATO countries.

On Anti-War Day 2021 (tags)

It is long past time to finally bury the intervention doctrine, which has been marketed under the euphonious title "responsibility to protect"[5] since 2001, and to brand it for what it was from the beginning: a neocolonial project.

The Invention of Reality and the Second Phase (tags)

Being human thus becomes an unsolvable task in the technocratic society... An immense pressure to conform can arise in a technocratic society, since the devaluation of the subjective is accompanied by a suppression of needs, which, when an entire population is affected, leads less to rebelliousness than to social conformity.

Presstitute Pro-War Chorus (tags)


Russian Aggression: The Big Lie Blasted Worldwide Ad Nauseam (tags)


Munich's March to War with Russia (tags)


Obama Shifts Closer to War on Syria (tags)


Militarism in Germany (tags)


Washington and Israel Target Iran (tags)


British government: We wasted millions chasing wrong terrorist threats (tags)

British government's outrageous new "counter-terrorism" measures are receiving a public relations backlash because of their extreme, fascist overtones.

Transatlantic Relations-three paradigms, three urgent changes (tags)

This week's Munich Security Conference offers a platform for transatlantic change. Ulrike Guerot discusses three necessary paradigm shifts.

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